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Posts posted by ramsbottom

  1. I'm currently paying just over £60 for Basic Sky HD, Boxsets, Broadband & line rental (even though I haven't made a call from our home phone in 4 years).

    I get round the Sports by using my Mum's log in on Sky Go, and watching all the channels on either my ipad or PC for nowt.  Plus you get Sky Sports Mix for free on the basic and the Sunday night Redzone coverage is great.

  2. 3 hours ago, sage said:

    Meanwhile on Earth, poor countries can't afford vaccines, education for all and clean water. 

    Indeed, saw a tweet the other day along the lines of 

    "I'd the billionaires flying to space stay on Earth and pay their taxes"

    which pretty much sums it up my feeling on this...

  3. Bar last night, pretty much every tactical call he made came off in the Euro's and World Cup, he's taken us the final of the former, and semi final of the latter, so I'm a bit confused on how people can't rate him.  

    On the flip side, I don't think I'd want him as Derby manager, as I think he suits international management a lot better as he has a lot more of a thinker than a day to day boss.  The 2 month gap he has in between games gives him plenty of time to assess opponents and make plans accordingly.  It also helps having the cream of English players to choose from instead of a mish mash of mediocre players like he had at Boro.

  4. 3 hours ago, Duracell said:

    Disappointed, but not surprised, to see some crawling out of the woodwork to criticise the manager and the team after the defeat.

    Where were you when we beat the Germans?

    Where were you when we thrashed Ukraine?

    Where we you as we only conceded one goal in the build up to the final?

    Where were you when we reached our first final in a generation?

    I cannot stomach talk about “negative tactics” from fans who are just waiting for us to fail and revel in “I told you so’s.” The most crushing part of this defeat is that this team had the potential to silence these types, but instead they are basking in it.

    duck off.

    I was being positive so i stayed well away from here...

  5. And to think at approximately 20:03 last night the country was a wonderful place and it felt like anything was possible.  Then by midnight it a complete an utter poo hole full of disgusting racists & nutjobs who only seem to follow the national team as an excuse to be a dick head for a few days a year.

    I wanted us to win more than anything because I know what it's going to be like for the three lads to fluffed their penos.  Yes they were crap, but there's no need to spew the racist bile that a lot of these gammon heads have subjected them to already.  Bar the Scotland match the whole team performed admirably and shouldn't feel any way ashamed of their achievements this summer.

    Personally if I were Southgate I wouldn't have sat back in the 2nd half as much as we did, but you have to give the Italians some credit in sorting themselves out at half time and pressing us a lot more effectively.  Unfortunately once their goal went in you could only see one winner

  6. 17 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    To be honest, I think its a really dumb thing to tweet.

    I have actually enjoyed listening to JHB throughout this pandemic. One of the few people that has felt like they are on the side of the every day working man.

    Whether her viewpoint is right or wrong, she has regularly asked the questions that the opposition should have been asking (its no surprise to see that Starmer is backing the wrong horse again).

    But back to the point, how can someone else wearing a mask make JHB feel uncomfortable? What if the person is vulnerable? Should they remove their mask just to make her feel better?

    What does she want? The Government to mandate that people cant wear masks? 

    Personally, I think the Government have finally got it right in making this about personal responsibility, that means making decisions to suit your own needs, what other people are doing should be irrelevant if you are managing your own risk correctly.

    i feel very conflicted when it comes to JHB.  Like Katy "Horse Faced ****" Hopkins, 90% of the reactionary crap she spouts is done for shock value and clicks/listens as she tries to stay relevant and employed.  But unlike Hopkins, she's got a definite MILF thing going on.  Definitely confuses both my heads...

  7. 12 hours ago, rammieib said:

    I think if the covid cases go down in the medium term, which i expect they will because that's what a virus does, then over time the maskers will slowly demask. They will start going out, forgetting their mask and just going sod it.

