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Posts posted by Alph

  1. I just get frustrated with his habit of negative passing. Hear me out before you attack!

    He gets into habits of doing it. He'll do it all match, every match for a period and then suddenly wake up and look completely different.  

    When he refuses to face the right way and plays like Bryson in defensive midfield it's so frustrating and pointless. He's obviously capable of more. 

    He's like either part of the major problem or part of the major solution. 

    Off the ball, yeah. I'm a full time fan

  2. Very well played Derby. 

    Ravel Morrison is changing my mind about him. He looks very motivated and this is one time in his career you could understand him not being all in. Good player.

    4mins injury time. We make a sub so that should be 30 seconds. But we just keep going to double make sure Reading can't score before grudgingly accepting Derby are having this one. 


  3. 5 minutes ago, De22Ram said:

    Maybe McCrackens better suited to training lower weight divisions, where boxing is more important! The heavyweight division is kinda unique! Must admit i dont watch much heavyweight boxing myself, prefer the lower divisions! 

    Did you watch Eggington on Channel 5 the other week?

    Best fight I've seen in quite a while. Not that Eggington is capable of a boring fight. What a guy

  4. 2 minutes ago, De22Ram said:

    Exactly! I mean he may have been concussed and dazed straight after the fight but did you see his press conference? What was that about? You just got battered and lost your titles, he should have been fuming but it was all too nice! Talking about what a game of chess it was and how he learns and will improve! Seems odd to me! Maybe it was just for the media or thats his way of thinking and fair play he was similiar after the ruiz loss and came back and beat him but still, id have liked to have seen more emotion! Its similiar to his attitude in the fight too!

    Like the end of the fight before the final bell, usyk had him against the ropes and was loading up and AJ was ducking and diving and fair play slipped most of the punches, he stuck his tongue out and looked really pleased with himself as he went back to the corner but this isnt sparring! This is a championship fight, you just lost and yet you seem pleased to slip a few shots! I dont know, his mentality seems odd, lack of passion seems harsh but i dont know, somethings off! Seems like shrink talk to me! Learn from things, improve, enjoying the journey etc! 

    I mean fair play, if thats how he wants to look at his career, its a good outlook to have on life but im not sure thats the mentality to have if you want to be a successful world champion boxer, you got to have that nastiness, spite and fire in the belly! 

    To be honest I think as he walked back to his corner there was nothing left of him. You could see the concern in his corner and he wasn't with it when Usyk went to him. Very hurt. 

    I think he still has that nastiness but I genuinely believe since Klitschko dropped him, Tyson baited him with his "robot" taunts and Ruiz knocked him out that it's really just pushed Rob McCracken's Olympic style further to the focus of his training. 

    McCracken never seemed to want to focus on AJ's power. Look back and his influence is all about the boxing. Which AJ has improved on and it will be great for his future. But he's stopped trying to set up anything other than the uppercut. He's not even counter punching like he used to. 

    I just think he needs to get rid. Fury had to hunt down people to add to his game. AJ needs that too instead of losing what he is, a London bad boy with a nasty streak that turned to boxing. Can still be a role model outside the ring. 

  5. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    Usyk was inch perfect on distance and quicker on his feet. The only thing you get jabbing what is out of range is tired. This single point is why I don't think AJ can win the rematch, his only option is to swarm him and he didn't do that on the first fight because he knew he would get countered like he did in the first and third - one straight down the pipe, one round the side. Those two punches alone shattered his belief he could risk coming in. If he does that in the second fight, same result.

    Tend to agree. Round 5 and 6 was his time and he let it pass. 

    If he's not prepared to get KO'd then he's gonna box himself to a points defeat. 

    He's gotta get wet next time if he wants those belts back. Will he? With Rob McCracken shouting brilliant 

  6. 8 hours ago, De22Ram said:

    Also hats off to usyks concentration through the fight! Ill shut up now tho ?

    And fitness. As always looks like he could do another 12 on his toes. Clearly has unshakeable confidence in his style and gameplan to get the job done. He only really broke his dance routine to try and end Joshua in the 12th. He was very clever with his workrate early and late in the fight

  7. McCracken was embarrassing. "Brilliant, AJ. Brilliant footwork. Lateral movement now, work off the jab and the right hand will come!"

