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Is Warne living on borrowed time?

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1 hour ago, jimtastic56 said:

What does it say about us when players are getting their heads turned by Hull city and Bristol ?  Players certainly aren’t bothered about playing in front of 29,000 every home game .

I shouldn’t think playing in front of 27,000 rather than 20,000 (Bristol) and 18,000 (Hull) is a major consideration for most players.

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18 hours ago, Sparkle said:

Far to early in this season for anything overly negative 

I would like to see a genuine spark to our play and a player that is good to watch. 

442 would at least mean people know their jobs as well 

knight and McGoldrick were very good players weren’t they 

McGoldrick yes. Knight no.  Headless chicken 

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I think ,unfortunately there have been people who did not want him from day 1-no real idea why but after any downturn in form/performance and bad results they will immediately hit the keyboard and generate /stir up anti Warne comment.A few are saying the jobs too big for him -why he has proved on three occasions he has the credentials -the thing different here is the expectations and lack of patience by some of the supporters who believe we are a bigger club than we probably are. Shouldn't a big club get more than 7000 for a competitive game.? 

We do need more players and im sure they are working behind the scenes to attract them but in the situation we are we may have to accept that the quality of player we would like doesn't want to drop down to League 1 or agree to our cash offers.

What dissapointed me last night was the lack of energy and chasing down which has been a positive since his appointment I hope nothing has gone on within the dressing room as i do think once the players are in the roles and playing the way he wants we will be ok.

Still 135 points to play for-probably 90 should see you go up this year so a long way to go-there will almost certainly be a meltdown in some quarters for each of the 45 points dropped.

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40 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

I have no problems with Paul Warne or brandy snaps , but players have got to be able to adapt to different systems. Knight would never go away with Ireland and say I can’t play that system. Who would buy a player that can only fit into one system? My point was- players won’t hang around just to play in front of bigger crowds.

Ugh! Sticky. Brandy snaps, that it, not Paul Warne! Although.....😉

Anyway, I think we are agreeing, the crowd isn't the factor. In fact, it can be off-putting for some of a nervous disposition.  

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10 minutes ago, angieram said:

Ugh! Sticky. Brandy snaps, that it, not Paul Warne! Although.....😉

Anyway, I think we are agreeing, the crowd isn't the factor. In fact, it can be off-putting for some of a nervous disposition.  

…especially when they ‘boo’.

Now to be clear, I don’t believe any manager should get a ‘free pass’ - and as Warne himself has said it’s a results business.

However, I do find it sad that the camaraderie between fans and players seems to be disappearing so quickly after the club nearly went bust. God knows that David Clowes must think - but I suspect the word ‘ungrateful’ has popped into his mind a few times.

I really believe no judgement can be made until around Christmas about how we are doing. If we win the next 10 games everyone will be happy. If we’d won the first 10 games and then lost two everyone would be happy.

We should try not to lose perspective just because it’s the start of the season and everyone now feels deflated due to their pre season optimism evaporating. What did we expect really? These players need to gel- we are still short up front and we lost our best player from last season. 

Give the club a chance, and if you’re booing don’t pile unnecessary pressure on the team. It won’t have the effect you’re hoping for!

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4 minutes ago, Rammeister said:

…especially when they ‘boo’.

Now to be clear, I don’t believe any manager should get a ‘free pass’ - and as Warne himself has said it’s a results business.

However, I do find it sad that the camaraderie between fans and players seems to be disappearing so quickly after the club nearly went bust. God knows that David Clowes must think - but I suspect the word ‘ungrateful’ has popped into his mind a few times.

I really believe no judgement can be made until around Christmas about how we are doing. If we win the next 10 games everyone will be happy. If we’d won the first 10 games and then lost two everyone would be happy.

We should try not to lose perspective just because it’s the start of the season and everyone now feels deflated due to their pre season optimism evaporating. What did we expect really? These players need to gel- we are still short up front and we lost our best player from last season. 

