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Posts posted by MackworthRamIsGod

  1. 1 hour ago, DanS1992 said:

    I have come to the conclusion that Alonso is a twit and I do not want this fraudster anywhere near the club. MM is an even bigger twit, this is not once, but TWICE that he has has tried to sell us to some pretty dodgy people. People say he has the best interests of the club in mind. Best interests my a*se. Anyone with a modicum of a brain can see this deal is dodgy as hell, but fear not everyone Super Mel the savior has the clubs best interests at heart. MM can't run a club, MM can't sell a club. Doesn't seem there is much the man can do apart from how not to run a club.

    MM has one last chance to salvage a small portion of his reputation and legacy (which is tarnished in my eyes) and that is to pull his finger out and sell to the right people and not just the first chancer that appears. Jesus get with it Mel!

    Three times if you include Gabay.

    I've said it before, Mel with our club is like an old man with a car who just needs someone to take the keys off him for his and everyone elses safety.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Charlie George said:

    That article is terribly written.

    The word COULD is over used.

    According to sources Derby could get a points deduction and could get relegated. Also, according to sources Derby could just get a fine. Ridiculous article.

  3. Just now, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Oh dear, this will wind up posted.  Down travel don't through there on your way to Devon, the locals will drive you away with fire and pitchforks.

    Obviously just winding up with the Bristol Rovers thing.

    But, we did once drive through Bristol to get to Devon and my God the place was absolutely horrific. One of those places where I was a little bit apprehensive of stopping at traffic lights, it was like Peterborough x100.

  4. Just now, Ramslad1992 said:

    Everyone saying take the punishment and move on... basically saying let the Bully hit you and don’t fight back...

    fight them for everything i say.

    Part of me is thinking just give us the points deduction and move on.

    Rick Parry is dishing out the most amazing punishment in his eyes, he is just dragging it along, disrupting takeovers, hindering our transfer windows and making things very difficult for Mel.

    Hit us with the deduction already and next season let's annoy every single fan of every single club by staying up regardless.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    I am I right in thinking that the EFL can ask for a certain punishment but it’s the tribunal that makes the actual decision ? 

    I think whatever the EFL want the EFL get.

    Is it just a coincidence that every time the EFL appeal they win? Does that mean that every person who sits on the first independent panel of every case is completely incompetent and isnt able to come up with a decision based on the information provided.

    Strange as well that the EFL are able to appeal a decision made by an independent panel and if the original decision is overturned (everytime) the club isnt allowed to challenge it.

    Cant be just me that thinks we have a legal system in the real world and then football that seems it's own entity with power hungry greedy barstewards who can change rules at the drop of a hat to suit.

    One last thing. Why are we being so severely hounded for breaching rules that have seen us gain absolutely nothing over recent years and clubs like Forest and Watford can have owners who own 2 clubs and sell players between them for over inflated fees to circumnavigate FFP.

    And dont even get me started on West Ham who can literally field 2 illegal players costing Sheff United their place in the prem, are found guilty and fined 10 million, but dont receive a points deduction. Then get given a stadium at our expense.


  6. 6 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    The Sun headline is sensationalised (there’s a shock) but the owner of Wycombe mentioned that ‘something is going on at Derby’ which along with a lot of the other comments, i.e Warne saying it’s disappointing we didn’t get relegated, would lead me to believe that a points deduction is incoming. 

    It will definitely be applied next season, but this is very similar to Charlton and Wednesday last season. It also makes me believe that we are getting a points deduction which the club are ill-prepared for. I think Reading and a few others are due a point deduction too, so we will have to see how that plays out. I’d imagine like us they can kick the can down the road and prolong it. Half the championship at this point are pretty much due a point deduction in some form or another. 

    As I posted last night, Sky at the end of that game on Saturday, the commentator said "there may be bleak news on the horizon, but for now Derby have done what they set out to do, stay in this division" or words to that effect.

    Sounds to me everyone with sources in the right place know what we are about to face.

    I'd read on Twitter last week someone had heard the announcement of a point deduction was today, that was before the papers started reported what they have.