    Arrogance maybe? Get rid. He's got Joshua this far but at this point he's just taken too much away. Where's that nastiness gone? Why is he such a clean boxer? This isn't the Olympics. 

    Work off the high jab? The one that's totally inaccurate? His accuracy was like 19% I think. 

    At the time I thought Joshua was set on outboxing Usyk. But now I've watched Sky coverage and you can her Rob McCracken it's clear they either underrated Usyk or overrated AJ. 

    All night trying to jab his head and work from that? Then never realising it was the power shots and the body shots that roughed Usyk up. 3 body shots actually got a reaction from Usyk. 1 was low but so what? Surely that's an accidental win

    I dunno. Fowler v Smith soon isn't it? Don't like Fowler at all. Loved it when Fitzgerald smashed him

  8. 1 hour ago, Kathcairns said:

    Your not waffling at all. I dont usually comment on this forum, just like reading the very witty comments some people post but had to have a small operation so had to isolate, so had time on my hands. Will be going back to reading it now, getting to serious for me?

    Nah, don't think like that. We can agree or disagree it doesn't matter. We're all Derby and there's no need for grudges etc. 

    Hope you're well.

  9. 4 hours ago, Kathcairns said:

    So you know pesonally what positions he was offered, sorry cant quite believe that.

    Personally, no. But it has been spoken about in the media. I see no reason to lie. Steve McClaren is hardly big news

  10. 6 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Sacked 1st time out because he stayed out of loyalty, and a desire to put wrongs right, rather than he really wanted to be here. 

    According to Mel.


    Yeah which is fair enough I guess. 

    Odd that his reason for staying was loyalty and that wasn't enough for Mel

    But some fans talk of disloyalty when discussing it. 

    Guess it's all old news now. And tbh I can't believe he's tried to help us continously since. And for those who say he wouldn't get a job anywhere else... I don't think he's been short of offers for various different roles. He didn't have to come here and help dig Mel out the poo

    Some people would say that they'd rather have no job if they were in his shoes than come back here while Mel is here. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Dreadful last stint as manager who can forget Derby 0 - Reading 3 in May 2015, we needed 1 fxxxing point to make the play offs ( I wish I could forget it) and he engineered a total cluster.

    First managerial stint he inherited a great team built by Nigel, then left for the riches of managing Newcastle, totally useless individual as a player and as a manger.


    His last stint was when he took over from Nigel Pearson when we were the lowest scorers in England and Scotland. 

    The Reading loss was the season after we set several club records. Yeah the season ended badly but still was in the Play Offs until the last day. 

    I'm assuming you're saying Nigel was a terrible manager then if he had a great team and couldn't get us to win more than we lost in a season? 

    He didn't leave to go to Newcastle. He said he was going to stay and then was sacked. Then went to Newcastle. 

    Unlike some other managers who did jump ship at the first chance. Or a manager that knew he was jumping ship at the first chance but didn't have the decency to tell us before Pre Season and all our players were flying to America. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Curtains said:

    In retrospect Steve should be applauded for what he has done for Derby County and I wasn’t always his biggest advocate.

    Missing out against QPR at Wembley was cruel and we didn’t deserve it. 

    Well between Lampard, Rowett, Mac and Wassall surely they earned enough bad luck that the play off Gods will take pity on us next time. 

    It might just have to be the League 1 play offs though

  13. 9 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

    Dont know how old you are, but hope you was around late 60's early 70's and smiths time, you would have loved it.

    I was for Smiths time. Not for anything else. Sadly for what can't even be considered a young generation now there's mostly boredom broken up by small spells of embarrassment and fleeting joy.

    I'm 36 and McClaren goes down as fleeting joy. 

    I mean, even Billy Davies gets in that category and I can't think Billy brings joy to many people in life

  14. 4 hours ago, Kathcairns said:

    You loved him as england manager then, nobody was queuing up to employ him, only us, but thats just my opinion which is different to yours. So we will agree to dissagree

    I was only joking that Newcastle don't like any manager.

    I loved him as Derby manager because we played good football and won a lot. That's what it's about for me. Fun

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