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The Administration Thread


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4 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

I doubt that's the way the administrators see it,their job is to reduce the debt not to make sure we see the season out, we have transfer payments due next month which will be more of a priority to the administrators to make sure they are paid.

Their job is to get as much money as possible for the creditors. In our case, that's the same as making sure the club is still here at the end of the season

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Just now, Gaspode said:

People who have done good things are sometimes granted the freedom of the city - could we push the council to do the extact opposite with Morris and bring in a by-law that bans him from ever setting foot in the city again?

He will have a ground we could play on if we get to start up a new club so mind your manners 

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Jagielka has joined Stoke oh such a wonderful day that another team breaking ffp that’s probably getting away with it too! 

our only thing is regardless of our situation if any of Stoke , forest , boro , Bristol city don’t get the same treatment as us for ffp breaches we should sue 

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7 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Money raised would be to keep us going, up until a new owner can come in to pay off that debt. If liquidated, the spare cash will go to the creditors


We don't have proof that a new owner will come in.

The administrators role is to satisfy creditors and reduce debt not keep the club going until a new owner possibly takes over,if we don't get taken over and the admin have used money from player sales to fund the club until the end of the season that is money lost.

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Just something I’ve been sent today, could he absolute bs so take with a pinch of salt but same person who said the the staff meeting was happening today. Don’t shoot me down I’m not ITK.

“Ashley has bid as per media and it’s by far the biggest bid so far. The admins were aiming to be in a position to have announced Applebys crew by now but because Ashley’s bid trumps theirs and they can’t match it, they are taking Ashley’s bid forward as obviously it strikes a better deal for the creditors

Unfortunately Ashley’s bid has come at a bad time, right in the middle of January so the admins now need to go through the legal process and due diligence and pass the EFL owners and directors test which all take time. This was presented to the EFL yesterday who explained that waiting for Ashley to be announced pb and then finance the club simply isn’t going to cut it.”

no preferred bidder = no signing of players until evidence of funding has been produced. 


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The administrators didn't know they had to show that we could pay wages until the end of the season. There is nothing they can do. When it finally goes off, I hope they don't get paid. Its partly the EFL's fault, they dont have proper regulation to stop a buyer like MM running a club into the ground. Not suprised that so many people blame them.

In this case, the administrators would have found someone to buy the company. They haven't found anyone yet.

The EFL has to look out for the wages of the players and staff after 4 months.

Morris, on the other hand, didn't care about anyone but himself. Thanks, Mel.

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10 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

*If*, for example, HMRC are saying we will only take 100% and the bidders are saying we'll only pay 25%, then I don't see what Quantuma can actually do.  The same with 'Boro and Wycombe, if there's a gaping chasm between what those clubs would agree to and what potential bidders are willing to cover, then again, I don't see what they can possibly do.  They can't force those parties to radically alter their demands. 

I think you have to assume that Quantuma are acting in good faith, because there really isn't that much incentive for them to not.  They risk losing their license to practice if they are genuinely being dodgy, and even beyond that, the last thing they want is a reputation for screwing things up.  If you're after an administrator, particularly as a another football club, would you want the ones that liquidated Derby County?

What quantuma can do is what they probably tried to do which was to say neither an Hmrc claim for 100% nor a Boro claim for £45 million are possible. 

Both claims can go away either by settlement or through court . The latter takes time. And money. 

so they ask for a bidder to put in a deposit to tide us over.

looks like Efl has put a spike in the wheels big time. 

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I Have had a fantastic time supporting this great club for 55 years,but nothing lasts forever and if this is to be Derby Countys final season I would like to tell anyone who has ever played for us how much joy you have given me.

As for the scum who pretend to look after our wonderful sport I cannot explain how much I despise you .and I wonder if they will be willing to pay the companies (large and small one man bands) the monies that they could have expected from a sale of the club.

As for you Mel I can't find any words that would not be a profanity.

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3 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Just something I’ve been sent today, could he absolute bs so take with a pinch of salt but same person who said the the staff meeting was happening today. Don’t shoot me down I’m not ITK.

“Ashley has bid as per media and it’s by far the biggest bid so far. The admins were aiming to be in a position to have announced Applebys crew by now but because Ashley’s bid trumps theirs and they can’t match it, they are taking Ashley’s bid forward as obviously it strikes a better deal for the creditors

Unfortunately Ashley’s bid has come at a bad time, right in the middle of January so the admins now need to go through the legal process and due diligence and pass the EFL owners and directors test which all take time. This was presented to the EFL yesterday who explained that waiting for Ashley to be announced pb and then finance the club simply isn’t going to cut it.”

no preferred bidder = no signing of players until evidence of funding has been produced. 


Sounds plausible.

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10 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

the admins will use the cash to keep us as a going concern. ie fund the rest of the season   And MSD would want them to 

MSD can't tell the administrators how to act, there is nothing to stop them putting up the money to keep the club going until the end of the season if they so wish.




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2 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Just something I’ve been sent today, could he absolute bs so take with a pinch of salt but same person who said the the staff meeting was happening today. Don’t shoot me down I’m not ITK.

