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More kids/younger adults are vaping than back in the older days with cigarettes.

"Looking cool" was always the entry point into smoking, yet these vapes are clearly more appealing with the bright colours and fruity flavours.

Kids can go out smoke one all night on the park with mates and go home without stinking and getting the parental rollicking.

I'm sure studies will show at some point they are shocking for your body, some lad in the news ended up in a coma through smoking them.

Ban em I say.

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I will retract my ban them statement.

They just need stricter rules.

Like cigarettes, put them behind closed cabinets and plain packaging. 

All the bright neon colours and tutti fruity flavours is cool candy for kids.

Banning them completely is harsh until those studies have been done, they are not as obnoxious as standard cigarette smoking which stinks.

I say all this as someone who fell into the trap of cool smoking as a kid, then just a social smoker and vaper to now nothing.

Adults are old enough to make their own decisions, just think we need to protect kids better until the potential dangers are fully realised.

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Vaper here too.

Have to concede, there's a lot going off that doesn't endear us to the wider community, and our "bad rep" is getting badderer!


First off... Totally agree with the comments re accessibility.  I would imagine (pure guesswork, and probably well over-egged) that 80% of vapers nowadays have never ever smoked.  That wasn't the intention when they first came out!

Dump all the kiddy-sickly-fruity-sodapop flavours.  Fags didn't particularly taste nice anyway, so why should "The replacement"!
Limit the voltages, and the liquid viscosity, which in itself will reduce these ridiculously vast plumes of vapour which personally, I find embarrassing.  Car windows, pub doorways, high street pavements, and even in the queue at the turnstiles.  Vape everywhere, and those that don't partake just stare, tut, but say nothing.
I couldn't make that much vape if I tried!  Most of mine ends up in my lungs!  (No, I ain't proud, just addicted to nicotine... and weak, obvs!)

Zero nicotine?  f*** off!  Go suck on a lolly!

Max nicotine, I say.  Take it down.  Fill yer lungs.  Get the head rush.  Let out no more than you'd see on a bit of a frosty morning!
If you want sickly flavours, buy a cake. 
If you don't like nicotine, stop pretending to smoke.  If you don't swallow... well... quite frankly... you are no friend of mine! 
And if you think for one minute that it looks cool to blow stuff around that is clearly smoke by another name, you are wrong, your are deluded, you are pathetic... and most of all, you are selfish!  Grow the f*** up!


As for selling/advertising etc... Make it the same rules as fags.  Hide 'em behind closed doors.  Keep them away from "children" (At least under 21's, if not under 25!)
If you really, really must, up the price.  Let's see how addicted we are then eh (And yes, I'm including myself in that!)


People... strangers even... will literally hate me purely based on my opening line above, and the majority of selfish vapers who do the rest of us no favours whatsoever.  
I want people to hate me because I'm a t***, not because I vape! 





Right... I need to calm the f*** dow... Ah, that's better!  Bliss!  

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Vaping is one of the biggest single health improvers seen this century, the incidence of emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease related to smoking has absolutely fallen through the floor. So any discussion with regard to them has to happen with that in mind.

As for more people vaping than smoked back in the day, well fifty years ago around 70% of men smoked, now 13% of the total population does. Vaping is estimated at around 20% (admittedly, 20% of people who admit it). I couldn't easily find stats for teenagers.

Vaping has two main issues, one is regulation. That would control access but also control who is able to sell them - most of the junk found on shelves could have been made in a chemical lab in a sweatshop in Peru and few would know. Second is the environmental impact of all those (particularly) disposable units.

As a tobacco replacement they are truly excellent, as the new cool thing much has to be done or all we will do is move the problem.

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10 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

Vaping is one of the biggest single health improvers seen this century, the incidence of emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease related to smoking has absolutely fallen through the floor. So any discussion with regard to them has to happen with that in mind.

