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Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach


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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

"We were incredibly dismissive", "What we deserve"? Speak for yourself. I'm sure Warne is far too intelligent to tar us all with the same brush and, if he'd been foolish enough to frequent social media sites, I'm sure he'd have realised that the relatively few prematurely overly negative comments were not necessarily representative of the majority. Whilst a lot of people may have had their doubts, the overwhelming majority (IMO) were prepared to give him a chance before passing judgement.

He has been quoted in an earlier Athletic article saying 50-60% of the fanbase didn’t want him, so what else is he suggesting?

It doesn’t sound like he felt welcomed with open arms, does it? It doesn’t sound like he understood that the majority were open and willing to give him a chance, does it?

I think it’s great that he is proving people wrong and long may it continue. However it is naive of any of us to think that players and managers don’t take any notice of what gets said on forums and social media.

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Just now, Jourdan said:

He has been quoted in an earlier Athletic article saying 50-60% of the fanbase didn’t want him, so what else is he suggesting?

It doesn’t sound like he felt welcomed with open arms, does it? It doesn’t sound like he understood that the majority were open and willing to give him a chance, does it?

I think it’s great that he is proving people wrong and long may it continue. However it is naive of any of us to think that players and managers don’t take any notice of what gets said on forums and social media.

That didn't stop you from slagging off our previous management on here, though, did it? 


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18 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

Read the first 10-15 pages of this very thread.

The comments are all there. I’ve not plucked any of it out of the sky.

If I quoted them all, I’d be here all night and have to charge an hourly rate.

Just had a quick scan through and mostly found shock / surprise and some mild concern around style of play and the decision making process.

Certainly very few unfavourable comparisons to Rowett, Pearson or Jewell(!?!?!). That said my reading comprehension isn’t great and to have had comments and posters in mind you must have read through it recently yourself, so would be very helpful if you could find some. 

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35 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

My question is a medical one. There has been a poster on here for the last two years who has been as negative as f***. Now he seems as happy as Larry, and can’t understand why one or two might be a little negative. Is he on some wonder drug, or has he had some HRT therapy, or has he just learnt the joy that can be found from being able to play a musical instrument ?


Just two years? Where have you been for the other 9-10 years?

What can I say? The club is going in a positive direction. Winning football matches is great for the soul. With David Clowes, it feels like we have a good, dutiful man who is happy to operate away from the limelight, making sound decisions and righting wrongs. And with Paul Warne, we also have a manager who is proving himself to be perfect for our current circumstances.

So there’s all that, but to be fair it could also be down to crack and sound therapy.

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11 minutes ago, angieram said:

That didn't stop you from slagging off our previous management on here, though, did it? 


It’s what tends to happen when you don’t win football matches or you don’t look like you’re improving or working towards something better.

Difference is Warne was being questioned before he had even changed into his club tracksuit and sliders.

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3 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

He has been quoted in an earlier Athletic article saying 50-60% of the fanbase didn’t want him, so what else is he suggesting?

It doesn’t sound like he felt welcomed with open arms, does it? It doesn’t sound like he understood that the majority were open and willing to give him a chance, does it?

I think it’s great that he is proving people wrong and long may it continue. However it is naive of any of us to think that players and managers don’t take any notice of what gets said on forums and social media.

Did he ask 50-60% of the fan base? Of course not. They are just figures he plucked out of the air. He comes across as a very self effacing individual and I doubt he actually believes many (certainly not 50-60%) expressed their disapproval of his appointment. Disappointment and surprise at LR being relieved of his duties maybe. Maybe even surprise and scepticism at his own appointment but not much more than that.

I think he just accepts the fact that he might not have been everyone’s first choice and that LR was popular amongst many supporters. I think he is a very intelligent person and recognises the fact that he needed to win many supporters over. 

Regarding your second paragraph, I really don’t think he would have joined Derby if he didn’t think most fans were willing to give him the chance to prove himself.

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15 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

Just two years? Where have you been for the other 9-10 years?

What can I say? The club is going in a positive direction. Winning football matches is great for the soul. With David Clowes, it feels like we have a good, dutiful man who is happy to operate away from the limelight, making sound decisions and righting wrongs. And with Paul Warne, we also have a manager who is proving himself to be perfect for our current circumstances.

So there’s all that, but to be fair it could also be down to crack and sound therapy.

Yeah, yeah, but come on give me two names of respected posters who have disappeared because of Warne. Shout up or shut up.

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11 minutes ago, Rev said:

Now we're getting to the nub. 

The sheer hypocrisy of @Jourdan, of all people, to call others out for not supporting the manager is somewhat galling.

It’s not hypocritical, though.

Cocu, Rooney and Rosenior weren’t taking us anywhere. I can appreciate that they had to contend with difficult circumstances and they all had some good spells or good moments, but let’s be honest, those were few and far between.

They were all inexperienced at managing clubs in the particular division we were in and never looked likely to move us forward in the way we needed.

Vitesse, Hull, DC United - would you say any of those managers advanced their careers on the strength of their work here, or more likely their previous connection to the clubs?

Warne arrived here with actual tangible success in this very division, so of course it seems strange that he wasn’t given more support from the start.

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

My question is a medical one. There has been a poster on here for the last two years who has been as negative as f***. Now he seems as happy as Larry, and can’t understand why one or two might be a little negative. Is he on some wonder drug, or has he had some HRT therapy, or has he just learnt the joy that can be found from being able to play a musical instrument ?



Pink oboe?