    All eyes on the corner flag.

  7. Apologies if this has already been discussed.

    I have just watched highlights of the Sky Sports coverage from the game yesterday. Straight after the final whistle the commentator says of Derby "there may be bleak news on the horizon in other respects, but their main task of stopping in this division has been achieved"

    What bleak news is he on about? Sounds like he knows something we dont.

  8. 6 minutes ago, BathRam72 said:

    Might have been said already.  I think the EFL have just got it in for us and being mardy because they didn't get us first time round. Why wait until we are safe to announce this? Makes me wonder if they would have let it lie had we been relegated and because we didn't go down then they just want to make it as difficult as possible 

    Its obvious isnt it.

    They just keep derailing our seasons time and time again, how many transfer windows have we been affected by embargos?

    As soon as there is a sniff of a takeover or any kind of good news for the club they hit us with a charge.

    The strangest thing about this whole affair is the fact the club have gained absolutely nothing from overspending. The fact we have just avoided relegation and are in a financial mess at the same time as overspending (according to p&s) says to me the rules are wrong.

    This is nothing more than Parry vs Mel Morris, a battle of egos and us fans are innocent bystanders caught in the crosshairs.

  9. 12 points I would imagine, reduced to 6, if Sheff Weds are anything to go by.

    It was a forgone conclusion that the EFL didn't have a leg to stand on and any thoughts of a points deduction were laughable.  The panel said that the amortisation accounting policy we adopted wasnt against any rules and is used by premier league clubs, the only issue was that we didnt make it clear.

    Only way we got done is if the EFL literally make up their own rules or sanctions. Which, when you see they used a different deadline for the submission of accounts compared to the actual governments deadline for companies, it is very very possible.

    This will just keep rumbling on and on.

  10. 15 minutes ago, EraniosSocks said:

    If media accounts are true’ Mel morris needs to swallow his pride and sell to Rush and co. As a fan surely you must know this is the only direction plausible Melvyn? 

    Is the Sam Rush consortium really a thing?

  11. 1 minute ago, Ken Tram said:

    I'm so very very sorry to hear about your baby. People do not talk about miscarriage. We had four. And yet before then, I had not known anyone who had experienced one. There are so many things that we face alone, and which are still fairly taboo.

    (I always light a candle for all four of my lost children when I visit a church.)

    And I have a lovely son - although I often forget how lucky I am!

    The suicide of your bother-in-law is terrible. I was close to doing so last summer.* It is quite extraordinary how the mind can work. And I am sorry for him and everyone affected.

    * And I've never told anyone else that - only you, and the forum!

    You are very brave to even open up about it.  

    I have a beautiful son too, every day I fight on because of him. 

    You are right about people not talking about it. I am finding with work that people dont really understand what we are going through, to some people it isnt a real person who has passed away, to you its everything. You have spent x amount of times planning for it, talking about, we even bought a house on the back of it. It's a big deal. Like you, we will remember the life of little Oliver in our way whenever we can.

    Anyway back to footy. Get us that vital win please Wayne.

  12. 3 minutes ago, GlastoEls said:

    Those of us who know the pain of miscarriage sympathise greatly pal!  Been there myself more than once. Keep talking and keep going!

    Thank you very much, really does mean a lot.

    It really is a very strange place to be, you realise you dont truly understand what someone must go through until you go through it yourself.

    We will get through it.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

    At this point you have to just laugh.

    We need to hope this deal falls through.

    If at all possible, we as fans need to demand that at least 1 fan representative is allowed to be kept in the loop of takeover activity, obviously having signed a NDA, but a fan who can have input. 

    Gaby, Sheikh Khaled and now Alonso, who next, Fawaz? 

    Mels desperation to sell could damage the club beyond repair.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Ken Tram said:

    Despite the eccentricities of some on the forum, and massively passionate emotions - and despite knowing how terribly upset so many of us will be if we get relegated - we are lucky to be able to have this forum to get the stresses off our chests. 

    But I have just realised that with relegation being a real possibility - and with lockdown associated isolation, reducing the resilience of many - that for a few Derby County fans, they may be at much greater risk than would be usual when a team gets relegated.

