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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 7 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    I posted on one of the Derby pages on Facebook earlier that there was over 10,000 tickets left for the Reading game   the first reply was "and your point is"


    Are the knob heads completely oblivious to the positive and productive movement others are trying to make?

    Or they just saying controversial stuff on the Internet which is so original and cool

  2. 1 hour ago, Ellafella said:

    As Wayne himself has said, we need to move on from Mel. Technically Mel is history. We need to stay in the present and look to tomorrow. 




    I think getting involved in any sort of grudge match is such a waste of energy and had a chance to lead to somebody taking it too far. 

    Remember the war Blackpool found themselves in with Oystons 

  3. Hey, all this positivity and respect is nice. 

    How come when we're at the other end of the league it's not like this?! ?

    But no, seriously, I get that every Rams fan has considered/feared the worst and that makes you realise a bit more that football players and coaches are real people too! 

  4. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    He claims he has tried to phone him, but no one has answered. He added he rang Morris from the team doctor's phone, to which he picked up." WTF?

    Where is that info from? 

    I know it's from the article but where have they got it from?

    I didn't hear any of that in today's press conference and they haven't quoted it

  5. 2 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Exactly. Not sure what the point of Rooney having a pop at him was . The interview on Radio Derby was maybe a bit cold and unemotional but  nothing Morris said in it struck me as dishonest .

    I think what bothered Rooney is that staff were looking to him for answers and he couldn't give any because nobody had bothered to tell him anything. 

    And Rooney being the guy he is wants to tell these people what they can expect, what might be down the road and what they can prepare for

    I think what he wanted is more honesty and openness. I don't think he means to say that Mel has deceived anyone exactly. Just that he didn't have the best interests of the people at heart. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Is buying stuff out of your own pocket for work that rare?.

    Maybe it's just me but I regularly buy bits & bobs that make my job easier/nicer and don't claim them back

    Probably not rare but not everyone would do it. 

    A lot of people don't need much excuse to look after number one. As we have seen in the pandemic. There's an alarming number of people who will actually take what they don't have rights to if they can get away with it. And they'll have some nonsense reason to justify it. 

    So I think it's nice to see nice things celebrated.

    I know you weren't having a dig though so let's hear it for Sir Wolfie too! ?

  7. He has invested a fortune. 

    No doubt about it Mel Morris put his money where his mouth is and backed Derby to make the Premier League

    Going into admin doesn't change that. Neither does the fact he spent huge amounts of his own money on Derby change the fact that we are now in administration and suffering because of his management 

    As often is the case in the real world people aren't always angels or demons. 

    People have to be mature enough to judge people as they see them and not get caught up in any hysteria. Don't start doing stupid things. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, cosmic said:

    Alan Nixon minutes before tweeted it was an urban myth. I pointed it out to him in a retweet and I got this in return:



    I'm honoured.

    Haha the idiot. 

    Nobody needs a bop on the nose more than someone who can't accept they're wrong

    You were wrong Alan. Take it on the chin. It even happens to wives sometimes

  9. 6 minutes ago, Burton_Ram said:

    Awesome interview yes…

    … but do we have to careful not to upset Mr Morris too much with negative comments and laying into him in public… he does still hold the keys to Pride Park Stadium.

    I quite like the idea of just moving on now and not having any more to say on him. 

    What's done is done and any energy wasted on anger could be better spent elsewhere. 

    He did throw a huge amount of his own fortune at the club but we are where we are because of him. 

    Can't wait to move on

  10. 4 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    You only have to look at fans of other clubs that are absolutely loving it. I guess chairmen are no different, despite how we perceive them.

    Boro and Wycombe serve to benefit if we die as a club, perhaps they want some of our players on the cheap?

    It’s a cut throat business. Gibson isn’t going after Mel anymore, he’s gunning for the club. Same with Wycombe. 

    Reading and hearing what they have to say I can imagine that instead of x rated sites it's the idea of decent folk losing their jobs that is tonight's 'material'

  11. 2 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Many on here will have gone through the same stuff Alpha, not me though. I was dead hard at the age of 15.


    Until I got chased all round a council estate in Leeds for half an hour then realised I was dead scared.?

    Do ever see young lads doing all the bravado thing now and think what little poo he is? He'd soon shut up if anyone went to him!

    Things we forget! 

  12. I remember going to Leicester in my teens. It was one of the first away games I'd gone to without an adult and with a mate. I stupidly had a Le Coq Sportif coat and Leicester had that as a kit manufacturer.

    Typical Derby game and there was some trouble outside the ground. Me and my mate walked straight into the middle of it as a copper got shoved to the floor in front of us. Few items being thrown about. 

    Anyway this huge bloke Leicester fan grabbed me by my neck and dragged me behind him. He said "get behind me mate" and then started telling "come on then you sheep shagging Bamfords!!" to some Derby fans opposite. There was a bit more throwing and the usual nonsense before the police got a line going. 

    So we're walking off with all these Leicester fans and I whisper to my mate "we've got Derby shirts on under our coats!!" Meanwhile this Leicester fan is bawling about meeting up with the sheep here and there and catching up to them. 

    My mate comes up with the most stupid idea and we just create a bit of distance between ourselves and the big geezer with his mates. Then we open our coats and start yelling we are sheep shaggers you fat this and that!! Who the feck are you!! 

    We ran like Usain Bolt. The guy didn't even chase us but it weirdly felt like he was right on our heels. We ran and ran until we found Derby fans and then just couldn't stop laughing. We bumped into his Dad's mates and told them what happened and they were laughing and going on about the big fat useless xxxx. 

    We traveled back with them, had a can of beer each and felt 10ft tall. We talked about it at school all week. "Let's go away again!!"

    Two little scrawny idiot kids playing at "lad banter". Cringey I guess. 

    But it was that feeling of belonging, the feeling of being in enemy territory, the feeling of grown men treating us not like kids and feeling like we had to show our Derby pride (at a safe distance) that you don't really get to experience in many walks of life. That real tribal pride. 

    It was like the first time I went to the BBG and was surrounding by adults stood loud and proud. It just felt great to pretend to be one of them. 

    It's just tribal. And I still love football in it's raw form both on the pitch and in the stands. Unfortunately now there's so much bs surrounding it. 

    But Derby will always be my tribe. UTR!!! 

  13. 3 hours ago, sage said:

    The interview has been recorded. It was around 5 minutes long but I'm not sure how much of it will be used. 

    It will be on tonight between 6.30 and 7pm.


    Just listened. Good man. I'm on board. 

    I think first game since Lampard season. Possibly since play off final

    Hope it doesn't reignite my passion. Derby used to take up so much time and money!!

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