As for more people vaping than smoked back in the day, well fifty years ago around 70% of men smoked, now 13% of the total population does. Vaping is estimated at around 20% (admittedly, 20% of people who admit it). I couldn't easily find stats for teenagers.

Vaping has two main issues, one is regulation. That would control access but also control who is able to sell them - most of the junk found on shelves could have been made in a chemical lab in a sweatshop in Peru and few would know. Second is the environmental impact of all those (particularly) disposable units.

As a tobacco replacement they are truly excellent, as the new cool thing much has to be done or all we will do is move the problem.

I'd argue that there are than far more than two issues, for example:

  • no one knows (yet) what damage is potentially being done by the chemicals that are being inhaled - and as they are un-regulated and un-controlled, there's every possibility that there are some real nasties included in a product that folk have convinced themselves is good for their health (because it's less bad than tobacco). I await the flood of compensation claims when people start developing haorrible diseases in 10-20 years time....
  • the anti-social behaviour of a lot (not all) of vapists is arguably worse than smokers as they blow large clouds of fruity badness over all and sundry
  • the large scale use of rechargable lithium-ion batteries by people who don't understand the potential dangers (again linked to lack of regulation and control) - cheap batteries are dangerous

Stopping people smoking is obviously a good thing - stopping them by offering an alternative that no-one understands the implications of is arguably not....

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8 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

I'd argue that there are than far more than two issues, for example:

  • no one knows (yet) what damage is potentially being done by the chemicals that are being inhaled - and as they are un-regulated and un-controlled, there's every possibility that there are some real nasties included in a product that folk have convinced themselves is good for their health (because it's less bad than tobacco). I await the flood of compensation claims when people start developing haorrible diseases in 10-20 years time....
  • the anti-social behaviour of a lot (not all) of vapists is arguably worse than smokers as they blow large clouds of fruity badness over all and sundry
  • the large scale use of rechargable lithium-ion batteries by people who don't understand the potential dangers (again linked to lack of regulation and control) - cheap batteries are dangerous

Stopping people smoking is obviously a good thing - stopping them by offering an alternative that no-one understands the implications of is arguably not....

The part on batteries was kind of what I meant that you don't know where and how it was built - same point for the chemicals inhaled. Deaths in the States due to people vaping cannabis was linked to waxes from the process congealing in people's lungs. And as for batteries, it's a bit like electric scooters and those hoverboard things, if they are all made generically you have no recourse or knowledge that yours will be the one that doesn't explode. Yup, leftie here, but regulation will need to include licensing so that only certain manufacturers are able to produce them, then you know who to write to.

As for people smoking them in public places, I don't like them but I'd have them hands down over plumes of pipe smoke or having to wash everything you wore the night after you went out coz it all smells like an ashtray.

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38 minutes ago, angieram said:

People think smoking rhem at football matches is okay.

Not if you're standing anywhere near them, it's not! 


I'll openly (but shamefully) admit, I've had the odd "crafty puff"!  (Leave it!)
I like to think it goes unnoticed.  I'd like to think if indeed someone did pull me up on it, I'd apologise and refrain thereafter.
I also admit that whenever I have, I've done it "sneakily".  Usually a short sharp drag whilst everyone else is jumping around in the aisles after we've scored.  Next to no visible evidence (Vape-wise) as most of it stays inside me... particularly when I'm deliberately and consciously trying to be sneaky/knowingly breaking the rules.
In my weak defence, it ain't every game.  Far from it.  Probably averaged 4-6 such singular episodes per season for the past decade.  In fact I don't think I did it once last season, from memory?  (I do go in late/5 mins to kick off, and pop out again at half time!)



This, referencing 2017/18, but purportedly from Friday July 28th, so I assume this year?... 


Pride Park Stadium is a no smoking stadium and the use of E-Cigarettes has been included in this policy for the 2017/18 season.

Supporters wishing to smoke any form of cigarette once inside the stadium on a matchday will need to leave the ground at half-time and not smoke in the concourse areas.

