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Posts posted by ramsbottom

  1. 51 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    If the 49ers had a good quarterback they’d be my favourites, unfortunately they have Jimmy G. Who is an interception waiting to happen, and limits the passing game because the more you ask him to do the worse he gets.

    Plug any top 10 QB in there and we'd at least walk the division each year...

  2. If Everton agree to pay £7m in compensation and Rosinior & the rest of the back room staff are allowed to stay put we should let him go. Other than that they can get funked!!! 

    I’d rather he stop, as he’s done/is going an amazing job but if it meant we still had a club at the end of the season then it’s a no brainer. 

    Of course it’s a moot point as the Toffies won’t throw that kinda dosh as they’ve probably had to pay that to Rafa to leave, so it’ll be down to Wayne whether he stays or goes. Hopefully he’s seen how Fwank’s reputation is in the toilet since he jumped ship too soon

  3. Lets face it, regardless of what our manager says, if an offer comes in for any player the administrators will have to accept, especially if we get to the end of the next week or so and they're still unable to announce a preferred bidder.

    Saying that, as a sacrificial lambs I'd offer up Lawrence & Marshall.  We'd get a decent fee for the former and combined with the latter would free up plenty of wages to keep us ticking over. 

  4. Respect - 6/10

    Candyman (2021) - 7/10

    The Card Counter - 9/10

    The Boy Behind The Door - 7/10

    Kate - 7/10

    The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot - 8/10

    Booksmart - 8/10

    Savage Harbour - 1/10

    Four Hours at The Capitol - 8/10

    Halloween Kills - 7/10

    Copshop - 7/10

    Queenpins - 8/10

    Lake Mungo - 7/10

    The Harder They Fall - 7/10

    Fractured - 6/10

    The Beta Test - 7/10

    Last Night in Soho - 8/10

    They Shall Not Grow Old - 7/10

    The Wolf of Snow Hollow - 7/10

    Eternals - 6/10

    Bruised - 7/10

    21 Bridges - 6/10

    Dune (2021) - 8/10

    Ghostbusters Afterlife - 9/10

    Red Notice - 4/10

    The Unforgivable - 7/10

    Spider-Man No Way Home - 9/10

    Encounter - 7/10

    The Matrix Resurrections - 7/10

    Twas The Fight Before Christmas - 7/10

    Don’t Look Up - 7/10

    A Beautiful Day In the Neighbourhood - 8/10


  5. 7 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    Couldn’t agree more and something I can’t get my head round. I was in London Wednesday and mask wearing was >95% in fact on the tube I didn’t see anyone (bar the odd child) who wasn’t wearing one, every shop I go in it’s >95%. However even with this high adherence the cases are going through the roof? I’d love the forum scientists to explain it. 

    This is purely a guess but I think the massive upsurge in cases are linked to what’s happening when the shops have closed, ie pubs, clubs & restaurants.  That plus the vaccine hesitancy amongst the age groups that are going out and slobbering over one another at the weekends. 

  6. 5 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Sunday's race is FTA on Channel 4 after they've struck a deal with Sky.

    Excellent.  Now I don't have to watch it on my ipad...

  7. 4 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    China builds an artificial Island in the South China Sea, Russia holds vast Gas reserves and holds a lot of Europe to ransom, Saudi Arabia has a Journalist murdered, Azerbaijan is on the Grand Prix circuit, The West is robbing some African nations of their resources and dumping our waste on their land

    We're all at it...why because morality gets spunked out the window where money is concerned, And all the above have more skeletons in their closets than Burke and Hare

     Very good point. Even though I can’t afford a decent electric car for the time being I do what I can for the environment. I’ve cut down on meat in our weekly shop and I’m really anal when it comes to recycling my rubbish. But little did I know that barely a third of what I put in my blue bin actually gets recycled. The rest gets shipped off to the Third World and stuck into landfill… 

  8. 22 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    I totally forgot about that. Although the scenario did remind me of the end of Pixar’s Cars. Max has a blow out at the end. The race ends as a dead heat. They have a race off in a weeks time, but in the meantime Max spends a week tarring a road in a backwater village and finding some humility.

    Bottas somehow wins the race off, and everyone learns lessons. 

    It’d take a lot longer for that to happen…

  9. 4 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    I’d love to verstappen crash into Hamilton on purpose, but it’s done in such a dirty manner, that every other car on the grid quits in protest, leaving Lewis to walk the rest of the way for the point he needs. Verstappen realises what’s happening, and it ends in a foot race to the finish line. 

    Someone’s watched Talladega Nights recently ? 

  10. I think the FIA have ballsed this up big time the past few races. If Lewis wins next week (??) the majority of fans will give it an asterisk, claiming that the stewards had to give him help. Clamping down on Verstappen in Brazil could’ve nipped it in the bud but they didn’t bother and he now thinks he can do what he wants.

    For all the drama today, what a crap track…

  11. Think we’ve beaten ourselves tonight. Basics let us down, Shinnie getting drawn to the ball for their first instead of staying with Willock. Forsyth & Byrne getting caught upfield for the 2nd. 

    Take Willock, Austin & Grey out that side and they’re nothing special.

    Caught fault the effort but bar Lawrence, there’s just not enough quality up top. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Lots do tho, Player offered a contract with pay rise if they get promotion, If still signed on then the reduction sets in if relegated, If a player doesn't like the initial contract then don't sign it, Stay where you are on maybe a smaller wage, And hope one of the big 6 come and sign you who will most probably never be relegated.

    Oh i know they have them, but can't imagine them agreeing to 70%  Most of them are around 30% tops.  Something needs to be done, cus it's a massive advantage to relegated sides.  Unless that relegated side is Middleborough...

  13. 2 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    Surely every premier league player contract should include a 70% reduction upon relegation. Then you no longer need the parachute money. 

    I can't imagine any footballer signing a contract if that was put in front of them ? Thing is, what alternatives are there??  The story says they need to come up with some, but don't mention any possibles...

  14. Until it's mathematically impossible there's a chance.  As @LondonRam2 pointed out our form hasn't been that bad at all.  Just frustrating draws like Luton & Preston have let us down.  Another 4 points from those two games and things would be looking a lot better.

    I'll declare it now, but if we manage to stay up I will drive all the way to Middlesborough and stand outside The Riverside until I get to laugh right in Steve "I'm like this because my hair has always been crap" Gibson's face...

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