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v Reading (H) Match Thread


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Back to 4231 by the looks of it. Always difficult to pick the first lineup of the season to be fair, tough to know how players will perform. I’d have preferred to see the more attacking fullbacks in Byrne and Buchanan, but the midfield and attack is the obvious choice given our limited options. Have to admit Forsyth playing worries me, and that attack doesn’t exactly look massively threatening. We really need some reinforcements ASAP. Good to see league debuts for Marshall and Te Weirik mind, and nice for Bird to captain in a league game.

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1 minute ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Yeah I think he first trained with the squad on Friday. So makes sense. Wouldn't be surprised to see him get a run out on Tuesday night.

Back 4 looks good. Midfield ok. Think Knight and Whittaker are in purely because we have nobody else.

Probably but it's another good opportunity for both. Personally thought Whittaker looked lively coming on against Barrow and interested to see if he can kick on.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

It’s worth remembering Reading targeted us with crosses into the box last season, with Roos and Lowe in particular struggling. Perfectly understandable that we’ve gone for a solid back 5

Back 5 you say...

think mr sunshine GIF by CBC

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5 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

The front 4 just looks a bit too lightweight to me. Not sure who will create anything.....

Perhaps you haven't heard....Waghorn, Lawrence, Holmes all injured, Rooney only fit enough for the bench but we are trying to bring some new creative players in.

So that's all we have for now.

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Marshall, Wisdom, Forsyth, Shinnie, Twerk, Bird (C), Marriott, Clarke, Sibley, Whittaker, Knight.

Am assuming its

Wis Twerk Clarky Fozzy

Bird Shiny

Whit Sib Knight


That's actually a good blend of experience and youth, speed and solidity.  Lots of experience at the back and lots of energy up front.

A good safe line up given the injuries and new arrivals.

Time for Jack to show what he can do!


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