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Posts posted by Alph

  1. It's the loss of the history associated with Derby County that would do it for me. Even hating 99.99% of football there's still that bond to Derby that pulls at you. Even if you haven't watched any match in a year, you still look up to see how Derby are. 

    "It's in your DNA"

    It actually is. 

    You can't name exactly what it is but an important part is how it runs through families and ties generations together. How the past inspires the future. 

    You feel part of something that began almost 140 years ago and feel emotions for events and people that lived and played before you were born etc. 

    Being born again..  I think for some it would feel kind of hollow. Like, it is Derby County, but it isn't. 

    Anybody who's tired of football will lose their interest entirely I think if Derby County as we know it die

  2. Just now, atherstoneram said:

    If somebody is that mad would you want them in charge of the club.

    Nope, but we are in a position now where we are at the mercy of anybody who fancies it. 

    I mean Alonso and his secret society of investors seemed like the road to oblivion at first. 

    Now we're at destination oblivion you can almost find yourself thinking can you buy us please

  3. 2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Unfortunately, due to the failure to submit any accounts to Companies House, nobody except the people ITK can give you the answer to this.

    Think its becoming quite clear why MM never filed any accounts at Companies House and that the EFL charges were a convenient excuse to hide behind.

    Glimmer of hope from @The Scarlet Pimpernel post short lived. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    It shouldn't but I think there is a chance that if it comes off that some of the fan base warm back up to him alongside he gets to reinforce that mental picture that he's built of always doing what's best for the club.

    I think I'd just think "phew".

    You're happy-ish, we're happy-ish and now let's meet up for a beer never again. 

    Even if that's an educated gamble it's still a gamble with something that may be his to gamble with but we all have invested in it. 

    Good luck and goodbye would be the best attitude I think. Let's never talk about this historic mess again. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    As with the players they have to agree to go?

    Always wondered about that. 

    I guess what kind of player would refuse to leave when presented with the "I have to let you go to raise funds" speech. 

    I guess very first place they'll look for assets will obviously be the squad since some players might instantly raise millions and relieve the wage bill. 

    Can you believe the players we paid for that left for feck all? How the hell did we manage to constantly manage to make bad investments on footballers!! 

    Is the academy the only investment that actually paid off? Has it paid off? Please say it has

  6. 10 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Look at our squad, our assets... Rooney is probably the biggest asset the club currently has! Maybe they'll try and sell him? Perhaps he'll try and do a deal with the administrator to keep players as long as possible. Who knows.

    And that's an utterly depressing thought since he's pretty much the only thing anyone can draw strength from right now. 

  7. I mean in the interview to my ears he made it sound as if admin is a good thing for Derby since it will somehow force a buyer to move and then we can go again

    That is literally the most positive way you could view going into admin and the knock on effect it has on people's jobs, businesses and lives. 

    Going into admin doesn't help him sell the club to anyone decent. It puts the vultures on alert. 

    What are we hoping here that Robin Hood thinks I need to pump tens of millions into that club because lifelong Derby fan doesn't want to? 

    Sounds unlikely. 

    What's the best outcome for us? That the EFL relax the fit and proper persons rules and allow Alonso and his shady mates in? Great. 

    Or that out of all the people in the world that have tens and tens of millions in the bank one takes pity on us? 

    It's possible I'm being thick in my conclusion but for a man who gambled a chunk of his personal wealth and lost it seems he's not learned and is now gambling again. But this time the club is on the line. 

    Now I've helped ruin the positives thread ffs

  8. 3 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    Rooney meets the administrators today.

    Not sure if anything good can come from that.

    Assuming they ask him, what players if any can be sold.

    Given the team is already almost to thin on the ground to function, and that Mel would have weighed up is there anyone left I can sell and didn't sell anyone else.

    The team has zero chance of surviving relegation if they sell anyone else and if they sell with the wages they are allowed to pay who could they get on loan, assuming loan players can still be signed.

    If Rooney leaves the club, who would manage the team. If a new manager were brought in at this time, then that means the club is relegated, no new manager I can think of could do what Rooney has been doing with the current team.

    I also think losing Rooney would hugely demoralise the team.

    If the administrators say they are planning to sell Knight, sibley, buchanan, bird.

    Then I think the club has zero chance of avoiding liquidation.

    What price can the club be sold for, without the auditors closing the club.

    I don't think they'll ask his opinion, will they? 

    They'll literally do everything they need to do to keep the club alive. They won't care what league or what the morale. They'll sell Knight, the flat screen tv's, office chairs and pay next to nothing (or nothing) to unsecured creditors to make sure secure creditors get paid? They just do whatever it takes. 

    Be nice if a buyer comes to the rescue but I imagine they'll wait and buy the club when we don't have a pot left to piss in

    Unless somebody wants to part with tens of millions to buy a club that doesn't own its ground or training facilities, has -12 more points and no senior players of any value. Fingers crossed that somebody is that mad. 

  9. Is there anything stopping Mel from using his personal wealth to pay off the unsecured creditors during/after this mess? 

    I'm guessing so

    I just couldn't imagine watching small businesses and sole traders suffer because of me when I have huge personal fortune. 

    If he's truly taken us into admin to push for a buyer and to rid himself of the money sink that DCFC are then it would weigh heavily on his conscience. 

    If he's just decided to wash his hands of the whole thing and wants out with his fortune intact then I guess they're collateral 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    I was working in Norwich when they signed Earnshaw and stayed in the same hotel as him. Bloke drove a Humvee and consistently parked either across a couple of disabled spaces or on the double yellow lines directly outside receptiion (despite there being a huge car park with loads of empty spaces). Seeing him strutting into the hotel, he came across as an arrogant and obnoxious character. I've had no reason to change my view of him in the years since then....

    I find that story hard to believe.

    How could he reach the pedals and see out the window?

  11. 9 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

    If It was the other way around….

    Then we'd be in League 1 because we didn't win enough games on the pitch and Wycombe would be in the Championship getting in trouble for things they did wrong off the pitch

    Wycombe got Wycombe relegated 

    Just like our gamble on our promotion is our burden and not anyone who we failed to beat while they were not playing financially fair 

  12. Earnshaw is so irrelevant I'm surprised his opinion is even recieved publicly. 

    I don't know about Westwood because I can't stay awake whenever golf is menti-Zzz

    Wycombe also crying and while they may have a point about the whole situation being dragged out I think they should also consider the possibility that they got relegated for not getting more points themselves. Maybe sometimes people should focus on themselves more

  13. 13 minutes ago, curb said:

    Losing our ‘young talent’ is the least of our worries, there’s a real danger that there won’t be a club for them to play for.

    That's my worry. 

    I used to go to football for the tribal pride, the enjoyment of the actual sport and a release of tension to just have a good time. 

    Winning enhances that. Losing dampens the spirit. But still whatever the results I'd be there next week loud and proud.

    Really reaching the PL was only really a goal because it meant more wins, more celebrations, more ammo to throw at other fans. It was never about the actual league and higher costs to follow

    I reckon if you still have the football bug then you're going to enjoy all that the PL offers in League 1 or 2 or whatever. 

    It will still be your Derby on the pitch with you in the stands. Does it really matter if the opponents are Man City or Man sfield? 

    The real worry is that the club will be gone or left soulless and you know nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon than watching Premier League scores roll in

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