“Ashley has bid as per media and it’s by far the biggest bid so far. The admins were aiming to be in a position to have announced Applebys crew by now but because Ashley’s bid trumps theirs and they can’t match it, they are taking Ashley’s bid forward as obviously it strikes a better deal for the creditors

Unfortunately Ashley’s bid has come at a bad time, right in the middle of January so the admins now need to go through the legal process and due diligence and pass the EFL owners and directors test which all take time. This was presented to the EFL yesterday who explained that waiting for Ashley to be announced pb and then finance the club simply isn’t going to cut it.”

no preferred bidder = no signing of players until evidence of funding has been produced. 


I've no reason to doubt you as you've been such an active member on here before, so I'm glad there is a little bit of news coming out of the club that isn't complete doom and gloom.

If Ashley has bid now and we need all the paperwork doing before he gets PB status, then it's within his interests to get all that done quickly before the assets and value of his acquisition are stripped before he completes the purchase. I hope that everyone is working flat out to get things moving along before the life support is switched off.

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5 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Just something I’ve been sent today, could he absolute bs so take with a pinch of salt but same person who said the the staff meeting was happening today. Don’t shoot me down I’m not ITK.

“Ashley has bid as per media and it’s by far the biggest bid so far. The admins were aiming to be in a position to have announced Applebys crew by now but because Ashley’s bid trumps theirs and they can’t match it, they are taking Ashley’s bid forward as obviously it strikes a better deal for the creditors

Unfortunately Ashley’s bid has come at a bad time, right in the middle of January so the admins now need to go through the legal process and due diligence and pass the EFL owners and directors test which all take time. This was presented to the EFL yesterday who explained that waiting for Ashley to be announced pb and then finance the club simply isn’t going to cut it.”

no preferred bidder = no signing of players until evidence of funding has been produced. 

Why couldn't this be announced?

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Listen up people..this is fact, Ive just had an email from a very reliable source...please read this is NO wind up.


Ok… here goes… the first part you’ll know and probably have read but the other comes from the Admin who spoke to my friend directly this morning. This is my written explanation of what he told me so my words not his…


So it seems that the administrators went to the meeting with the EFL yesterday with the expectation that they would leave the meeting being able to name the PB. To do this the EFL stated that DCFC had to fulfil their obligation to show proof of funds and see out the season. Q said we’ll do this via loans until the point at which we name the PB, after which they will put £X of million into the club to see it through to the end of the season – sound plan and one that gives everyone hope / optimism / security. The EFL then said ‘what about the Middlesbrough and Wycombe claims?’ Q answered that ‘legally’ that has no authority and even if it did then they were very confident that they would win the case based on the reality that it has no factual merit and their advice, plus they have followed instruction and rules. The EFL then took the stance that ‘well until this is resolved you cannot name the PB’ which may well be in breach of their own rule book and is certainly a subjective take on how to apply things. Essentially; they are able do what they want and definitely interpret things under the banner of doing so on behalf of their members (excluding Derby obvs). This has caused the latest stand-off and today’s repercussions re. Jagielka.


What the Admin / my pal’s take is, is that there is a definite agenda here to punish Derby as heavily as possible. The fact that they have earned the points they have and have bread hope, has in turn led to the feeling that the punishment is not strong enough and that this could set a dangerous precedent for other clubs to break the rules (should Derby achieve the impossible). Clubs are obviously bitter about that and in some ways, I think that’s fair enough and we’d likely feel the same. The issue now quickly shifts towards the fact that the EFL are using these claims as a delaying tactic to push Derby into more uncertainty and force them to either sell players very cheaply (which devalues the club) or persuade the new PB to pay off Middlesbrough and Wycombe (despite the fact there is little legal standing to their claims and the fact the EFL are largely responsible for the delayed timing of the second). My take on that is that whilst morally these clubs, others in the league and the EFL have reason to be pissed off with Derby – it’s a very legally problematic, ambiguous and negatively motivated way of enforcing them – it’s not based on the law nor is it objective / balanced. I’m sure that if there were more time available then Admin would fight it and win but that doesn’t appear to be an option given certain deadlines that are needed to be met.


What he also said was that the Admin have firm proof that the EFL are directly leaking stories to the press – in particular John Percy and specifically via Trevor Birch – for their own agenda.


Where this leaves things is anyone’s guess. There’s definitely a feel within the club that the players, staff and admin are all pulling for the same thing (as are the fans) but the EFL are hell bent on crushing them. Had we earned no points and been adrift then I’m sure none of this would have happened as relegation would have been the punishment, they felt appropriate. The key to unlocking the situation seems to be resolving the the claims by M and W. The fact that they are allowed to get away with this and have the backing of the EFL stinks to poo imo and may well be illegal, even if there is some moral merit surely this sets a crazy precedent for every other similar situation in future?


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8 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Just something I’ve been sent today, could he absolute bs so take with a pinch of salt but same person who said the the staff meeting was happening today. Don’t shoot me down I’m not ITK.

“Ashley has bid as per media and it’s by far the biggest bid so far. The admins were aiming to be in a position to have announced Applebys crew by now but because Ashley’s bid trumps theirs and they can’t match it, they are taking Ashley’s bid forward as obviously it strikes a better deal for the creditors

Unfortunately Ashley’s bid has come at a bad time, right in the middle of January so the admins now need to go through the legal process and due diligence and pass the EFL owners and directors test which all take time. This was presented to the EFL yesterday who explained that waiting for Ashley to be announced pb and then finance the club simply isn’t going to cut it.”

no preferred bidder = no signing of players until evidence of funding has been produced. 


Entirely plausible tbh. 

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