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Posts posted by Alph

  1. I don't actually think Italy are all that. Almost everything comes down their left side and Insigne is totally predictable. Tricky but you know 100% he's only going outside if Spinazola is out there to take it off him. Spinazola is a far bigger threat. 

    They're good but England shouldn't fear them at all. 

    Spain and their squad of central midfielders might just bore Italy to defeat.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    He might well look like Kryten wearing Spare Head 3, he is a colossus in the Physco* mould.






    I love him. And Phillips tbf. They've got that raw aggression and what we call "passion" but they aren't blinded by it. 

    I don't see how Maguire can't inspire everyone on the pitch. He fights for everything, he takes responsibility no problem, he's fearless. 

    Based on this tournament what CB would you swap him for? 

  3. Time to make peace that his England team will never be a roaring ferrari. 

    It might just be that old 4th hand banger that runs forever

    They're a bunch of misfits constantly had to prove themselves. And that's their secret weapon. They play like underdogs. They don't play with the freedom and arrogance of Belgium, France etc. 

    It would be nice to see them let loose but I think maybe Southgate has won this debate. 2 semi finals in 2 tournaments. 

    All the players coming in that have major doubts around them have stepped up. 

    He's done too much right for it to be luck/coincidence. It's like he's heard the years of fans saying England players are overrated and has produced this squad of players who play like underdogs with a point to prove. 

  4. Have to say, some players are stepping up and showing what Southgate must have seen in them. 

    Rice is really owning his position more and more. Allowing Phillips (is it OK to love a Leeds player) to put pressure on the ball. 

    And Phillips is no Pirlo. Nothing like. But he is a horrible player who looks like he'd take on Denmark on his own if he had to. 

    Kane, at last! Finally arrived and is making the runs and dummy runs we needed. Taking his marker on a walk. 

    Always love Sterling. A lot rests on his shoulders and no, he doesn't always deliver but he carries the pressure on as you'd expect from a captain/leader in the body of Igor Stimac. 

    Harry Maguire is the boss. He is the human form of English spirit. 

    Yeah, I just think Southgate might deserve some love now. It's an England team that has always looked like it lacked a gear. But it might be time to make peace with that and accept his solid unit sprinkled with very good attacking players gets results where better England sides didn't. 

  5. 2 hours ago, maxjam said:


    How many times in your lifetime do nights come around like last night?

    As Derby/England fans we've had enough lows not to enjoy the highs every once in a while - especially given the last 18 months or so.

    We may or may not get all the way to the final, we may or may not win it, but lets at least enjoy the good times on the way  There will be time to moan soon enough ? 


    Man, that's what football is about. 

    You forget when it's shoved at you with a billion adverts and presented like a Hollywood movie. 

    So much better than Lineker and Jenas etc rattling on and scripted interviews with questions like "you must be pleased with that win?"

    Some people will never get it. Magic days and nights shared between fans and players are all too rare. 

  6. I thought England played quite well. Especially as for so much of the match Harry Kane gave them nothing to work with. He didn't pull his man out of position or threaten any area of the pitch. Just played his position on paper. 

    But if England haven't looked like world beaters... who has?

    Italy? Not so impressive vs Austria. They've not exactly had a tough route themselves yet and already look like the one footed Insigne is carrying their attacking threat. Their next best is a LB. They have been good but they got problems of their own to address.

    Portugal? France have an incredible side on paper? Germany? These are champions and leading nations. And all have under performed against lesser sides and found themselves put out at their first real test. 

    Belgium... again, they've just faded in games like England. Moments of matches they just let pass by. As good as they are on the counter they can look a bit flat themselves when not hitting on the break

    Spain have looked very dodgy. Again, still seem to be in love with their passing. As soon as someone has a real go at them they look rattled. They're here to play beautiful football. In moments their opponents haven't shown them too much respect they've looked vulnerable 

    I really don't think any team has looked like they can't be stopped. Including England who seem to lack creativity at times. 

    But England have what, 6 or 7 very high level creative players to fill 4 positions. So I wouldn't bet against them coming up with solutions if asked to. They're defensive by choice rather than lack of talent.

  7. Here we go, Rio.

    Everyone else's problem Kane can't get on the ball. 

    Try, I dunno, moving? Running? A fast jog once in a while?

    He plays like he's guaranteed a spot. Like he's proven. 

    Why is Cristiano Ronaldo still proving himself? Doesn't he know he can just jog around hoping for the perfect chance. 

    Well done everyone else

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    1-0 Belgium.  40 ish mins.

    A cracker too... but no idea who, as I only have the volume on 3!  ?

    (Only on in the background, so I can keep glancing up!  No idea whether they are worthy of the lead?)

    Not really, boring game and I thought the shot should probably have been saved. Don't think it changed direction that much?

  9. Why they talking about this?

    Surely we get get mauled by Germany as Kane and Co put in another flat performance and suddenly the tournament has been a huge flop with only 1 decent performance? 

    Surely you'd wait to decide something after the tournament? 

  10. 9 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    We're not good enough to pass it near our own box when teams press high. 

    I quoted Boris Johnson tonight in regard to Kyle Walker,  a la Hancock, for his inability to pass the ball forward. At one point he actually went past a player then performed a superb pirouette so he could face back towards his own goal.

    Someone should invent a word for it. 

    We will not beat better teams by continually passing backwards, it saps belief, draws negativity from the fans and boils my pish far more than it should. It also then makes it really difficult to switch to a more aggressive style, you can't just switch it on and off.



    That's the worry. The team looks good until they decide to drain all pace and aggression out the game and "control" the tempo. 

    As you said, I don't think they'll be able to turn it on as easy as that and I expect the lack of real momentum to cause them problems now. 

    How can that turgid nonsense give players confidence and momentum. Harry Kane needs something to liven him up

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