Anyone in breach of this club policy may find themselves ejected from the stadium.

https://www.dcfc.co.uk/news/2017/07/safety-notice-e-cigarettes#:~:text=Pride Park Stadium is a,smoke in the concourse areas.





As the ultimate fence-sitter then, I also feel obliged to leave this here...


Derby County Football Club strives to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for ALL supporters and its staff.

Home Matchday Text Service

On a home matchday you can report any incidents or concerns discreetly and directly to Derby County Match Control; this includes any health and safety concerns. You must start your text with DCFC, followed by your message and then send to 88440. Please include as much information as possible, including the stand, row, seat number and names, where possible. Once received, the club will investigate each incident as a matter of priority.

Each text costs one standard message at your network rate.

Alternatively, if you feel it is safe to do so, please contact a matchday steward and provide as much detail as possible so it can be investigated by the matchday team as a matter of urgency.

Matchday Supporter Liaison Officers (MSLO’s)

As part of Derby County’s ongoing commitment to providing supporters with a positive matchday experience, a dedicated team of Matchday Supporter Liaison Officers (MSLO’s) will be stationed at key points around Pride Park Stadium. They will be wearing blue jackets and on hand to help and assist supporters with any queries or concerns they may have.

Whilst Derby County prides itself of its high standards, the club encourages feedback from supporters if they feel that it has failed to deliver against the standards and service levels that are expected and so the club can continuously improve.





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1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

Vaping is one of the biggest single health improvers seen this century, the incidence of emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease related to smoking has absolutely fallen through the floor. So any discussion with regard to them has to happen with that in mind.

I've really got to see the stats on that.

As for vaping it was supposed to be a short-term aid to help stop smoking. It'll be a while before we see the full health implications of them, but anyone who thinks they are harmless in comparison just has no idea how bad nicotine is for the health.

"Exposure to nicotine, from conventional or electronic cigarettes during adolescence can impair the developing human brain. E-cigarette use is recognized as a substantial threat to adolescent behavioral health." Wiki

But it sounds like you oldies are okay then?! 😄

As for disposable vapes, absolutely not. Total ban everywhere. Prescription only, like with methadone, for other vapes.

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In terms of the littering issue, I did see that several music festivals this summer had designated vape disposal points. It wouldn't surprise me to see these start cropping up in town centres, etc. soon.

Glastonbury, on the other hand, straight up banned them.

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5 hours ago, David said:


More kids/younger adults are vaping than back in the older days with cigarettes.

"Looking cool" was always the entry point into smoking, yet these vapes are clearly more appealing with the bright colours and fruity flavours.

Kids can go out smoke one all night on the park with mates and go home without stinking and getting the parental rollicking.

I'm sure studies will show at some point they are shocking for your body, some lad in the news ended up in a coma through smoking them.

Ban em I say.

I’m with you if your banning alcohol too 👍

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4 hours ago, David said:

I will retract my ban them statement.

They just need stricter rules.

Like cigarettes, put them behind closed cabinets and plain packaging. 

All the bright neon colours and tutti fruity flavours is cool candy for kids.

Banning them completely is harsh until those studies have been done, they are not as obnoxious as standard cigarette smoking which stinks.

I say all this as someone who fell into the trap of cool smoking as a kid, then just a social smoker and vaper to now nothing.

Adults are old enough to make their own decisions, just think we need to protect kids better until the potential dangers are fully realised.

Also with you on bottles of drink being put in plain packaged bottles with picks of destroyed livers , bloodied victims of violence and mangled bodies of drink drive accidents on the labels 😂

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46 minutes ago, Archied said:

I’m with you if your banning alcohol too 👍


42 minutes ago, Archied said:

Also with you on bottles of drink being put in plain packaged bottles with picks of destroyed livers , bloodied victims of violence and mangled bodies of drink drive accidents on the labels 😂

Found the vaper! 😜

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