Give the club a chance, and if you’re booing don’t pile unnecessary pressure on the team. It won’t have the effect you’re hoping for!

I hope you aren't directing that comment at me. I applauded all the good stuff, stayed and clapped the team at the end, as I always do. 

I think our crowd can be quite a challenge at times. 

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1 minute ago, angieram said:

I hope you aren't directing that comment at me. I applauded all the good stuff, stayed and clapped the team at the end, as I always do. 

I think our crowd can be quite a challenge at times. 

No- definitely not you!!- just following on from your crowd point. 🙂

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18 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

Hey, don't listen to me, ask Max Bird, Derbys number 8, how he feels about Warne??


Ask Bird what division he wants to be playing in, and if he wants his wages improving. Hull is far from exciting but it's years ahead of us at  present and a step in the right direction for his career.


13 hours ago, G-Ram said:

I still think the club is too big for him & his coaching staff. Its not arrogance. You cant play the type of Rotherham football at Derby in league one. It just screams armature.

Regardless if playing staff & style etc an experienced or half decent manager gets us out of this division.

I know we dont have the same playing staff as Wednesday last year & i know they went up in the end but they were held back by moore & thats thhe reason he was sacked after promotion.


Couldn't care less about style, if its effective in this division, and 3 times so far it has been, then its fine by me. Sure we'd all like free flowing footy and dazzling skills, but you don't get that down here, you get half decent players with missing attributes to become top players, therefore you play to strengths and if those strengths are pinging it up the pitch quickly and crossing to a target man then fine as long as it is successful. At least I can see a plan with the signings, its just a shame that big man has so far eluded us. What is disappointing is getting next to none of the Bielik/Knight money to reinvest.

Thinking that Derby are above this league, have the best players, and don't have to do anything but turn up to win is most likely what has cost us in the past few games. It was fine to an extent when we had individual match winners, look at Mac's time here, if it wasn't going great someone like Ince, Ibe, Bryson, Russell, Martin, Bent or whoever could have a storming match and win/turn a game pretty much on their own, you don't get so many at a lower level and whe you aren't throwing money around - last season we had McGoldrick and Mendez-Laing for that, maybe occasionally Hourihane and Dobbin. This season we still have 2 of them, who will be the catalyst for a few games (if NML is played in any appropriate position) and I expect Washington and Ward will have matches that they are largely responsible for winning. To rely on a system with interchangable players seems far better than hoping someone has a 40 game purple patch.

With regards to the Championship, which is a long way off, there is no evidence Warne can or can't do it, only that he left Rotherham in a very good position last season. Every time previously he has been hamstrung by players leaving at the end of their contracts and lack of funds for improvements or a best replacements - the only thing it tells me is the championship is higher quality.


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1 hour ago, secretsquirrel said:

I think ,unfortunately there have been people who did not want him from day 1-no real idea why but after any downturn in form/performance and bad results they will immediately hit the keyboard and generate /stir up anti Warne comment.A few are saying the jobs too big for him -why he has proved on three occasions he has the credentials -the thing different here is the expectations and lack of patience by some of the supporters who believe we are a bigger club than we probably are. Shouldn't a big club get more than 7000 for a competitive game.? 

We do need more players and im sure they are working behind the scenes to attract them but in the situation we are we may have to accept that the quality of player we would like doesn't want to drop down to League 1 or agree to our cash offers.

What dissapointed me last night was the lack of energy and chasing down which has been a positive since his appointment I hope nothing has gone on within the dressing room as i do think once the players are in the roles and playing the way he wants we will be ok.

Still 135 points to play for-probably 90 should see you go up this year so a long way to go-there will almost certainly be a meltdown in some quarters for each of the 45 points dropped.

I was quite excited about the initial noises when he joined but watched him manage us to not even getting a shot on target in some matches which (obviously you expect to lose matches) simply isn’t acceptable at this level with this club. 0 shots on target. 
I also panicked when I saw what his version of pressing meant as it wasn’t organised at all. I was aghast when we went through relegation form to drop out of the playoffs. 

