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The Administration Thread


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12 minutes ago, Ramos said:

Whereas I think CK never had the money, I do agree that it’s a possibility and I do think Derby’s in a position where you have to be a Mike Ashley or a Steve Morgan (who had wolves in league one) to have that experience and that vision to see beyond the current mess. We are not in a position for a first time into football buyer to pick us up. I don’t think they’d know where to start when it boils down to it. 

With that hat on, Mike Ashley is probably our best bet…. For at least becoming a section in flannels ??

Then how did he show proof of funds?

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2 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

Won't be an afternoon but things will need to move fast. This won't be allowed to be a long drawn out process.

Haven't they basically said 'show us the money'? Would help if they set a deadline though. Oh FFS I've done it again more silliness. ?

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Just now, RoyMac5 said:

Whilst the EFL are fairly useless (!!!) they have at least 'waved' the Golden Share around. So you would assume that they will now look out for the best interests of our club. Oh no its no good I can't type any more of that crap! ? I'll just stick with while there's life there's hope. 



I agree about the EFl but they appear to have started a fire under Q.

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19 minutes ago, Norman said:

If anyone thinks Mike Ashley is the bloke to buy us in the next 2 weeks, that ain't happening. Whilst he holds the position of not wanting to pay the administrators a penny, and low-balling creditors, he will be bottom of the pile. 

The only way Mike Ashley gets us is if the club goes right down to a liquidation deadline and the administrators agree to only taking a percentage of their 'earnings' as part of the rescue deal to stop the club liquidating. 

We need someone other than Mike Ashley if we are to start on anything other than - 15 points and have a chance of putting a competitive squad together and keeping Rooney for the coming season. 

Mike Ashley is always waiting for that deadline. He does this multiple times a year. He must be thinking Kirchner has pushed the deadline so close that he now stands a chance. I have nothing against his approach. He's a fine contingency plan to have, but we need someone else. 

In my opinion, of course. 

All you say is true no one in there right mind wants to pay over the odds for anything though the club is in a s**** state 

Q keep saying we have potential buyers but no one including Ashley as shown them the colour of money i would take a -15 point penalty now if it means we survive liquidation,the longer this drags on the bigger the debt rises and the players payday est to be £1.5m is two weeks away.

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20 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

of course he could quite easily have thought "screw this" after all the abuse, accusations and harassment. I know I would've reconsidered paying over the odds for a Lg1 club with no assets and I'm a Derby fan!

Man claims to have sent money. Money doesn't arrive.

Man claims money has been sent but the delay is anti money laundering check.

Money never does arrive.

Logically there are two options.

A, it was never sent.

B, it failed the anti money laundering check.

Whichever was the case, was that really someone we wanted owning our club?

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6 minutes ago, Seth's left foot said:

Yes, to stay in administration for next season the club will have to prove that they have funding for the entire season. That’s why the EFL have mentioned our membership again.

Just a thought re Liquidation, The hassle this will cause will be like asking MM for a loan, Mansfield promoted, Solihull promoted, A N Other promoted and so on, Those teams have already based all on this season being where they are now, A shedload of work to be done form each team all with the help of the EFL of course, 2 fixture lists side by side.

Someone will be getting overtime ?‍♀️  

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9 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

Man claims to have sent money. Money doesn't arrive.

Man claims money has been sent but the delay is anti money laundering check.

Money never does arrive.

Logically there are two options.

A, it was never sent.

B, it failed the anti money laundering check.

Whichever was the case, was that really someone we wanted owning our club?

Q should have stuck with the idea of asking for £5m deposit for PB status.

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42 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Yes. And that is because yesterday when many were desperate for news, any news, the only source of anything was Nixon. Not Q not the EFL not DET...

Please keep posting the twitter stuff Roy. Really appreciate it.

I don't use twitter myself and even if half the updates turn out to be bollocks its still better than having a yawning chasm of silence. 

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13 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

Man claims to have sent money. Money doesn't arrive.

Man claims money has been sent but the delay is anti money laundering check.

Money never does arrive.

Logically there are two options.

A, it was never sent.

B, it failed the anti money laundering check.

Whichever was the case, was that really someone we wanted owning our club?

I hope Captain Tom didn’t get “Shafted” on his boozy night out round Derby with Big Kirch. I can imagine CK to struggle to get his wallet out when it came to his round or paying the taxi.

