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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 3 hours ago, rynny said:

    Other than Portugal and Ronaldo, you mean? 

    Urgh, that's horrible. 

    I know Ronaldo is one of the greatest players ever. I know he's answered all questions and the guy is a legend. 

    But... just like Gareth Bale, he can't just pass 10 yards without it being the most wonderful, fantastic, hypnotising, orgasmic pass you've ever seen. 

    And his "deadly" free kicks. The ones in "Ronaldo territory"

    I'm not saying he's bad at free kicks. But I bet there are players in the Championship with more free kick accuracy. He may score some amazing free kicks but he smashes another 200 at walls and big screens. 

  2. Why are BBC pretending that Ampadou was sent off harshly for Wales? 

    Do we have to have a snapped ankle?

    Joe Allen talking about players rolling around on the floor. He's one of the biggest referee bothering bitches in the game. 

    "If Bale and Ramsey had taken their chances..."

    Yeah, and if Italy had taken theirs it would be 6-2. 

    "We're proving people wrong" - Bale. 

    Are you kidding? People have been more up your arse than any other team. Fair play Scotland have put in 2 performances above the expectations but Wales? Drew with Switzerland, beat Turkey and lost to Italy... who you proving wrong?

  3. Is Rice a good player? I barely know anything about him. What does he do? 

    I've only seen him for England and he's done nothing. As far as I can tell he's less stupid than Eric Dier but he looks like he's just happy to get a nice pass % and not mess anything up. 

    Surely England can let Phillips do all that work and stick a slightly more responsible player in there? 

    Just seems a waste of a shirt. Boring player?


  4. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Never thought I'd long to see Henderson back in the side.

    As for the Yorkshire Pirlo... Only Leeds fans could be so fookin deluded. He's not even in the same hemisphere at the Italian maestro and never will be. 

    I'm not sure how they can even make the comparison even tongue in cheek. 

    Pirlo - Deep playmaker capable of playing stunningly accurate long balls, strong set pieces, playing through the lines and relies on his positioning rather than physical traits to defend.

    Phillips - roaming defensive midfielder looking to win the ball using strength and pace while passing it to the easiest option 99/100. 

    Except for the position they play I can't think of a single likeness. 

    Maybe Rooney is the scouse Guardiola. They're just as similar.

  5. "The Yorkshire Pirlo".

    I think he's a good defensive midfielder but fook me. No. No, no and no. Being a defensive midfielder is the only similarity. 

    Rice is boring isn't he? Is he always a 6/10 player?

    Either of them DM's could have taken on responsibility. Why didn't one? Southgate or just not enough talent?

    At least Eric Dier isn't about though. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    The worst thing about this is that Kane is the Captain!! 

    I didn’t see him baalock, motivate, organise anyone once, in fact he spent the whole game sulking looking at the floor like an absolute prat, he was embarrassing. 

    Look at the contrast with Andy Robertson tonight, the bloke looked possessed pre game, his pupils looked like dinner plates he was that psyched up. 

    Che Adams embarrassed Kane. I bet Mings and Stones have a few bruises from him and I bet they mentioned his name a lot more than Grant Hanley mentioned Kane. 

    Stood up there looking like he's 40 year old retired. 

  7. Austria last night... they did know they weren't winning? 

    Seen a few too many teams that look like they don't fancy it. Is it because they're hoping to be one of the least crap teams to go through. 

    At 2-0 down and Netherlands playing entirely on the counter and looking defensively vulnerable in both games, Austria took their leisurely time trying to walk the ball in. Wtf?

  8. Yeah I don't see why England aren't in with a shout. 

    England fans will sweat the small stuff but you can point to other nations wins and find weakness if you'd like.

    England never looked in trouble v Croatia. Not at any point did Croatia look like scoring and they're a solid side too. 

    Even Italy and their pretty perfect performance... but they look desperate to be hit on the counter. Insigne looked great but was so wasteful even though Turkey gave up their right side of the pitch within a minute. 

    Just like Spain, very pretty but played an opponent that might as well have been a bunch of Spain fans. Sweden sat admiring them and Spain still couldn't do the job. 

    I just think England have a few match winners. It's not just about Rooney anymore. It used to be "what did Rooney do?" when England lost like there weren't 13 other players used.

    Grealish, Mount, Sterling, Kane, Rashford, Foden etc... these are players that either carry the arrogance of winners or they genuinely expect to star for clubs winning major trophies. 

    It's got to be the best chance since Gerrard, Lampard, Beckham and Co. That team should have won something. 

    Maybe England won't win it. But you can't laugh at the idea of them winning something now. 

    We've got a swagger about us that I love to see. And they're young which means they aren't carrying the burden of underperforming/failure. 

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