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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. FWIW, I rate Buchanan overall and that’s a good move for him. But I think the players that the club consider to be their real assets were already wrapped up in contracts long before we got in this mess.

    The ones the club are annoyed have gone are Gordon, Delap and the three that went to Man U. They’ve got Sibley, Knight, Cashin, Thompson and Bird wrapped up and they should be the ones we hopefully get a good recoup on.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Why does anyone waste their time looking on the Bristol City forum?!

    Bristol City are nondescript enough, never mind a bloody Bristol City forum.

    I did take a quick look earlier out of curiosity, the fact that they have Chris Martin and aren’t having a heated debate that will never end pretty much sums it all up to me.

    An absolute site of amateurs who don’t deserve Chris Martin.

    (come home Chrissy ?)

  3. 14 minutes ago, jono said:

    You see ! There is a football family, helpful post, cheers.
    I think both Roos and Allsop improved when Curtis/Cashin/Jagielka/Stearman we’re around in various pairings. Good CB’s change a keepers confidence and stats, especially if they are young. 

    I will die on the hill that Carson is only seen as a good  goalkeeper because Rowett set up two lines of defence in front of him. Keepers look good when defences don’t leak chance after chance! See also our spine in the 13/14 season. Grant was good because Keogh, Buxton and Eustace/Thorne we’re immense in front of him 

  4. 19 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Good post apart from that mention of Kieran Maguire. He went out of his way to destroy us by picking on one minor accounting detail that the EFL had said was ok. The bloke is an utter Bamford of the highest order. He will be devastated that we have survived.


    I think I would have agreed with you mate up until about 6 months ago. Thing is where would we be now without any intervention?  Would Morris still be at the helm? How much debt would have arisen? I think the unfortunate truth is that we needed to hit rock bottom and give ourselves a clean slate away from the previous ownership. The amortisation policy was just a part of many reasons why we were in the stupid mess in the first place, legal or not it was part of stupid gamble tactics that has had serious impact on a community of football fans.

    Maguire, like Dawes and others we see as a bit marmite don’t always come across great on twitter and I regularly have disagreed with him but he’s always been up to come on Radio Derby and atleast try and explain to us what’s been going on. I’ve also disagreed regularly with the supporter groups, but I think tonight is about appreciating the effort that’s been put in, even to those I wouldn’t necessarily agree with all the time. I’d even give kudos to @_derby5hire and I think my distaste for that Twitter account has been well documented the last few days!

    I’m pretty sure we can both agree tonight isn’t the night to debate Maguire anyway, enjoy tonight and we can do this properly another time!

  5. Took a bit of time out to gather myself, have a bath, listen back to Radio Derby and get a glass of my special occasion drink (White Peak Distillery cask rum, summit local). I hope everyone is having whatever it is they want to drink.

    Can’t really add anything that hasn’t already been said. All my thanks for everyone’s efforts last season. From Rooney and Rosenior, the players and staff who kept the club going in the darkest days. You can all hold your head high for what you did.

    The fans who did everything they could, from filling the stadium to organising marches etc etc. Also the supporters groups who tried to get answers.

    The journalists who kept us informed as much as they could, this was a mess from start to finish and was impossible to report accurately on. Many lessons will be learnt but we should appreciate all their efforts from Nixon, Percy, @The Baron,Simon Stone and everyone else I’m forgetting about. Colin Murray, Dan Roan and the national journalists who gave #savederbycounty national coverage. 

    Special mention to Ed Dawes and Radio Derby, who has lived this far longer than any of us realise because Morris was in his ear with his mess 2-3 years ago. He didn’t get it right all the time, I’m sure he can admit that, but he stood up when it mattered and deserves a pat on the back from Derby fans. Also let’s not forget Chris Coles who after so much crap Derby related news deserves his little moment tonight too!

    Team Derby! Forkin, the council and the MPs who helped keep this in the spotlight and did a lot of background work. They have helped create a huge positive day for the city.

    Thanks to @David, @Boycieand all the moderators on the forum for all their work and giving us the platform. Special mention to @Animal is a Ram for giving us ‘up to the second’ updates (and all those who sought to beat him, yes you @RoyMac5). Thanks everyone for the laughs in here, at some of the most frustrating times they were some genuinely funny days in here that made everything a bit easier. 

    Finally, thankyou Mr Clowes. I hope despite inital reluctance this ends up being the best decision you ever make. I hope as fans we respect your privacy, but only after hearing your name being rang out by a sell out crowd on July 30th. 

    I’ve probably forgotten someone, despite going on worst than one of those popmaster contestants who won’t shut up and go away, but I’m tired and wanna finish my drink and read transfer rumours like a normal football fan, so apologies to anyone who is forgetten.

    Have a great night everyone, it’s much deserved 

  6. I loathe to add this into everything given everything I’ve said about the source, but I have to admit I do take a quick look at what he says day but day. Also it’s a quiet morning and there might be someone out there who’s better at understanding the complexities of all this.

    Theres a bit further stuff on the link if anyone wants to go through it.

    Im not saying “Andy” has all his ducks in a row here, just thought it was worth adding to the thread.


  7. I think part of the issue is fans, and to be fair a good amount of journalists, are treating this like a player transfer rather than a takeover. That partly due to the administrators so called ‘deadlines’ I’ll admit, but I don’t think it’s worth getting hung up on deadlines. 

    There’s lots to get through and it only takes one silly, awkward bugger to slow the process. Any house sale is the same, never mind something on this scale

  8. Got to admit I do take a slight pleasure that we have somehow curveballed almost every regional and national journalist in the country with this saga. Near on every time someone has put themselves above the parapet with a slight bit of info, it’s nearly always been shot down the next day.

    They really should’ve learnt by now that nothing is simple with Derby County!

  9. 9 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    Do you really think that any credible businessman rescuing and attempting to revive our club would really entertain any involvement whatsoever of the person who so recklessly brought it to the edge of destruction in the first place? Central to the project of acquiring the ground from him was completely extinguishing any control he still held.

    It would be akin to sleeping with the enemy. Furthermore we have barely heard a word from the usually verbose former owner in the past two years and there's a very good reason for that - his humiliation in this county is total and no one wishes to hear from him again. He is the least likely person ever to be associated with Derby County in the future. He's out of this club forever and leaves with no redeeming features. I can't even bring myself to utter his name anymore.

    And please don't suggest he could become a sleeping partner ??

    Your bogey man has left the building forever.

    @_derby5hire has been spreading this possibility for whatever reason, probably to keep himself relevant.

  10. So…all sarcastic comments towards the admins aside, are we right to presume that we are at a stage of dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s? Clowes has had his offer accepted, the money isn’t needing to get international clearance and he’s not going to pull out at this stage.

    So let’s just relax a bit, we dont need to blame someone for everything!

    ps, @Animal is a Ram and @RoyMac5 you need to stop posting when it’s not an update. I got all excited seeing Roy had posted to only find out what he had for dinner!!!


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