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15 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

Man claims to have sent money. Money doesn't arrive.

Man claims money has been sent but the delay is anti money laundering check.

Money never does arrive.

Logically there are two options.

A, it was never sent.

B, it failed the anti money laundering check.

Whichever was the case, was that really someone we wanted owning our club?

in a nutshell, yes. He is young and ambitious and so far the ONLY person that's shown willing to save the club. He cannot possibly have thought his money would fail any checks. Have you ever considered he and his advisors have no prior expertise in this field? Many people fail things, it isn't always down to character flaw ffs!

I believe(d) that CK, simply by aligning with Cook, Rooney and Stretford, had vision and belief, and was basically backing himself/Derby to succeed, and that is what I wanted from whoever owns us.

What I don't want is owners NOT committed to a vision of success.

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6 minutes ago, NottmRAM said:

Q should have stuck with the idea of asking for £5m deposit for PB status.

If they had, there'd have been zero interested parties. We owe more than £30m to HMRC who would only negotiate with a preferred bidder. No one was going to risk a nonrefundable £5m to flnd out that the overall deal was £68m. It was always pie in the sky.

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I would have thought we need to able to show the EFL that we have finance for the season ahead  in order for us to be included in the fixture list for next season. I cant see where this is coming from until the club is sold. In my opinion this has to come to a conclusion, one way or another, before next Wednesday 22nd absolute latest.

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1 hour ago, Coconut's Beard said:

Yes, I'd much rather just read the stories that people with no connections to anyone make up off then top of their heads and then convince themselves must be true propagate on social media. They may be at best conjecture and at worst complete and utter turd, even libelous, but what does that matter?

It's much better for people who haven't got the first clue what they're talking about to whip themselves and others up into a frenzy based on their emotional reading of a situation than to believe anything Alan Nixon says.

Yep - that’s the fella

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6 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

Bit more of a positive spin from Ed Dawes if you want to listen - apologies if already posted, not had time to trawl through as multi-taking with work!


Interesting bit at 2:40s, Dawes talking about 'blame' (in the list) says there was a group in April that approached CK and got him back to the table'. He doesn't say who they are.

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6 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

in a nutshell, yes. He is young and ambitious and so far the ONLY person that's shown willing to save the club. He cannot possibly have thought his money would fail any checks. Have you ever considered he and his advisors have no prior expertise in this field? Many people fail things, it isn't always down to character flaw ffs!

I believe(d) that CK, simply by aligning with Cook, Rooney and Stretford, had vision and belief, and was basically backing himself/Derby to succeed, and that is what I wanted from whoever owns us.

What I don't want is owners NOT committed to a vision of success.

I think you're being a bit naive there Mostyn. Failing an anti money laundering check has inherent reputational damage. Anyone with £21m can afford a good lawyer. The authorities will not block transfers without good reasons.

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31 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

I completely agree with you about the floor price. That's exactly how I understand it. The thing is though, logically we must both be wrong.

If it was a simple as saying floor pice is (figures just as illustration) £20m for stadium and either £25m upfront or £15m upfront plus anther £15m over three years - why do we have interested parties?

If the figures were set in stone, surely they'd either be bidders or not interested? Logically, there has to be some scope for negotiation or we'd have either been bought or liquidated by now. Struggling to come up with viable options.

Maybe squeezing Mel to take less for the stadium whilst still paying off MSD? Maybe trying to get a court to sanction a restructuring plan where HMRC get get wrung out to 10%? Taking the EFL to court and arguing that this is 50% their fault so they'll have to pay 50% of the football creditors? None look very likely, but Ashley especially must see some wiggle room somewhere. 

Yeah, I don't really get it either.  They have to be thinking they can get Morris to clear most, if not all, of the MSD debt and just hand the stadium over - it's the only obvious weak point.  But I'd be amazed if Morris's reply is anything other than "I literally don't have the cash to pay it off".  Obviously it depends whether you believe that's actually true or not etc, but he definitely won't have £20m+ just sat in a bank account somewhere, at best we'll be waiting while he scrabbles around for it.

There's obviously some wiggle room with HMRC etc, but I suspect it's not anywhere enough for the type of deal that Ashley seems to be wanting.

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