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Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO


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1 minute ago, inter politics said:

Considering the talent in this team, serious underachievement to not make the play-offs

Define talent! On our day we could beat anyone, but the relentless Tuesday, Sat, papa johns trophy, nature of the league has shafted us. We need legs to complement the quality in the squad! Look at Plymouth and Ipswich, all in theirs 20s with legs! That’s what we need in this league. As you go through the leagues, the intensity decreases. 

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4 minutes ago, alram said:

my issue is we knew this in pre season


our recruitment was poor from minute one with all the wages we have dished out.


it needs to be right this summer otherwise we will be in trouble

You do realise that with 3 weeks to season starting we had 5 players?  And by the time we could sign players all the better free agents, etc were snapped up.  Every other team in the country was about 6 weeks or so ahead of us.

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28 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Anyone else sick and tired of seeing other clubs having their moments in the sun? Fans on the pitch, players celebrating etc.

sick and tied of seeing our players sat on their arses looking sorry for themselves at the end of games that really matter. 

Warne really has had an education about “the Derby way” today 

Sounds ridiculous but my boss was in Naples on holiday this week and was sending me videos of the locals going nuts after winning the title while she was there (good timing on her part).  I thought: when’s that going to be us with anything Derby or England!

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3 minutes ago, inter politics said:

Considering the talent in this team, serious underachievement to not make the play-offs

It's a strange one, I expected us to make the playoffs at the start of the season and we've only just missed out. I wouldn't say it's a disgrace or a bottlejob, we've just lacked that killer instinct from February onwards and have been desperately unlucky today. Disappointed but we go again next season. 

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11 minutes ago, Warren Blufitt said:

Unlucky guys, I genuinely couldn’t see you slipping up but sadly that’s how it goes. Hopefully Posh can do Wednesday now and if we do similar to Barnsley we won’t have to worry about the hoardes of Rams or Owls fans we’d face at Wembley because I don’t think many Wanderers fans can afford two trips to Wembley in one season. For what it’s worth it may not be a hardship for you leaving it another year to get up. You were limited in the players you could sign and late in the season it’s showed but give Warne a chance to build and you’ll certainly be pushing for the automatics next season and with a much stronger situation behind you. We’re also being pretty pragmatic about the play offs and it may also be a year early for us too so we may be challenging again next year also. Not much coming down so if it is Wendies going up it’s all to play for for both of us. Hopefully we’ll make it, on our day we can beat any of the others so we’ll just wait and see. Sorry you missed out this time but best of luck for next year, you’re far too big a club to be kicking round this level. 😉


I can't see Wednesday getting promoted on that showing. Hopefully neither of the SY sides will prevail.

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27 minutes ago, alram said:

agree with you completely


i just do not think he fits our style as a club at all and he has a small club mentality


he was succesful at rotherham for a reason ( doing fine without him by the way)


there is no long term success with warne in my eyes

If you call 20th and potentially only staying up by 2 points "doing fine".

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6 minutes ago, alram said:

my issue is we knew this in pre season


our recruitment was poor from minute one with all the wages we have dished out.


it needs to be right this summer otherwise we will be in trouble

Are you sure?  

we are all cheesed off but mate, have a breather FFS.


The restrictions we have on us mean we were not shopping at the same places as others pre-season.

players in their prime don’t come for free and on 5k a week.

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2 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:


I can't see Wednesday getting promoted on that showing. Hopefully neither of the SY sides will prevail.

Part of me would like to see Posh prevail but thinking of next season, the other 3 teams are likely to be bigger threats so better if one of them went up….

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37 minutes ago, alram said:

our delivery that second half was shameful. 


we haven't been robbed, we were absolute crap and should have had the playoffs wrapped up weeks ago. it was a tame end to the season and thats another year at this god awful level, the gimic will quickly fade of this level 

I really don't mean to be rude but why don't you piss off and find a hobby that brings you some enjoyment?

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1 minute ago, IlsonDerby said:

For example if someone offers £1.5m for Knight I’d rather turn it down and risk losing him for free next summer.

My fear with Knight would be that this option relies on us paying the championship wage he's on - probably with an increase.  Not sure our embargo stretches to that one.

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