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Posts posted by Kinder

  1. 12 minutes ago, jono said:

    Glad for Barks. He had some lovely first touches and was a threat all game but he and all the others can only do that because of Jason Knight. He is the one that makes those draws wins. That man is the most powerful terrier midfielder I have seen for many a day. He’s not Bryan Robson yet … but he’s heading in that direction. I was blown away by the effort and tenacity. you know when teams press hard and fight at the start of a game that eventually the “super boost” gets drained. Knight just switches fuel tanks and keeps going. For me that was a staggering performance. 


    Totally agree mate, he was my MOTM. He was absolutely everywhere. Really pleased for Curtis as well, I thought he was solid and there was a decent balance with Fozzy.

    I’m just starting to thaw out but I loved that. Looking forward to the rare luxury of going to 3 games in a row, so bring on Port Vale!

  2. 22 hours ago, sage said:

    I'm off the beer for 3 months, so if everyone could not post here till April in solidarity.


    Same here mate, I’m not drinking until at least after the marathon on 23 April. Might even try to go 6 months. Good luck!

  3. 16 minutes ago, leamram said:

    Me again.

    I'm applying for Gigs and festivals for 2023, what decent festivals are there around, I really only know ones around Warwickshire and the big obvious ones and we are more likely to get the hidden gem ones...or any venues worth traveling to play at ?

    Have you heard of 110 Above in Atherstone? I went this year because Everything Everything we’re headlining. It’s a really small festival, there’s a main stage, a second stage in a cow shed and then a couple of other small ones. Worth a look.

  4. 11 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Any tumbling down 10 rows after standing up is only due to one thing.

    Too much alcohol!


    We used to sit in the Toyota Upper at the BBG. There was a bloke near us and every time anyone stood up, he shouted “Siddarn, turkey”! Didn’t matter whether they were going to the toilet, arriving late, going early, rearranging their testicles, they all got the same treatment.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    Saw The Cure last night. Was front row but bladder couldn’t sustain 3 hours ?

    They were great but it’s a show for diehard Cure fans. Lots of brilliant music but with the majority of the faves at the end.

    Robert’s voice had recovered to his great relief.

    Thought The Twilight Sad were a great support band.

    Yeah, I’d agree with that. My missus only likes the hits so I went on my own and I don’t think she’d have enjoyed most of it!

    Must have been brilliant at the front. I missed the support band but a mate said they were good. I did watch Billy Bragg supporting last night though and was really surprised, he was great.

  6. Went to Paul Heaton at the NEC tonight. Jacqui Abbott was missing again but the band filled in. The drummer sang a lot of her parts and the bassist sounded uncannily like her. They did an amazing job, it was a superb show. It would have been better with Jacqui but the best compliment I can make is that she wasn’t really missed.

    I’m a massive Paul Heaton fan anyway, so I was really happy to see him singing more. They played a lot of Housemartins tracks which was right up my street.

    I also saw The Cure on Wednesday so I’m having a pretty good week! They played for 2 hours 45 which is hardcore considering Robert Smith is in his 60s. His voice was going at the end, the crowd sang Boys Don’t Cry, but he sounded brilliant until then.

    The set was a proper dig into the band’s anthology. Not enough Disintegration for me but very very good.

    It was really interesting to see these guys back to back. They’re both in my top 3 bands - if I was seeing Maiden tomorrow night my pants would explode. I have to say, I enjoyed Paul Heaton a lot more than The Cure. Might have been partly because I was right at the front tonight and sitting half way back last night, but Paul Heaton was so much more uplifting. There was loads more crowd participation / chatting. I absolutely love The Cure, but having seen them live a few times I wonder if I enjoy them more listening on my own, through headphones, having a bit of a cry. I still think Disintegration is my favourite album, but give me Paul Heaton for a night out any day of the week.

    Both gigs were brilliant and it’s not really fair to compare them, they’re very different artists, but I had a lot more fun tonight. Also, Paul & Jacqui capped their tickets at £30 while The Cure’s were £75…


  7. 35 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Not rubbing it in at all, I hope it's brilliant.

    Please write a review, maybe in the festival and gigs thread.

    We had friends go to the Bologna gig and loved it.

    I've been looking at set lists and not seen them play Love Cats yet, which seems weird.

    Will do. Looks like they’re changing the set list quite a bit on this tour so I’m looking forward to seeing what they play. I’ve never seen them do Love Cats.  We hoped they would at Glastonbury, it’s one of the only Cure songs my wife likes! 

  8. 25 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    He's done some really good new stuff recently. 

    I had tickets to see The Cure in Birmingham this Wednesday but Mrs Badger has broken her ankle and herniated a disc in her back. So we've had to sell them. Gutted. 

    I bought them the day they went on sale over a year ago for her Christmas present last year and they weee great tickets. Oh well. 

    That’s rough mate, hope she’s on the mend. Don’t want to rub it in but I’m going on Wednesday.

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