    Derby County goes to the core of some, and for anyone more vulnerable than they might normally be in normal times, the risks may be higher for those few. (There will be some left feeling bereft by relegation - but having other problems - with this pushing them over the edge - maybe.)

    Maybe the club might want to arrange counselling for the worse affected fans! Or something!

    Truly, maybe the club could subscribe to a helpline service for a few weeks - and advertise the number somehow - even during the match - in case of relegation!

    This is not a normal season, when the gut wrenching moment of relegation would be shared with thousands of others. For some, it will be felt alone. And for some, it will be on top of having vastly reduced resilience.

    It is a good job that we have this forum - for us lot to get Derby related stress off our chests! But, there'll be some isolated fans out there with no release!

    I know that I spout nonsense sometimes - and have terrible attempts at humour - but I don't think we should laugh about this.

    I might be worrying too much - but if others agree - and there is sufficient consensus - maybe David could pass on any such consensus to the club.

    I don't think that I am being unrealistic or over dramatic ...

    We fans all go through highs and lows - from minute to minute in games - match to match - season to season. That's part of being a fan. 

    I just wonder if lockdown might make it dangerously worse for a few fans out there? I doubt that it will include people on the forum.

    Maybe others can see the risks more clearly, or have good ideas about how best to reach out to anyone that might be at risk of we get relegated.

    (Basically, I have noticed how forum members are seemingly protecting themselves mentally - preparing themselves for the emotional roller coaster that would come from relegation. Many say that relegation is inevitable. They will be delighted to be proved wrong. But, they will cope with relegation better if it happens, I think. But, if so many forum members are doing things like this ... it made me realise that there will be some, out there, in a far more vulnerable state after a year of isolation - and I suddenly worried about how they will cope if we should be relegated.)

    (We are less likely to be relegated than the other two teams - but there is a significant chance that it will happen.)

    I thought 2020 was a tough year, 2021 has been absolutely mental so far.

    5 weeks ago my brother-in-law committed suicide and then last week my wife lost our baby whilst 4 months pregnant and we spent a rough couple of days in hospital having to still give birth. Tough times.

    I was at least hopeful Wayne Rooneys Rams would cheer me up slightly on the Saturday, but it wasnt to be.

    My escapism has always been the Rams, but at the minute it's like going on holiday to Normanton to get away from it all.



  15. 2 hours ago, Abu Derby said:

    Give him good footballers - see what he can do then. 

    Give me good footballers and I'd probably be able to pick an 11 to win matches.

    What makes a good manager is when someone takes a bunch of misfits and turns them into a unit. Dare I say Billy. We had 1 main striker in Howard yet he managed to take us up.

    Paul Cook and Wilder are modern examples of managers who can make a team from a rabble.

  16. 25 minutes ago, BriggRam said:

    Newcastle Fan  61

    Posted October 31, 2020

    Hi all.  You’ll be able to tell from my username where I’m coming from.  I saw the ‘takeover’ talk of Derby via an NUFC link - just thought you might like a perspective from a club who the Bin Zayed Group ‘tried’ to buy previously.  Hopefully you will all take this in the spirit in which it is meant - it’s a shame to see these chancers being linked to a ‘proper’ club like DCFC.  If the East Midlands press is as poo as the North East, chances are they’ll not report this.

    I’ll get this out of the way straight away; you won’t be taken over by this lot.  They’re potless.  They’re after the publicity.  

    Its almost like he knew what he was talking about.

  17. Phil Jones will be my barometer for this window.

    I have a feeling that Rooney wants Jones and he may have spoken to him.  You could see Jones wanting to come and just play football.

    As each day ticks by, if Jones signs for someone else, to me that would be a sign all is not well.

    I appreciate why that may seem far fetched, but it has been reported in more than one news outlet, he had been favourite to sign for us with bookies for a while also.

    The other clue to this window is the fact Rooney publicly says he wants his deals done quickly, just like Cocu did last year. As each day ticks by without any valid links, suggests all is not well.


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