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46 minutes ago, trappatoni said:

Ok fwiw I find the most negative posts are those who criticise people for having the temerity not to be 100% behind the manager.  It's like they are unable to handle debate about the game.

I think what really gets people annoyed including myself is the fact that the criticism surfaced so quickly after promotion and even during the friendlies. 
It’s the  complete lack of reasonableness during an obvious transition into a higher level. 

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13 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

I think what really gets people annoyed including myself is the fact that the criticism surfaced so quickly after promotion and even during the friendlies.

This part - not everybody is conviced that our promotion was some glorious feat that proves past dissenters wrong. There are plenty of valid arguments that Warne wasn't the biggest factor in last season's outcome and that it wasn't quite the achievement the records point to.


13 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

It’s the  complete lack of reasonableness during an obvious transition into a higher level. 

This part though - completely agree. Whatever doubts remain, promotion should always give him some breathing room and a proper chance to prove he can 'level up'. Yesterday was wonderful to witness.

Edited by May Contain Nuts
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39 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

You know what you're actually right I've allowed myself to become bogged down in the narratives of others forum members which is entirely down to myself.

Going to make the Paul Warne thread off limits now and just hope that the same posters don't appear with their agendas on other threads. There really should be no reason to as they've got their special place for it.

Totally agree about the lack of fresh content, most of it is recycled or dare I say regurgitated and again I'm partly to blame for that. 

Thanks for your insight very valuable 

Sorry Tyler. Now at pub. But just want to say please post what you like, but from a personal perspective did much more enjoy the ‘old’ Tyler. Cheers my online friend 🍻

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

We are going to have to agree to disagree. You are seriously close to “thought police” territory. Why should ‘these’ posters not post what they want, within the rules for the forum? And why do they need to be conscious of gaining more respect by being balanced? 😂

A online forum to me is like a pub, other than without the fist throwing. I like a good open pub me, and I am prepared to take a few thumps along the way because at least it keeps the blood pumping. Perhaps @Dayshould have a Snug tab on here where anyone who wants to be away from the unruly elements can sit quietly talking nicely over a game of online dominoes about how much better fans they are.

People can post what they like within the forum rules, but they shouldn't expect their posts to go uncriticised if other people disagree with the views that they're posting. Equating such criticism with being gagged or forced off the forum is just nonsense. A plea for a sense of proportion is also not an attempt to restrict criticism, because nobody is being banned for excessive negativity.

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38 minutes ago, Crewton said:

People can post what they like within the forum rules, but they shouldn't expect their posts to go uncriticised if other people disagree with the views that they're posting.

if they're making fair and reasonable posts within the forum rules, they absolutely should expect their posts (and themselves) to go uncriticised purely in the event that someone disagrees with their view. That's what seems to have got lost here.

They should expect that their posts aren't grouped in along with those who are posting the more extreme, unfair, unreasonable stuff.

What they shoudlnt expect is go unchalleneged though, as long as that itself is done in a fair and reasonable manner within forum rules.

Edited by May Contain Nuts
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5 hours ago, jono said:

And that’s the thing that irks when the persistently negative posters get on their horses. It damages the team. Yet if we support  we can change the dynamic .. Kenzo missed one and should have done better but the crown didn’t resort to silence or criticism .. they supported … Bingo, the lad has the confidence to try one 2 minutes later .. Bang. Maybe he would have done it anyway but the way the team look out for each other is spot on and I think PP is drawn to this lot. There’s been a different feel in recent times ( ok success can do that but even so .. ) loved it when Kenzo was interviewed and talked about the atmosphere … If you are an opponent you won’t like to come here. Dead right ! 
Yesterday was a big result and a fine performance abut its impact on the season could be much more than 3 points. 

Doesn’t irk me because I understand the difference between fans venting on here vs fans at the match. 

There are dckheads at both but a lot will give their full support at matches and then come and get it off their chest here

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7 hours ago, Eatonram said:

I think what really gets people annoyed including myself is the fact that the criticism surfaced so quickly after promotion and even during the friendlies. 
It’s the  complete lack of reasonableness during an obvious transition into a higher level. 

But it's just a different opinion about a football manager it's not something to get annoyed over.    I mean I liked Sibley as a player but I didn't start accusing those who slagged him off of destabilising the club or tell them they should try getting behind him - I just said why I thought he was worth keeping. 

If people think Warne is great say why - if they think he should be sacked say why - that's what a football discussion forum is for surely? 




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8 hours ago, Eatonram said:

I think what really gets people annoyed including myself is the fact that the criticism surfaced so quickly after promotion and even during the friendlies. 
It’s the  complete lack of reasonableness during an obvious transition into a higher level. 

This is it for me as well. Lads in my own group of life long Rams seem to hate PW. There's no doubt in their mind that we will fail with him.

I look at players he's managed to bring in on a low budget like Witterstrom, Yates, Jackson, Adams, Goodwijn and Ozoh and think he must have summat about him. Harness and Phillips could well be an upgrade as well.


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I'm an "older generation" supporter and a critic of Warne - but I don't 'hate' him. In fact, I quite like the bloke and have done so since hearing some of his interviews as manager of Rovrum.

My criticisms of Warne are two-fold:

- I don't think the football is the most entertaining - there are exceptions, of course, but generally it's been pretty one dimensional (hopefully the new signings will change that).

- I don't think he shows enough "encouragement/incentive/support" to the academy players 

I'm all too aware of what the club has been through in recent times, so I can fully understand if the argument to defend against the above two claims is simply 'pragmatism'. I get that. And so, I'm happy to give him longer. 

Indeed, I would be delighted if he's successful at Derby. If so, we all benefit. We all want Derby County to be successful. 

I've seen suggestions on the forum in the aftermath of Saturday's win along the lines of "the Warne haters will be upset that we won". What tosh. Being a critic, thinking a different approach would be better, is not 'hating' someone. And none of us ever want the football club that we have devoted our lives to supporting to do anything other than win a game. Sheesh.

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9 hours ago, IslandExile said:

I'm an "older generation" supporter and a critic of Warne - but I don't 'hate' him. In fact, I quite like the bloke and have done so since hearing some of his interviews as manager of Rovrum.

My criticisms of Warne are two-fold:

- I don't think the football is the most entertaining - there are exceptions, of course, but generally it's been pretty one dimensional (hopefully the new signings will change that).

- I don't think he shows enough "encouragement/incentive/support" to the academy players 

I'm all too aware of what the club has been through in recent times, so I can fully understand if the argument to defend against the above two claims is simply 'pragmatism'. I get that. And so, I'm happy to give him longer. 

Indeed, I would be delighted if he's successful at Derby. If so, we all benefit. We all want Derby County to be successful. 

I've seen suggestions on the forum in the aftermath of Saturday's win along the lines of "the Warne haters will be upset that we won". What tosh. Being a critic, thinking a different approach would be better, is not 'hating' someone. And none of us ever want the football club that we have devoted our lives to supporting to do anything other than win a game. Sheesh.

I’ve bought into the Warne out Warne in stuff in the main purely because a fair bit of the warne out stuff ( not so much now it’s been pulled by many posters ) has verged on irrational hate , certainly totally disrespectful, personal and downright insulting, what he has done at Rotherham and derby is not deserving of the kind of stick and comments he’s come in for from certain quarters, add the fact that he’s clearly a decent bloke who treats people with respect and perhaps it’s clear why some of us jump in to defend him so readily 

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