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Posts posted by MACKWORTHRAM

  1. We're at the point now where we just need to start going for it.

    Like someone has already said we need to play Plange and CKR here cos they are both lost on their own.

    I just want to see us have a go. 

    Saturday we had one shot on target and lost 1-0. It's just not good enough that. You aren't gonna win many games having one shot on target.

    I'd rather see us go for it a bit more. Points are really no good to us now.

    After Barnsley we've got Bournemouth and Blackburn away back to back. So we really need to win these next 2 games to have any chance in my opinion.


  2. 11 hours ago, Tombo said:

    Tough one really. I think he's being exploited for his lack of experience. I have absolutely no doubts about his quality. And no doubts about his ability to turn around his form. The strength of character he showed when he came in after his debut and calmness he had is very admirable. It'll see him well and back on song sooner or later.

    Just don't know what's best here, stick with him knowing he has quality and he gets more experience with every game? Will that just expose him and set his progress back? Do we drop him out of the team for a bit? I expect its been a whirlwind few months for him, maybe he just needs to step back a little and drink it all in before coming back into the side? But then no player wants to be dropped, so does that kill his confidence?

    One of the many reasons I'm not a manager, just don't know what's best for him. More importantly, what's best for the team? No matter what you say that comes first.

    I think like Rooney said. A lot of these young players probably wouldn't have got a chance this season or played half as much. It's purely out of necessity.

    It's inevitable he was going to drop off.

    He reminds me of when Bird first appeared on the scene. Nice and tidy but first thought is to go backwards.

    It's only really this season that we've seen development with Bird where he is a lot more progressive, looks to play it forward and quicker. Rooney has worked a lot with him and you can see the benefits in Birds play. He's arguably been our best player this season.

    The same will happen with Thompson. Over time he'll develop, hopefully under Rooney and he can improve as Bird has done.

    Personally right now I think my midfield would always be Bielik, Bird and Knight. Think that's our best midfield at the moment.

    Thompson will get more chances. But right now I would drop him out the team for a bit and give him time off the bench here and there if possible.





  3. 3 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    There's a lot of youth in there. Wondering whether it would be better to play Forsyth.

    I thought Forsyth was atrocious on Sunday to be honest. 

    Bird being out tonight might not be a bad thing. 

    He's played every single game this season. He's been poor in the last two games in my opinion so it might be a blessing in disguise for him to be honest.

    Hopefully Sibley isn't out wide. 

    Behind Lawrence and Plange would be perfect really.

  4. Meanwhile. Nottingham Forest have just sold Carvalho to Olympiakos.

    Olympiakos is obviously the other club their chairman owns.

    So essentially Carvalho could be worth £2 million. But could sign for Olympiakos for £10 million.

    How this is allowed to happen is beyond me. 

    Not to mention the amount of random players Forest sign on the cheap that end up in Greece.

    Incredible that the EFL allow this to happen.


  5. Whilst I appreciate the BAWT and Rams Trust for what they do and how they go and get answers for supporters.

    But it still irks me that Quantuma can't just speak to the fans as a whole. We're all supporters.

    People on BAWT and Ramstrust don't support or love Derby County any more or any less than anyone of us.

    It frustrates me that they come out and aren't allowed to say certain things that have been discussed or wait for approval before putting out what's been said.


  6. 49 minutes ago, StaffsRam said:

    So they managed to get Couhig. The EFL and Middlesbrough have put out statements. Our MPs have managed to secure time in the House of Commons, and the fans have raised 50,000+ signatures on the petition.

    Wtf are Quantuma doing?

    Hopefully something, but it would be nice to know for sure that they’re not sat in their ivory tower with their thumb up their ar$€. ?

    Rejecting bids for Sibley ?

  7. 4 minutes ago, DanDan said:

    I have tried to find it I don’t want to give false hope to anyone. It was when they break away from Good Morning Britain to the local news.

    There's nothing on twitter mate.

    Not saying you're wrong. But I think something that big would have been picked up by someone wouldn't it?

  8. 1 hour ago, Sussex Ram said:

    Starting a petition on the government website would theoretically get this debated in Parliament (subject to enough signatures) but ultimately I am not sure that would help much. 

    In my opinion, the key is to get the details of this situation into the mainstream media. As outraged as we Derby fans all are (rightly so) I am equally as astounded that this just doesn’t seem to register at all in the papers or on the main sports outlets. Why is no one talking about the claims from Boro and Wycombe? And the clear conflict of interest with Steve Gibson sat on the board of the EFL?

    if this petition helps get that conversation started, we should all get bang behind it. Signed. Shared.

    Agree with this. 

    What else we can we do? Whatever it is needs to happen now.

    Not waiting. Players will be out the door this week when they shouldn't be.

    Legally the EFL do not have a leg to stand on but they answer to nobody. If nobody challenges then they get away with it.

    Look at the super League. Fan power is immense and forces hands.

    EFL headquarters in Preston.

    A march on there.


  9. Rams Trust needs to get another statement from the EFL. Because their last statement was a pack of lies.

    They stated they cannot comment as "They are not party to any such proceedings. These are matters that are required to be addressed and agreed by the parties involved"

    That's clearly a lie. This is Boro and Wycombe suing us. Legally absolutely no chance of them getting anywhere. Not the EFL.

    I'm sick of this. How can this be allowed to happen?

  10. 1 hour ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    How can a contract that has a week to run be cancelled the day before a game? How have we gone from expecting a contract to be extended to one being cancelled? I’m baffled.

    We've gone from thinking Jagielka is getting a new deal, thinking a preferred bidder would be announced and having players lined up to come in.

    To losing Jagielka, no preferred bidder and a transfer embargo.

    Absolutely disgraceful and we need answers.


  11. 1 minute ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    This is what I was just thinking. If I step back and look dispassionately at it;

    1) we are asking EFL to allow us to spend money to sign/register players.

    2) EFL know we cannot make it through season without more funds.

    3) Funds come from new owner or sales.

    4) We need new owner or sales.

    As long as (big uncertain area of debate/argument/speculation on here) EFL are not obstructing club sale* then…

    5) We need to crack on with club sale or sell players…. We new this all along.

    *Key thing is then this..


    This is what I don't get.

    The preferred bidder is the one who will fund the club for the rest of the season.

    Surely if we are allowed to announce a preferred bidder they can show proof of funds?

    Are the EFL allowing us to name a preferred bidder?

  12. Didn't the administrator's mention something along the lines of the preferred bidder agreeing to provide the funds straight away?




    Yes they said this in their last statement to BAWT:-


    Provisions are in place for short-term funding until a preferred bidder is named. Part of the negotiations with the proposed preferred bidders is their ability to assist in funding until the deal is finalized.


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