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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 9 minutes ago, David said:

    That is a strong possibility and one that I couldn’t argue with. 

    Not that this excuses what I did, I live right next to the hospital, half a mile down straight road, wasn’t a trek across town or anything like that. 

    Reason I took the scooter was I rolled my ankle earlier in the day and had that strapped up. 

    Again, no excuses, complete and utter stupidity

    Appreciate the reply buddy. Look after yourself, and get well soon. And by looking after yourself, I mean in all respects - genuinely concerned that the Peroni intake needs some consideration. All the best.

  2. 28 minutes ago, David said:

    Codeine and crutches. F’d my thigh muscle up pretty badly, with the mask and foreign language didn’t quite understand him other than expect large amount of bruising and the pain to get worse before it gets better. Got off lightly all things considered.

    I doubt very much he was speaking in a foreign language, and perhaps the bit you didn’t understand was his comments about the idiocy of your actions. Just my current thoughts. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, sage said:

    Have you tried cheese on toast with beans on or...

    Cut your toast into 12-16 squares per slice before putting the beans on. It's a game changer.

    If you want to be game and food creative, why don’t you cut your toast into 64 squares, 32 with cheese on. Put one tomato soaked bean on 16 of the plain pieces of toast and 16 Sage sucked beans on the cheese topped toast. Assemble the toast into one large square. We look forward to seeing your efforts in due course. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    watching Inside Number 9, absolute genius. Nobody ever recommended this to my memory, which is surprising!

    Much of it is very good. Even where the story/ending is a bit weak (only on a few of them) the acting and characterisation is first class.  I can never understand why Steve Pemberton got into Benidorm, unless the money was too good to resist. My personal favourite is the 12 days of Christine (Might not have the title quite right), but I perhaps might be influenced by a young Sheridan Smith.

  5. @Mucker1884 what a tremendously uplifting post given your circumstances. Have the best Christmas you can.

    l really enjoy this thread, in fact it’s arguably my favourite which is a bit bizarre really. Rarely a comfortable read, but it does make you reevaluate your own circumstances and so many of the responses warm the heart.

    Being the SAD bar steward I am, I have had a pretty tough last 6 weeks but I have arrived in Tenerife today and hope to get 9 days of sunshine to recharge the serotonin batteries which hopefully will get me through to Spring.

    To all those who have posted their issues on here over the years, have a very merry Christmas. May 2020 offer some real positive changes for you all.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    So, yer mam dies in her early 40's, when you are 16.  2 years later, yer dad dies, still in his 40's, albeit 49.  This leaves you, as an 18 year old only boy, 3 elder sisters (21, 24 & 27), and the baby of the bunch, little sis who is still only 9 at this stage.

    I guess what happens next is you start to wonder... will I manage to live a bit longer than my parents?... who will be the first sibling to cop it... and when!
    Those thoughts have never left me.  4 of us have since lived longer than our parents, thankfully.  Baby sis has now lived longer than mum, and is closing in on the age dad was, so all good there, I guess.

    I have to admit, on the day I equalled Dad's age, I was a little bit emotional, if truth be told.  Relief?  Guilt?  No idea, but it was a weird feeling!

    But the one thing I have literally been dreading since being left an "orphan"... over 39 years ago now... is the first of us siblings going. 

    ...It happened last night! 

    The sister up from me (so the third eldest) lasted until she was 60.... and two months.  I guess we shouldn't moan, given the family history, but I can't describe the gut-wrenching feeling, now the first one of us has gone!  This is the day I have been dreading for over 39 bloody years!

    Depressed?  No.  Not in the true sense.

    Anxious?  You bet!

    Stress?  Not yet, but I'm sure that will come, as we try and help our 24 year old nephew (Sis's only child) through the next few days, weeks, and maybe even years.  Lot's to do.  Lot's to sort out.  Him and us.  There's no-one else to do it!

    The first of my siblings gone... out of the blue... no warning!  Suddenly, I no longer feel immortal!
    Eldest sis (67 next month) is feeling guilty, not being the first to go!
    Baby sis is distraught, and now has to face her first close-relative mourning since becoming a 9 year old orphan!

    Being old fashioned, I feel the need to take the lead.  To be practical.  The only boy, and all that!  Time to become a man!  Time to take charge, I guess, and stay strong for my remaining 3 sisters, and my nephew... but I can't help but feel vulnerable this morning, if truth be told.
    Thankfully, I have the strongest, most wonderful wife tight by my side, so all is not lost!

    I'm sure I'm not the first to lose a sibling, of course, but right now, feeling the way I do, a feeling I've never experienced before, is daunting to say the least.
    It feels different to losing a parent.  It feels different to losing a granddaughter at 1 hour old.  Maybe not worse.  Maybe not easier.  But closer, I guess.  More frightening.  Too close for comfort!

    Not looking for sympathy.  Just an ear.  Just a shoulder to lean on.  I may be back, I may not.  Having not been through this particular emotion, I really don't know what happens next!

    Yes... yesterday's game really was poo, wasn't it!

    There are a great many shoulders you can lean on buddy and many will give you the ‘ear’ you need. I am sorry to learn of the passing of your Sister. Hopefully you and your family can rally together too.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Smyth_18 said:

    I force myself to try and look at everything in a positive light. I try to be a good person every single day. Sometimes it seems like I'm getting somewhere. Then I get hit harder than ever.

    This week has been such a long story but to cut it short, my wife is not in a good way. It started with a twitching eye on Wednesday but has moved on to full blown facial paralysis and now full body tremors. I've just had to transport her to bed. The past few days I've had next to no sleep with hospital visits. Getting nowhere with wards contradicting eachother. As well as taking care of a potentially autistic 2 and a half year old. Yes we have help but not enough. It can be a hindrance at times.

    How am I supposed to go back to work and actually earn money to live too? 

    Look after yourself buddy; stay strong.  The Hospital will hopefully get to grips with the issue quickly, and you must try to be positive for both your wife and child. Your wife in particular will need great reassurance at this time.  

  8. Not sure if it helps or not, but I did change the theme on my iPad to Orange late last week, and much of my need to double tap was gone.  Had to double tap today though, but have just changed the theme back to black and I seem to be ok again?  Something intermittent perhaps? Don’t worry too much on my part David - I am just supplying info in case it may be of use.

  9. 7 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Morning sickness has started, ironically in the evening/during the night. Apparently ginger is good for this so the cupboards are full of ginger biscuits, ginger tea ginger bloody everything! Also had the first ‘you did this to me’ tonight which I wasn’t expecting until the birth but she’s a good sport! Once again thank you for all the advice you’ve all given, its really appreciated. And to all the other dads/ dads to be’s It’s nice to know we are all in the same boat ?

    When your wife is feeling unwell during the pregnancy, give her a wink and tell her “you know what will make her better”. It works every time.

  10. 14 minutes ago, David said:

    Have you tried the above, disabling desktop view?

    I did try but failed with: In the URL bar press on the AA icon at the left. I can’t find an AA icon on the Forum Homepage?

    This seems to be an iPad issue. iPhone is working ok ?

    Will pop back in again later for your words of IT wisdom. Keep them simple. Pretend your communicating with Boycie.

  11. On 04/10/2019 at 19:12, David said:

    Thanks, I’ll look into it but I’m having trouble replicating on both an iPad Pro and iPad Mini right now. 

    Not too fussed, but just to say l too am experiencing the same issues on my iPad Pro - having to double click to obtain content. I will try my iPhone later to see if that is the same.

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