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The Administration Thread


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Owning the stadium puts him in a very strong position to complete a takeover, even the most sceptical among us must be able to see that. It means the MSD loan and Morris’ involvement is finally reduced also, so if Clowes doesn’t take the club on (which seems unlikely given the statement saying they’re launching a bid) it should make facilitating a takeover with another party more straightforward. It’s a good news day folks, we’re a massive step closer to the club being saved! ? 

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Pleased for you as a fanbase - you've had to suffer enough!
Also on a personal (selfish) note as it means the city I live in continues to have an EFL football club, and a big one at that. I've enjoyed some fantastic days at Pride Park since I've lived here.

Not so pleased that it sounds like you might be in a position to sign on players much quicker than it was looking like!
I suppose if you beat us on opening day, the banter from the in-laws and friends will be over nice and early!

Edited by CaptainOx
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5 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Does Clowes buying the stadium put Ashley completely out of the picture? I understand he is only interested in buying the club if the stadium is part of the deal, so unless Clowes is willing to sell it immediately (which wouldn't make much sense) then Ashley has missed the boat.

Yup no wonder he couldn’t get the club. Clowes took the stadium in middle may but has obviously had to wait to pay the loan off msd and tick the boxes. Mike Ashley dithering trying to be last man has cost him and now he will have to venture out and buy someone else. 120 million for a Sheffield united seems like we aren’t a bad purchase if we can get back around the top 10 championship in the next 3 years

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16 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

I didn't realise how much this was affecting me. I was convinced I wasn't that bothered. I've lost my grandmother last week and have other issues and thought there were more important things in life.

I'm not too ashamed or masculine to admit that after reading those Clowes press release snippets on Twitter, I realised my eyes had welled-up a little and I have let out a massive sigh. I now want to have a celebratory drink and put this nightmare behind me.

I am however realistic enough to know that the football side could well be a struggle for a few years, and I have no expectations, but to know that my home-city club, a club I followed home and away for most of my adult life, a club that I committed thousands of pounds to over the years, a club that has made me laugh, smile, groan and sob, will continue to exist means a lot to me personally.

Cheers boys and girls.

Great Post, I am balling my eyes out reading this....

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13 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

OK folks but don't shoot the messenger.

I've just taken a phone call from a friend who's just told me that David Clowes has purchased the Stadium from MM, And is now in discussions to buy DCFC, The talks have to conclude shortly and I understand that DCs close friend David Dickinsonimage.png.de77b75e7bbb7ccf5a7595862d45fd91.pnghas joined him in this new venture, I hope this is true and not another false dawn 

The future's bright, the future's Orange?

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Love the statement, this part here confirms that despite all the speculation and conspiracy theories Quantuma have been working quietly and with the EFL to resolve this. Hopefully everyone can focus on the positives moving forward now ? 

also stadium deal sorted last Friday with minimal info (if any) being leaked. Good work after months of delays and miscommunication 

Edited by Caerphilly Ram
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16 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

I didn't realise how much this was affecting me. I was convinced I wasn't that bothered. I've lost my grandmother last week and have other issues and thought there were more important things in life.

I'm not too ashamed or masculine to admit that after reading those Clowes press release snippets on Twitter, I realised my eyes had welled-up a little and I have let out a massive sigh. I now want to have a celebratory drink and put this nightmare behind me.

I am however realistic enough to know that the football side could well be a struggle for a few years, and I have no expectations, but to know that my home-city club, a club I followed home and away for most of my adult life, a club that I committed thousands of pounds to over the years, a club that has made me laugh, smile, groan and sob, will continue to exist means a lot to me personally.

Cheers boys and girls.

firstly, most importantly, so sorry for your loss. 
Secondly. Brilliant post, i know we dont always share the same views on here but thats a brilliant post mate. I think theres a fair few, myself included that will resonate with what youve said.

I think and hope this whole saga may have grounded and united the fanbase like never before im sure im not the only one thats simply itching to get back to pp and do nothing but roar that club back up the leagues. It might / will be tough but im hoping that new found togetheness will mean even in the eyes of defeat the fanbase stays strong and resolute


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7 minutes ago, ollycutts1982 said:

Firstly, and most importantly, sorry to hear about your grandmother. Sending best wishes to you and your family. 

Secondly, I was exactly the same. I believe this whole saga has taken a massive toll on the fan base, possibly more than we’d ever know. Constantly checking on here for updates as well as other social media outlets. False dawns, the lowest of the low points. 

I said earlier this year that Derby County should be the source of release for its fans. A happy place where we can go and forget our daily battles and for 90mins on a Saturday afternoon just enjoy watching our team play. Since admin and even more so since the end of the season this hasn’t been the case, infact it has been the polar opposite. The anxiety and stress that we have had to endure through the issues and fear of liquidation on top of any other factors going on has been a nightmare. 

One glimmer of light that has come out of this is how the fans have stood shoulder to shoulder with each other and the club, the way this forum has helped members through this whole mess. 

I do hope this is rock bottom and we can now move forward and get back to enjoying just been football fans. 


I think that whilst you are right that its taken a massive toll on the fanbase, the upside of that will be that the support for the club will be strengthened. There will be a huge boost of momentum from it.  We could really ride a wave next season  

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Absolutely made up by this news. Clowes Developments have seen the potential in Pride Park with that purchase and i wouldn't be surprised if the Plaza idea comes back in to the reckoning once stability has returned. 

What we need now is the players to return on Monday and Rooney to confirm that he is happy with future plans. Then let the fun begin with the free transfers arriving!! 

So excited for these next few weeks!!

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Once this deal is completed,  I think this thread should be kept as a sticky at the top of the forum as a reminder that when, in the future, things arn't going too well,  the outlook could have been far worse.  I think DC will be a good owner and am starting to believe again.

Now get those season tickets on sale.


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