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Anybody seen Industry, the series about the banking industry in London? I heard the writers interviewed and it sounded a lot like Succession (in fact the person interviewing them said that) but I missed the first series entirely and was thinking of going back now the 2nd one is out.

Half way through Deceit on Channel 4 about the Rachel Nickell murder in London in 1992.

I'm finding it a bit disturbing tbh, even though it's well acted.

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How to with John Wilson on BBC 4 (I think - it's artsy enough to warrant being on there anyway).

It's sort of a US version of a funny Louis Theroux narrating dead pan over covertly filmed footage of randoms in NYC. Irreverent I think they call it.

Topics include How to put up scaffolding, and How to make small talk.


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Just finished Midnight Diner and Midnight Diner Tokyo Stories and i really wish there were even more seasons.  Learned quite a lot about Japanese food culture while being pleasantly entertained with interesting characters and story lines.  Those short episodes are little gems.

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Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Watched on Amazon)

You've probably seen the controversy online and maybe formed your own opinion already, fwiw heres mine after watching the first 3 episodes.

Personally, I think its okay.  The scenery (CGI or otherwise) is excellent, as is the soundtrack at times.  The acting and dialogue, not so great.  The story isn't really compelling yet, but its watchable enough for me at least to carry on.  I'd give it about a 6/10.

If you're not interested in the controversies, thats all you need to know ?

I'm not coming at this as a Tolkien fan.  I've seen the Peter Jackson movies and tbh enjoyed them a lot, but I've never read the books nor invested myself in the lore beyond what I can vaguely remember from watching them.  A lot of criticism I've read centres around it being Amazons vision for Middle Earth and not Tolkiens.  I can imagine as a Tolkien fan you'd be pretty disappointed, as purely a.n.other fantasy epic its not reaching any new heights - its one I'll watch then probably forget.

The diverse cast also apparently triggered a lot of people, although tbh the reviews I've read barely mention this.  Maybe a convenient distraction from the reported $1bn investment into a pretty average show?  Dunno.  Whilst some members of the cast have been pretty outspoken about the diversity of the show in the promotional tours etc, nothing in the actual show stood out as forced or cringeworthy.  If it wasn't for hearing about the controversy beforehand, I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

The Galadriel character I guess is the other sticking point.  Again, not being a Tolkien fan her combat prowess didn't really bother me (She is known as more of an angelic priestess type figure in the later movies).  She is completely overpowered compared to everyone else however which tbh was a little distracting and her characters dialogue and motivations have been written by the office junior.   

I still remember quotes from PJs LotR, this however is instantly forgettable.  Not the actor, or any of the other actors fault - if you're spending $1bn on something you hire the best writers and directors, this was however created by 2 showrunners with barely any Hollywood credits between them.  It would be okay for a run of the mill fantasy show but Tolkien as with my guilty nerdy pleasure, Star Wars, are held to different standards by their fans. 

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On 18/08/2022 at 07:40, Bob The Badger said:

The 3rd is even better I would say.

@Wolfie20 with regard to Spiral, it's still very good. I'll drop stuff in a Colin Todd second if I'm not enjoying it, but will have no hesitation going into season 7.

Finally got to the end - the shoot-out in the hotel car park was superb. Absolutely brilliant but the right decision not to do a series 9. Gomorrah still tops but this runs it close.

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48 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Finally got to the end - the shoot-out in the hotel car park was superb. Absolutely brilliant but the right decision not to do a series 9. Gomorrah still tops but this runs it close.

Not got to the end yet as w always take a break in between seasons. But I hear there's a shoot-out.

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21 hours ago, maxjam said:

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Watched on Amazon)

You've probably seen the controversy online and maybe formed your own opinion already, fwiw heres mine after watching the first 3 episodes.

Personally, I think its okay.  The scenery (CGI or otherwise) is excellent, as is the soundtrack at times.  The acting and dialogue, not so great.  The story isn't really compelling yet, but its watchable enough for me at least to carry on.  I'd give it about a 6/10.

If you're not interested in the controversies, thats all you need to know ?

I'm not coming at this as a Tolkien fan.  I've seen the Peter Jackson movies and tbh enjoyed them a lot, but I've never read the books nor invested myself in the lore beyond what I can vaguely remember from watching them.  A lot of criticism I've read centres around it being Amazons vision for Middle Earth and not Tolkiens.  I can imagine as a Tolkien fan you'd be pretty disappointed, as purely a.n.other fantasy epic its not reaching any new heights - its one I'll watch then probably forget.

