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Zag zig

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Posts posted by Zag zig

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    He's our most talented player, but obviously his injuries are holding his career back. You'd expect a player like Bielik to attract much better sides than Birmingham, I'd guess not many others were willing to cover his wages for the higher risk of having him unavailable.

    I think this works out pretty well, as long as the 4 new players that Rosenior alluded to are now possible without Bielik's wages on the books. Our squad still lacks depth, 4 players for the same cost as one luxury player is a no-brainer for a club in our current position. There's no guarantee the quality of the team will be any better, but I'd bet that we'll have a far stronger squad than if we just kept Bielik.

    Spot on.

    Win for Bielik and the Polish coach, win for us as highest earner and not guaranteed to stay fit. Win for Rosenior as provides extra player funds; I’m just hoping it’s cast iron we get the loan fee, injured or not.

  2. 5 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Bones heal quicker if they’re not moved mate.  The games are on the internet.

    Can have Radio Derby on too, be second best for an ardent fan, but there’s always top pundits like Eric Steele to cheer him up ??

  3. 44 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Apparently, you can only claim 70% of costs if successful, and there's no damages due. Experts reckon Colleen will lose 300k, and Vardy £1.7m.


    Pocket money to both. However, nobody will ever trust R.V again, so she’s burned plenty of bridges whilst Colleen (rightfully) gets to claim the moral high ground over having to go to court.

    R.V deserves a lot of the grief she’s getting, there are limits though, even for her. That she’s come out saying the judge was wrong and can’t accept the decision, shows how far off planet earth she is, on the scale of idiocy mind.

  4. 6 hours ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Wildsmith - we have a habit of destroying the confidence of our keepers

    I’m really hoping, as others have similarly said, we just all rally round the team, us against the EFL style, remembering for all our new faces, we are starting from a long way back.

    Inevitably though, goal keepers can make an howler that costs a goal far more than any other player, so Wildsmith will be in pole position from the start. Be nice if we give him, Chester and Collins particularly, a fair amount of chance to find form in anew system, where teammates are also learning their strengths, before we start any scapegoating wouldn’t it?

  5. 5 hours ago, alanmarklewis said:

    Could be a great signing for them seeing as they didn't have to pay a transfer fee.

    At least they're buying a few players in an attempt to be competitive, can't knock them for trying.

    Tbf I’d see it this way too. I’m more surprised that Jesse ended up at Forest, as I’d have thought he’d end up with Moyes at West Ham once out of contract.

    Maybe he was considered too old, for too much money. No sour grapes in saying this but some of his social media stuff has always made me think he’s an immature teenager, what’s surprising is at 30 I’d still say the same.

    One thing though, if his wages are accurate, he’s got a good agent.

  6. 4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Rooney did well here, he’s gone now so couldn’t care less what he does. 

    Was thinking of a long post about Rooney, last year, letting it go for those saying it’s a bit quick but you know….

    Yeah, thanks Wayne, I’m happy we’re plain old Derby County again.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Srg said:

    He was so into Crypto I imagine he just about may have had enough money at Christmas. Then the arse has fallen out of it severely in the last 3 months and it seems to me he’s lost all money as a result. 

    Just think about Quantama and the EFL, one made him preferred bidder and the other was happy for him to proceed.


  8. 1 hour ago, angieram said:

    I will miss Tom's football, always felt like something excellent might happen when he had the ball. I think we are going to miss that flair.

    He has also buckled down and worked very hard for the club, put in some effort defending as well as attacking, particularly last season. 

    However, it's a good chunk of wages out of the way and we have to be realistic. 

    I think it's a great move for him, deserves a fresh start away from the "supporters" who are incapable of forgiveness. 

    I will follow the rest of his career with interest.

    (Can Sibbo have his spot, please, Liam? ?)

    Absolutely all of this @angieram

    Scored some great goals, forget his red mist flaws. He’ll be in a bit of a goldfish bowl but hopefully he’s matured enough now to cope. I’m glad he’s gone there though, at least there’s little likelihood of playing or moreover scoring against us (expect it might take us a few years before we play in European competition again ?).

    P.s Another hoping Sibbo can step into that deeper role behind a target man.

    Good luck to him ? 

  9. 1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:

    The Utch West Stand massif will be there mate!

    Did I meet you at his house last year or can't you remember??

    Didn’t think his spirits would be dented.

    Sounds a story but nah, more likely to see me at Utch races, had that box off him one year, think they’ve given it now though.

