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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. As a point, I do remember a few months back Radio Derby having an interview with the administrator from Wigan who basically said when things are close to being sorted is when you will hear most ‘noise’. I know we all getting suckered in to posting on here at the slightest flinch of something happening. But maybe, Ashley/Binnies etc are making noise because there’s a firm bid in place no one will match.

  2. 34 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    Do you wonder why reputable journalists keep at arms length?

    They are not going to comment on an administration which is in progress, if they report something which brings the process into question they would find themselves in front of a judge. People forget this is a judicial process.

    Yeah, probs best for everyone to leave it alone actually.

    Guys there a judicial process that we need to follow here! Probs best locking the thread until it’s done too?

  3. 9 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Team Ashley have been busy.

    If Quantuma did something wrong in January to Ashley, then, that is on them and very bad - but they also handed Ashely a card to play and he's playing it. It could be frivolous, it could have "some" weight - I guess we'll see in the coming days.

    Strikes me as manouvers to force a position where he can bid what he wants without competing with the other bidders.

    Oh well, on the hand it's reassuring Ashley does want to buy us. On the other, it's not going to be a pretty deal for anyone involved.

    I can’t quite believe that, as a fan, you can believe anyones narrative on getting this sorted. A slither of info, no matter the source, will make fans fall hook, line and sinker time and again. 

    We are desperate for some proper investigative journalism, but it does seem like most reputable journalists keep an arms length away from the story. When things get desperate we might get a tweet, but no one is really looking in to what’s happening. 

  4. If you want to sum up the Derby situation, there’s far too many people trying to take advantage and make the situation work to their own ends. Be it Morris+Pearce, Gibson, the EFL, @_derby5hire, the sports minister, black and white together, Stratford and Cook, Nixon, the administrators, Kirchner, Mike Ashley, the Binnies etc etc etc. 

    In the background a club is being left to run itself into oblivion whilst the fans, it’s manager and it’s players can only look on.

  5. 38 minutes ago, rsmini said:

    Andy Appleby did a brilliant interview, it’s on you tube somewhere, about owning a football club. He comes over really well, and says how much his wife loved their time in Derby. 

    id be quite happy for him to come to back. He might just settle everything down for a bit. 

    I believe it will be this? 

    It’s probably what I’m misremembering too and thinking it was on a podcast (apologies rams review!).

    Not had chance to rewatch it though 

  6. There is a Rams Review interview with Andy Appleby probably from a year ago saying he wasn’t interested in buying Derby at the time but was setting up a business with the intention of buying failing sports teams and turning them round. I’ll link it (if I was Rams Review I’d currently be ramming it down everyone’s neck) on a separate post in a minute 

    Edit: Might not be rams review, I will find out who though!

  7. 15 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    To be fair if we accepted the -15 now we'd probably still be able to assemble a decent squad and have an outside chance of making the play offs. Its the messing around and likelihood of another relegation battle which really rubs me up the wrong way about MA and others stance on our price. 

    Most people had MA down as the preferred bidder months back, with them predicting us in league 1 on -15 and yet because of Q and CK's ineptitude we're still in no mans land.  

    It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s Birch and the EFL are trying to sort the ‘back up’ funding for the season now whilst the admins sort out the takeover bits (or something like that anyway). If the takeover is gonna take a bit of time then just to confirm we can be in the league and sort some contracts out would be a start 

  8. Just now, Boycie said:

    There’s more chance of me paying the wages than there was CK.

    That'll be the next time to come out I bet.

    Alan Nixon will be back peddling on his bmx with his baseball hat on back to front.

    ”oh, I know who the mystery local business man is yes, but it a seeeecret.”

    *gets on phone

    CK and Nixon, what a pair of Fuds.

    Nixon needs to shut up for a little bit now, it’s not about being right or wrong with his info it’s that’s he’s putting pressure on a sensitive situation 

  9. FWIW, I don’t think Kirchner got this far down the line with any intention of pulling out. I genuinely believe that he was intent on buying Derby County, have Rooney as manager and probably get us into a decent position in the champ before selling us for a decent price (or atleast that was the plan). He’s probably run into the same problem Alonso and BZI fell into that it’s difficult to get money that’s not traceable into the country. Or at least it’s not without people higher up who are on your side willing to get it pushed through. Especially in the current climate.

    The intention was right, in terms of options it was probably worth persuing but we are currently in a difficult position where we need local short term investment and a serious bidder in place.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:


    It’s not a great surprise tbh, whether he had the money or not, we were dealing with a transaction that is rare in British banking if not traditional global banking. No one has bought a club using cryptocurrency or funds from it, I’m not sure how common it is in usual business. Point is this isn’t something that banks are commonly doing and there’s no real demand within banking to get the process made easier.

    The other problem is with the checks themselves and how difficult the money is to follow. Let’s say in the current market, that any of that money has a trace of Russian influence or any other country like that?  I’m not saying it does, we obviously don’t know but at the moment it’s another check that’s hard to trace.

    If Kirchner had got his money through it would have been a landmark example, and you need government, banks, EFL pushing in your direction and I don’t think he had that on his side. Gutting for us in terms of what it means right now, but it was probably the most likely outcome that should have been foreseen.

    …Also lol because Ed Dawes was right, trust your local journalists people!

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