    Only got to look at the test events to realize that people are not concerned now. Fair enough a few still will and I won't think one bit differently about them and respect their wishes completely but I full expect on July 19th to see 60-70 % without a mask and this to continue up towards 98% after a couple of months.


    I think this is the key thing.  I see loads folk wearing them when they're in cars, on their own, or simply walking down the road.  In my opinion that's being overly cautious but I won't call them out on it, it's whatever makes you feel comfortable.

  8. 1 hour ago, TuffLuff said:

    To be honest though…is everything that bad at the minute from a consumer point of view? I can get a beer when I want, have a chat at the local coffee shop, go to shops no fuss, have a bite to eat…and all we need to do is put a bit of sanitiser on and wear a mask where needed to. I mean, I can happily do these things for quite a bit longer.

    Maybe I’m not getting unnecessarily annoyed at stuff enough, but what’s the problem? I mean we’ve got to leave to live with it as we all like to keep saying. 

    I'd like to think that I'm one of the people who'll use their common sense after the 19th.  I'll keep a mask or two in the car and wear one if I think it's prudent to.  For example, small independent shops with not a lot of floor space I'll stick one on if it's busy, but I'll leave it off if I'm in a Tesco Extra.

    I've had both my jabs, as have most of my family & friends but I don't see anything wrong with being cautious still.  Giving folk a chance to pass by me in a tight walk way, or briefly vacating a pavement when someone's coming the other way isn't inconveniencing me, or curtailing my freedoms.

    Of course, this is because (i'd like to think) that I'm a considerate person, but there's plenty that aren't.  But that was the case before all this kicked off, and it'll be so long after we come regard it the same we do with the flu...

  9. I  think it's a combination of their best player wanting out, shortage of funds due to no fans to pay for the stadium, and the fact that their new director of football doesn't appear to be many manager's cup of tea.

    Also, as the whole aborted Super League showed, they've got ideas above their station, and are nowhere as big a draw or top managers, Everton are in the same boat.  Wouldn't be surprised if they end up with Nuno Santos or Eddie Howe...


  10. 2 hours ago, Stockport Ram said:

    I think he's decided that we'll never win by the mantra of "We're gonna score one more than you" so he's decided on six defenders and four attackers in principle.


    I just don't think that we're good enough defensively to stop the rapier-like attacks of Belgium or France - both seem to be able to almost saunter through games and turn on the magic whenever they need to.   Ironically, the draw has given us far more opportunity than I expected, but I still think that the flags will be coming down next Tuesday night.

    I  think he's simply playing horses for courses nowadays.  Croatia game he knew we had to close down Modric so stuck Rice & Philips on him, and went with Mount & Foden cus they can come short and pick up the ball once it's been won.  With Scotland he got it wrong with going with both Rice (who I don't personally rate) & Philips again and McGinn & Gilmour ended up doing what we did to Modric.  He should've also gone with Sancho or Saka so we had someone to supply some width and someone who can take a player on.  Against the Czechs he got runners around Kane and had Grealish & Saka to break the lines with a dribble so we looked better again.

    Against Germany I think he'll look to spoil again and sneak a 1-0 or win on penalties.  Will it work?  I doubt it...

  11. 1 hour ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    What we need is a parallel universe so we can continue in both the championship and league one until this is all sorted out. 

    I prefer the parallel universe where either Forsyth, Buxton, or Keogh put it into Wembley's row Z against QPR, we went on to win it in extra time, made a few astute signings, and are now a firmly established premier league outfit...

  12. 3 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Nope none of the above , it’s only the working from home , those on pensions , those better off and happier with restrictions , those scared witless that are clamouring to be cradled / controlled ??‍♂️

    Who can possibly be happy with restrictions?!?!?!?  I'm as hacked off about having to wear face masks, not being able to see my family all at one time, and not being able to nip out for a bite to eat without booking 3 days in advance as anybody else, but I'd gladly take another 4 weeks of doing so if it meant we stood a better chance of not having to do it again in 4 months time...

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