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2 hours ago, Rev said:

Spot on, as always. 

I can't say I was overly enthused by his appointment, partly because of a loyalty to Liam, and partly because of that interview when we sent Wednesday and Rotherham down. 

Petty I know, but even @Carl Sagan expressed surprise at his appointment because of his apparent dislike of Derby County, presumably based on the same footage.

First page of this thread, for those interested, he must have missed it when compiling his list of negative posters.

However, I gave him a chance from the off, kept my counsel, not that anyone was hanging off my verdict, and I'm enjoying the season for what it is. 

Hard working team, hard working manager and support staff, great fans and the unity continues. 

I should have said when quoting those posters that I wasn't criticizing them. You simply seemed to have had deliberate amnesia when those sorts of comments were commonplace. And then you asked for "the proof". Not hard to find. It was interesting to re-read the early pages. I'd not heard of Warne before the rumour, but then remembered the crass comments at the end of our Wednesday match (though I hadn't known the name of the Rotherham manager who'd made them). But as soon as I and others researched him and unearthed more footage, it turned out this person was an unusual manager with much to recommend him. As has been demonstrated so far. Long may he reign, as that should mean we're doing well.

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2 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

I should have said when quoting those posters that I wasn't criticizing them. You simply seemed to have had deliberate amnesia when those sorts of comments were commonplace. And then you asked for "the proof". Not hard to find. It was interesting to re-read the early pages. I'd not heard of Warne before the rumour, but then remembered the crass comments at the end of our Wednesday match (though I hadn't known the name of the Rotherham manager who'd made them). But as soon as I and others researched him and unearthed more footage, it turned out this person was an unusual manager with much to recommend him. As has been demonstrated so far. Long may he reign, as that should mean we're doing well.

I like 'unusual' - usually.

Brian Clough was unusual.

Unfortunately, so was Phil Brown.

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4 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

It’s not hypocritical, though.

Cocu, Rooney and Rosenior weren’t taking us anywhere. I can appreciate that they had to contend with difficult circumstances and they all had some good spells or good moments, but let’s be honest, those were few and far between.

They were all inexperienced at managing clubs in the particular division we were in and never looked likely to move us forward in the way we needed.

Vitesse, Hull, DC United - would you say any of those managers advanced their careers on the strength of their work here, or more likely their previous connection to the clubs?

Warne arrived here with actual tangible success in this very division, so of course it seems strange that he wasn’t given more support from the start.

Cocu and Rooney both managed us in two of the most bizarre seasons in recent history. Rosenior was picking up the pieces of what was left.

Cocu had Keogh/Bennett/Lawrence, takeover collapses, embargoes, Covid, etc... Even in that season, he showed promise when we made an unsuccessful late push for the playoffs. 

Rooney had administration, 21 points deducted, started the season with just a handful of players, a squad ripped apart in January, failed exits from administration.

Even Rosenior started the season with just 5 contracted players. He had a steady start whilst players were starting to build up fitness (no pre season) and getting to know each other. We lost just 3 games in his 10 games in charge. Rosenior ceteinly showed a lot of potential, still does, and will forever be what Clough was to the 13/14 Mac season.

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Warne has done really well - I'd be the first to admit much better and more flexible than I thought from what I knew about him and what I saw in the first few weeks (eg the insistence on five at the back when we couldn't play it).

Equally it was Rosenior (and Flowers) who put this squad together extremely early in the summer. That really shouldn't be forgotten. McGoldrick, Barkhuizen, NML... much better than we could have expected. 

Personally I couldn't be happier that I underestimated Warne and will always be grateful to LR. 

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1 minute ago, i-Ram said:

Come on @Jourdan. 20 minutes to come up with two names. I am beginning to think you may have made that bit up.

Calm down. You’re being confrontational for no real reason.

I didn’t even mention you directly or anyone specific. But what I am saying is fair and true and if you have been paying attention, you would know that.

But naming names or quoting people and their comments was never my intention. I am not in the business of embarrassing people.

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3 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

Here are some from earlier in this thread:














There were also some "the next Nigel Pearson" early on that I should have copied in.

Ah, the witch-hunt continues ?

I suspect those of us who had doubts about Warne haven't got much to argue about given the team is going well & probably don't have the inclination to engage with Warne obsessives seeking to either belittle the previous manager's contribution to this squad, or desperately seek self-validation. You crack on lads, got better things to do with my time ?

P.s. Not in the slightest bit interested whether Warne was aware some Derby fans didn't want him. I absolutely stand by what I said about him back in September & whilst I acknowledge results have been good recently, I continue to have reservations about him long term & especially at a higher level - which lets face it, is where we want to be successful in coming years.

Doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the team doing well at the minute. Which is exactly what I'm planning on doing if that's OK with you & @Jourdan - many thanks in advance ?

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18 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

Calm down. You’re being confrontational for no real reason.

I didn’t even mention you directly or anyone specific. But what I am saying is fair and true and if you have been paying attention, you would know that.

But naming names or quoting people and their comments was never my intention. I am not in the business of embarrassing people.

If you can't name names, I'd suggest it's Curtains for your argument!

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Just now, Rev said:

If you can't name names, I'd suggest it's Curtains for your argument!

Read the tone of @LeedsCityRam’s post above and you’ll understand what naming names leads too. It’s antagonistic.

The fact that @Carl Sagan took the time and was able to quote multiple posters’ comments shows what I am saying obviously has some weight.

But please continue trying to score points if you must.

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