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New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)


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11 hours ago, cstand said:

Shock news coming from Australia,  Boy George has been attacked by a reptile on the set of Celebrity get me out of here.

Organisers now admit they should have got a calmer Chameleon.   

I thought the punchline was going to be along lines that 'the bite drew blood so specialists were concerned but fortunately the rabies test was negative and the crocodile is recovering '...


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2 weevils on a plate one long fat one and one small skinny one, One pirate says to the other...which one do you want...I'll take the long fat one, The other pirate says, You should have taken the small skinny one...as we all know...you should choose the lesser of 2 weevils. 


I'll get me coat ?

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6 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

2 weevils on a plate one long fat one and one small skinny one, One pirate says to the other...which one do you want...I'll take the long fat one, The other pirate says, You should have taken the small skinny one...as we all know...you should choose the lesser of 2 weevils. 


I'll get me coat ?

In video form 


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