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Gerry Daly

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Posts posted by Gerry Daly

  1. Max Bird should play with Bielik and further forward as other people have said. Let’s not forget though that we have some ageing players at centre half with little cover. Thankfully we have had no long term injuries to Davies, Jagielka and Stearman but it’s surely only a matter of time so Bielik may also be needed there

  2. 38 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Knight is maybe the only player we could get serious money for in January. He certainly will not be with us in League One. 

    Bielik and Jozwiak would sell for less combined than Knight.

    Buchanan we only got one silly offer for and that was from Forest!

    Bird , Sibley have gone backwards since 2019/20, although Bird has had the odd good game this season. But unless Premier League boys are after them and they won't be, we wil get very little for them. 


    Too negative and your second sentence is just plain wrong

  3. 21 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I'm a bit of a saddo so here is the latest seat availability:

    East Stand; 2084

    North Stand: 3261

    South Stand: 416

    West Stand; 2373

    Total available for sale: 8134

    So how does that equate to a crowd of only 20,000 then given that the ground capacity is over 32,000? If you subtract the 2,000 odd away section that still leaves nearly 22,000 sold. Reading will have sold a few and there will still be a few more today and on the night so surely the crowd will be 22,000 at least? 

  4. On 04/09/2021 at 15:04, Carl Sagan said:

    I'm confused in that this is the Derby badge from the time isn't it? New that season? I have no idea about the opposition ones. Are they what you mean?

    Yes I meant in the league table. Sorry I was being a bit of an arse 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Indy said:

    Admin points deduction can be appealed if shown to be force majeure and out of their control. I think this explains Mel repeatedly blaming COVID and saying we would have been able to trade through but for the pandemic. I note that the administrators statement yesterday made the same argument in the very first paragraph. 

    I think this too. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    @Owen87ITK get the dj to play Suzie Quatro Can the Can............everyone loves a bit of Suzie!

    So make a stand for your man, honey
    I'm a Derby Ram
    Put your man in the can, honey
    Get him while you can

    Ram the ram
    Ram the ram
    If you can
    Well Derby can


    I didn't think all that much of her when I was 11. She looks well nice now!

  7. It just doesn’t feel right. It feels a bit like a return to the days of Jeremy Keith and Sleightholme I’m afraid. Sleightholme was the front man who suggested that there were ‘persons’ in the background providing the cash but in fact there wasn’t, just 3 chancers. I’d much prefer that there was real transparency about this, but it’s just smoke and mirrors. We are all desperate to get out of the position we have been in this season but I fear this might be ‘out of the frying pan and into the fire’

  8. I think most reasonable people can see that in these exceptional circumstances something like this is needed. Its clear it will only be temporary. I think the people worrying about civil liberties of 'ethical concerns' just need to accept that we are not in the right place for idealism and some rough and ready make the best of a bad job measures are the best we can do  

  9. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:


    It's the only thing the government have got right.

    I think they got the furlough scheme and support for jobs and the economy and mass testing right as well(not test and trace). So those two plus vaccinations are 3 big chunks. I think you need to wait for the outcome of a proper, academically rigorous and thorough public inquiry before drawing conclusions   

  10. 14 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Read some stuff about the Brazil P1 variant - and it sounds like they are in big trouble. Variant even more transmissable than the UK/Kent variant, and younger people being more seriously affected. Hospitals running out of anaesthetic to intubate people, having to commandeer supplies from Veterinary practices...

    And it's already spreading in the US...

    From what I've read though its the Kent variant that's running rife in Europe with some South African. Also its thought that whilst the current vaccines are possibly less effective against the South African and Brazilian, they still provide some protection. I think that in UK we can be reasonably confident that a 4th wave based on new variants can be held at bay or largely mitigated until we get amended vaccines for booster shots in the Autumn. I'm not so confident about the EU zone though, it looks really dicey. Figures in France for example are going up alarmingly and the Germans are following not far behind  

  11. 1 hour ago, Sith Happens said:

    What i dont get is why they have slammed the brakes on so quick on AZ.  But when deaths were reported with the Pfizer vaccine there was no pausing.


    Yes the Regulator came out after investigating and said no link, but they didnt pause that while they waited on the investigation.



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