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What action can fans take against Wycombe and Middlesbrough


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I think that the target for this is not Gibson or Wycombe, it’s the EFL. They need to understand the fall out if this is successful and how their actions could come under scrutiny. They could be heading into an untenable situation.

pressure on the EFL could get them to engage with Gibson et al to minimise the collateral outcome of the cases.

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25 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

Protest in front of Riverside main entrance. Every away fan

Was going to say similar, even link arms across the entrance to blockade it, especially to stop Gibson, always say if enough do it the authorities, stewards etc can't do anything about it.

I'm sure they will confiscate banners from going in, but can't stop anti Gibson chants or banners outside, but need to remember that inside the grd, need to support the team

Edited by Rich84
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1 hour ago, KBB said:

Also to add. If you tweet something and get the usual forest and Leeds fans trying to pile on, ignore, don't reply or respond yo them and keep tweeting on the boro and wycombe feeds. Don't get drawn into arguments or trying to reason with other teams fans. It's nothing to do with them and their opinion means nothing to us.

It’s good advice for the all of the time when it comes to listening to some Forest and Leeds fans!

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1 hour ago, Curtains said:

Can we take it direct to the government via MPs

No civil unrest or violence but lobbying 

Yes. If Gibson persists he puts us at risk of liquidation. That’s a massive issue for the city and for all Derby fans. Jim Wheeler/Rams Trust, BAWT etc should be getting our MPs and local dignatories to talk to their counterparts in boro to stop this nonsense. Surprised the admins have not organised this 

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29 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

The EFL are letting this happen, so I can only conclude that they want Derby to fold.

Don’t see there is much the EFl can do. GIbson simply replies: ‘my club is entitled to enforce its legal rights and remedies - we must let the arbitration panel decide the issue’   

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1 hour ago, Philmycock said:

Smash some seats up, and toilets, like Forest do

Please don’t do any damage to the Riverside stadium, players cars, team bus etc it could seriously damage our takeover prospects.

To win the final battle sometimes it’s best not to engage with the enemy.

Edited by cstand
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