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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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2 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

Went to TENET last night as a lover of Nolan's Inception, Interstellar, Memento and The Prestige.

I didn't know what the film was going to be about, but it turned out to link to areas of my scientific expertise on which Nolan decided to build the plot. I found it so disappointing. It might be that on the third or fourth watch it falls into place, but a film has got to give you a decent payoff on first viewing.

I'll give it 3/10 for some pretty scenes and the mention in the script of Richard Feynman.

Did you have any issues with the sound? I've read loads of comments about it being too loud, and the dialogue bring hard to hear properly. 

It's putting me off going to see it.

Edited by ketteringram
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2 hours ago, Chester40 said:

No pressure..... 

I will try to be objective... I did just moan about Endgame being boring so maybe bear that in mind. 

The Prestige, Memento and Inception would probably feature in my top 20 films of all time so I am going in looking for it to be good. 

Inception in my top 5, Interstellar in my top 10 and The Prestige in my top 20. No pressure with TENET. Hope you love it.

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On 28/08/2020 at 21:18, ketteringram said:

Did you have any issues with the sound? I've read loads of comments about it being too loud, and the dialogue bring hard to hear properly. 

It's putting me off going to see it.

Wow. First time I have ever found it impossible to rate a film. 

Still not sure what I made of it. Went in blind (apart from comments here) and all the better for it. 

Incredibly, unbelievably loud, yet the dialogue was very hard to decipher at times, not sure if that's deliberate. 

Relentless pace and hard to grasp exactly what's going on with precious little time to think before the next lurch. Really frustrating at times whilst simultaneously intriguing. A real split personality of a film. 

Definitely needs seeing at the cinema to get the complete assault on the senses. 

In style /concept it reminded me most of Memento but presented in the scale and size of Inception...multiplied by 3 and injected with steroids. 

On initial viewing I wouldn't put it up there with those films but after my headache has gone I will revisit it. 



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On 22/08/2020 at 08:42, Chester40 said:

My eldest is very much into the genre so I understood the significance and aspects of the culmination...and he enjoyed it. 

I rated it purely on what I saw, and not a lot happened. Other than people in outlandish outfits talking emotionally about various scenarios which I just felt cold to, it all seemed faintly ludicrous. Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok,.. Avengers Assemble were a blast and enjoyable silliness, I suppose I can't take the whole franchise seriously on an emotional level. 

Have watched Knives Out three times now. Its still great. The acting is a joy and the twists are enjoyable to watch over again. 

Yeah, it left me pretty underwhelmed too. Think I've gt to the point of DC / Marvel / CGI overload. Thought The Joker made a refreshing change, to be fair. Joaquin Phoenix'x brooding descent into madness brought substance where so many other films of the genre really had none at all. The last one of these films I really liked was The Dark Knight, due for the most part, to an absolutely stellar performance from Heath Ledger. Like Phoenix, you could tell he absolutely immersed himself in his vision of the character where so many others seem to be sleepwalking through their roles. In fairness, I'm probably not the target audience for films like Endgame and you really can't please everyone. 

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12 hours ago, ramit said:

Finally got around to watching Lost In Translation.  Someone on the net wrote that introverts love it and extroverts hate it, i think that's a fair assessment, as i am an extroverted introvert and hate to say i loved it, but i did. 9/10.

Speaking as an introvert, I hated it. Don't want to watch others struggling with personal space and modern life. I'm not that empathetic.?

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6 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Speaking as an introvert, I hated it. Don't want to watch others struggling with personal space and modern life. I'm not that empathetic.?

Yeah, i get that, empathy can be a pain. 

i enjoy films that take their time, slow scenes with little dialogue but loaded with meaning and this one delivered in that respect IMO. 

On second thought, strike that reasoning, i just have a thing for Scarlett Johansson.

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Watched Zombieland 2 and Mortal Engines on Sky this weekend;

Zombieland 2 - not as good as the first but a solid 7/10.

Mortal Engines - recommendation from my son who loves the books but gave the film 6/10 which I'd probably agree with.

Edited by maxjam
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15 hours ago, ramit said:

Finally got around to watching Lost In Translation.  Someone on the net wrote that introverts love it and extroverts hate it, i think that's a fair assessment, as i am an extroverted introvert and hate to say i loved it, but i did. 9/10.

I thought it was a 1/10. Funny how opinions differ.

Anyway, I watched "Can You Keep a Secret?" last night.

100% certifiably a 1/10 film. A real Claude Davis of a picture.

Awful acting, terrible script, no redeeming features.


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On 29/08/2020 at 22:34, Chester40 said:


Wow. First time I have ever found it impossible to rate a film. 

Still not sure what I made of it. Went in blind (apart from comments here) and all the better for it. 

Incredibly, unbelievably loud, yet the dialogue was very hard to decipher at times, not sure if that's deliberate. 

Relentless pace and hard to grasp exactly what's going on with precious little time to think before the next lurch. Really frustrating at times whilst simultaneously intriguing. A real split personality of a film. 

Definitely needs seeing at the cinema to get the complete assault on the senses. 

In style /concept it reminded me most of Memento but presented in the scale and size of Inception...multiplied by 3 and injected with steroids. 

On initial viewing I wouldn't put it up there with those films but after my headache has gone I will revisit it. 

Really want to see it but it does seem to be getting very mixed reviews. Some saying it's brilliant, others saying it's hard work, few sitting on the fence. I think a lot of folk don't really like non-linear story telling. One of my bezzers can't stand anything she doesn't understand from the off, whereas I quote like films that gradually pull the threads together as long as the pay-off is worth the wait. Gotta a lot of respect for Nolan as he's certainly not one to play it safe. Anyway, verdict to follow in due course! 

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Knives Out - watched this based on several comments on this forum. Film was a bit "meh" for me, and loses a point for making me see Jamie Lee Curtis as an old lady!

Dean Leacock/10 for me.

right, I'm off to watch a couple of clips of Jamie Lee Curtis in Trading Places and Perfect, just to restore the magic! 


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On 02/09/2020 at 21:35, JoetheRam said:

The Big Lebowski.

Crushingly disappointing. Is it meant to be a comedy? If it is, I didn't find it very funny.

Seemingly just a collection of random characters with no depth to them whatsoever.

The 'story' is only vaguely interesting. 

Francois Grenet.

This one belongs in the unpopular opinions thread. Whilst I wouldn't be quite so scathing, I'm with you in that I'm mystified as to how this bang average film has managed to generate such an impassioned cult following. The dull abides.

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