I was however prepared to wipe the slate clean with him working on getting his own players in. It’s not yet going to plan. Far from it. Last night was unacceptable. 

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2 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

Very little confidence about us getting up this season then? Or is 12 month too long to wait?


To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause—there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action.


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14 hours ago, G-Ram said:

I still think the club is too big for him & his coaching staff. It’s not arrogance. You cant play the type of Rotherham football at Derby in league one. It just screams armature


Regardless if playing staff & style etc an experienced or half decent manager gets us out of this division.

I know we dont have the same playing staff as Wednesday last year & i know they went up in the end but they were held back by moore & thats thhe reason he was sacked after promotion.


Are you winding us up now 😊

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2 hours ago, Pottig said:

To me, the idea that PW is or would feel like he is under any pressure after only 2 games of a season is laughable.

So many on here need to give their heads a wobble and look at the situation we are in, and more realistically set their standards. PW won't be (and doesn't deserve to be) sacked anytime soon. I do think he should move away from a back 3, but calling for his head in early August is farcical.

How much worse off are we than Wigan and Reading and a few more no doubt. I know we're special, but...

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1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Having grown up in Hull I can confirm via my experience of eating Brandy Snaps at Hull Fair that the experience could be tempting to Bird, there’s something special about buying a bag of those sticky sweet bad boys whilst neon lights and the risk of death swirl around you. 



Brandy Snaps...the biggest con since they stopped giving you an extra packet of Beechnut Chewing gum when the arrow on the twist handle was pointing at you.

They don't taste of Brandy and all I got was sticky fingers and that was before I knew girls 😁

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To suggest PW is on borrowed time is ridiculous.  We’ve had 1 league game and 1 cup game, arguably lost them to mistakes.  On Saturday, if we get the pen early on and score it’s probably a very different outcome.  PW will be, and should be, given time.  At the end of last season the majority were saying give PW a full pre-season, at least 1 full transfer window and 10 or so games to judge.  We’ve had 1 league game and the transfer window is still open.

On Sky they’ve been talking to Ben Robinson and Nigel Clough ahead of the Burton v Leicester game.  After Ben said Nigel was their best manager they asked Nigel why that was.  His answer was pretty simple, he was allowed to get on with the job, wasn’t looking over his shoulder and knew if he lost 3 or 4 games on the bounce his job wasn’t at risk.  Some people need to think about that as I think that’s what we need, and it’s what DC will do.

And before I get we’re bigger than Burton, etc, we’re in the same league and no-one has a divine right to promotion.  But the message is simple, stick by your manager in the short term to prosper in the long term.

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It’s absolutely crazy, I’ve tried staying off twitter and just check this for transfer updated but I can’t actually believe the over reaction that’s happening, we’ve lost to Wigan after having the most attempts in the league, on another day we win tht game, we’ve lost a league cup game because of a mistake, first half way poor etc but we are literally 2 games in, the reaction is like we’re 15 games in having only won once, it’s mental, the team are gelling we are still 2/3 short give it bloody time, if in November/December time we aren’t any better then ask questions, this is the biggest over reaction I’ve seen for a long time, calm down 

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25 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

I was quite excited about the initial noises when he joined but watched him manage us to not even getting a shot on target in some matches which (obviously you expect to lose matches) simply isn’t acceptable at this level with this club. 0 shots on target

Seems a strange/harsh take considering we only failed to have an SoT in one match, away at Ipswich. Probably the best team we faced all year, where if it wasn’t for mistakes (again) we’d have pulled off a decent away point. 

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18 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

To suggest PW is on borrowed time is ridiculous.  We’ve had 1 league game and 1 cup game, arguably lost them to mistakes.

I really do not get this emphasis that some are pointing out, do goals from mistakes not count then?! Mistakes always happen you might say, so why didn't we do enough to counteract them?

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