  10. 9 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Wonderful again from England. Rapid start, a mini-collapse, then an imperious partnership between the two most in-form players in the game. Astounding how easy they made that look. This side is almost unrecognisable and in so little time and Ben Stokes seems to have re-invented test cricket, tearing up the book of conventional wisdoms in the process. How will we fare away from home, I'm not sure, but what fun it will be watching in any case.

    My lad said how can you listen to test cricket on the radio, when we was in the car yesterday; if it had been back in time I doubt many would want to listen unless you were sat round some pond fishing or back garden half asleep, but this brand is just a little bit exciting now. 

    The one day and limited over forms have reinvigorated even the longer game version be it 4 day county or 5 day test in my opinion; nobody is afraid to go for it now, because they know the fans love it. You’re right about the away from home though, litmus test as to whether this is sustainable, will likely be how they fare in South Africa.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    We will definitely leave the door open for him, so we will see. He did look genuinely gutted when he was subbed off on the final game, he (and I think everyone) thought it might be his last game. I do believe he's training with the club still, so obviously will just be weighing things up. 

    I expect that he will end up going, but obviously isn't an easy decision for him. 

    The dreamer in me says him staying, with the new signings would make us genuine automatic contenders, no ifs and buts, he’d be stardust in league 1 if he gave us a go, just for one season - also wonder if that’s what he’s thinking, just how we stack up as a squad to push for that.

    The realist says, nah he’s got to put his career and earnings before us, weigh up all offers put in front of him, including game time and he’ll end up Championship or SPL at the very least.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    It would seam that some posters on here are as obsessed about him as he is about us, I don't venture on other teams boards, No point now is there, Who gives a rats ass what other fans think, But hey this is the internet which makes people a little paranoid/nosey as to what others think of their team and ours, I understand why tho ? 

    Yeah I do get nosey, as I said I’ve had the occasional “look in” at other forums but never posted. Can get banter visits from our Forest bitch Dawnie, or any rival fan, but probably best to park it with this guy, as i could well believe the suggestion he might have “issues”. Nobody sane could be that obsessed with a team they don’t support, I think most posters that regularly comment about him, are possibly goading and baiting a response ?‍♂️ 

    Anyway, it’s a quiet day, looking forward to more incomings tomorrow ??

  13. 1 hour ago, Shipley Ram said:

    He's very frustrated as someone has produced this



    I assume it's being ironic, but they are taking it very seriously.

    I’ve only really read a few of his comments today but wow, he’s obsessed with us. Comes across as a crazed stalker or spurned lover who’s partner left him for a Derby fan.

    As someone that rarely ventures onto other teams forums, how someone could spend so much of their life, rambling on about a team they don’t support baffles me. Bristol city are hardly a rival either.

    Can’t some other clubs fans accept we’ve been punished for years as fans, through embargo after embargo, it’s hardly the fault of fans what Mel spent, he’s history we have to live with, as he nearly wiped us out, let alone presided over our demise to league 1.

    What a saddo he must be, stalking our every financial move. Most Derby fans just want to watch football matches, I really couldn’t give a monkeys about Bristol city nor their balance sheet.

  14. On 02/07/2022 at 10:39, DCFC1388 said:

    Rosenior has 4 years coaching experience behind him now, 1 at Brighton for the u23s and 3 with us under Cocu & Rooney. He wants to be a first team manager, I think now is as good a time as any for him to progress into that role

    I’m not fussed on his title but this does rather capture my thoughts.

    After 4 years, taking the training, he’s done his badges and apprenticeship, everyone starts somewhere. He even has an edge that he’s worked with some of the players; best of all if the likes of CKR and specially Davies sign, they have his back as vocal presences in the dressing room.

    It’s pretty much as good a hand, as many rookie managers get.

  15. Yep and the outfit that dictates our fate has Peter Ridsdale on their board. Nobody needs to say anything more, just google and think on. EFL criteria for a fit and proper test for any new owners, yeah right!  Joke organisation, so obviously riddled with leaks to the press and let’s not go there with how long they have had it in for us as a club, because our past chairman tried to take them on.

    They’ve still not finished in my mind @Carl Sagan but tonight I just wish some karma back at them, so hope the Crouch led review has teeth and puts a few of them out of work, like we have lost good people (Shane Nicholson for one); hopefully the EFL at least lose a lot of their power to influence situations like ours in future.

    Never has there been such an inept handling as our plight by a governing body in my mind. Other than that, they’ve done a great job helping us survive ?

  16. 19 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Get Jody Morris back in as #2.

    Great coach but Justin Walker has worked wonders with our academy and then there’s Bucko to step up as our Mr Motivator.

    Along with our goal keeping coach, I’d be well happy with that as a management set up.

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