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Posts posted by Kinder

  1. I really enjoyed last night. Fratton Park is a proper football ground, the locals were noisy, great atmosphere. I thought we played some decent stuff - considering the gruelling run of fixtures and the injury list, we played some very decent stuff. A very good point on the road.

    Hats off to McGoldrick. A classy performance and I don’t know how he lasted 87 minutes after playing a full game on Tuesday.

  2. Bob, you’re an incredibly brave man / woman / badger.  It takes huge guts to admit you need help. You absolutely can and will do this mate.

    I managed to kick a very nasty addiction and I’ve been clean for 4 1/2 years now.  I couldn’t have imagined that for a minute when I was in the throes of addiction. The hardest and most important decision I made by a mile was getting it out in the open.

    It’s hard work Bob and it’s baby steps, but you will get through this. And you’ll be so much happier and healthier for it.  Good luck.

  3. 3 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    It certainly is a good age to get to... but I can't help thinking it'd be damned frustrating, getting to within 17 months of the big 100, and a card from His Maj?  I wonder if folk give that a consideration, at such an age?  ?‍♂️


    My grandfather did. The older he got, he spoke a lot about wanting a telegram from the Queen. He was 100 on 7th March this year and died on 7th May. He was definitely holding out for it.

  4. Found out on Friday that I’ve got a charity place for the London marathon. I lost a very close friend in March. He had lived with MS for over 20 years and ended up in a wheelchair (although it was covid that got him), so I’m raising money for the MS Society.

    I started running a couple of years ago and did the Birmingham half marathon in May. The furthest I’ve run is 15 miles but I think I’ll be ok. My worry is my body falling apart - I’m 47, I’ve had one knee operation and my back isn’t great! 

  5. My lad will be really gutted about this. We can’t get season tickets because he plays hockey for a club on Saturdays, so have to pick and choose games (we’re going tonight).  It’s a fair system to prioritise ST holders but he’ll be really disappointed.  Hope all of you going enjoy it and make a lot of noise.

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