The diverse cast also apparently triggered a lot of people, although tbh the reviews I've read barely mention this.  Maybe a convenient distraction from the reported $1bn investment into a pretty average show?  Dunno.  Whilst some members of the cast have been pretty outspoken about the diversity of the show in the promotional tours etc, nothing in the actual show stood out as forced or cringeworthy.  If it wasn't for hearing about the controversy beforehand, I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

The Galadriel character I guess is the other sticking point.  Again, not being a Tolkien fan her combat prowess didn't really bother me (She is known as more of an angelic priestess type figure in the later movies).  She is completely overpowered compared to everyone else however which tbh was a little distracting and her characters dialogue and motivations have been written by the office junior.   

I still remember quotes from PJs LotR, this however is instantly forgettable.  Not the actor, or any of the other actors fault - if you're spending $1bn on something you hire the best writers and directors, this was however created by 2 showrunners with barely any Hollywood credits between them.  It would be okay for a run of the mill fantasy show but Tolkien as with my guilty nerdy pleasure, Star Wars, are held to different standards by their fans. 

I agree. Could get wherever it's going (I don't know where that is) a lot quicker.

I will probably watch the rest of it because it's ok but if something prevented me from seeing it, I wouldn't be upset.

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I thought the first season of The Capture was just ok. One of those things where i loved the premise, but too many plot holes for even Mrs Badger to ignore and she likes Midsummer Murders ffs. 6.5/10.

On t he recommendation of @Eatonram we pushed on with Season 2 and I must say, half way through it is significantly better and we're really enjoying it.

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40 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Currently watching and enjoying Kleo on the Netflix 

Pretty much a cross between Killing Eve and Deutschland 83/86/89

If you enjoyed both of those you will like

I'll have to try it .

Liked the first series of Killing Eve, hated everything after that .

Loved Deutschland 83, and hated 86 and 89. ?

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1 hour ago, ketteringram said:

I'll have to try it .

Liked the first series of Killing Eve, hated everything after that .

Loved Deutschland 83, and hated 86 and 89. ?

I know what you mean about the follow-up seasons being disappointing. Killing Eve especially got ridiculous and was almost a parody of itself by the end. Deutschland too - all started to stretch the boundaries of disbelief after a while

I think you'll enjoy Kleo then - as it has the "first series" feel with nothing to be ruined yet. Online says it hasn't been currently renewed for a season 2 as it only just aired.  I haven't finished it, so I don't know if it's obviously set up for one or not 

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5 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

I thought the first season of The Capture was just ok. One of those things where i loved the premise, but too many plot holes for even Mrs Badger to ignore and she likes Midsummer Murders ffs. 6.5/10.

On t he recommendation of @Eatonram we pushed on with Season 2 and I must say, half way through it is significantly better and we're really enjoying it.

Capture messes with your head!

Loopy but fascinating nonetheless.

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12 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

I thought the first season of The Capture was just ok. One of those things where i loved the premise, but too many plot holes for even Mrs Badger to ignore and she likes Midsummer Murders ffs. 6.5/10.

On t he recommendation of @Eatonram we pushed on with Season 2 and I must say, half way through it is significantly better and we're really enjoying it.

Plodded through the last series of Shetland, knowing the big ending as it had been leaked. Some horrific plot holes - they arrest someone simply because they have the same initials as those circled in a book in a library, they never seem to learn that sending one policeman to a deserted building on the other side of the island really isn't going to end well, one of the cast has a plot line around PTSD then all of sudden it's just dropped and we all move on. I love the scenery, love the concept but this one was more than bridge too far.

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

Yellowstone - after recommendations on here (Paramount)

Kevin Costner can act... I forgot this. Only 2 episodes in and loving it


Do I need to sign up to Paramount to see this? Already have Netflix, Prime, and Apple.

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Cobra Kai latest season.

Getting increasingly hard to come up with any further plot twists - the constant changes in friendships /feuds is becoming like WWE storylines - and the shoe-horning in of characters is beggaring belief more every episode.

However, it's very knowing/wink-wink and self-parodying in a way that let's you know that it knows it's all pretty stupid.

Totally ridiculous now but still hilarious in a slightly camp/OTT way. Even threw in a surprising plot twist that I wasn't expecting and made us all cheer.

Can't see where there is left to go now, but great fun and brilliantly stupid entertainment.  No point in describing it all as it sounds completely rubbish but it's really a nostalgic treat.

Edited by Chester40
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