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I just feel that CK should be given 100% support at the moment...he owes us nothing at all but is willing it seems at the moment, to invest in our Club and therefore our "lives"...why insult or criticise him?

It is inevitable as owner that fans will turn against him at some point......it always happens at every Club....But for now, IMO 100% backing is required.

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1 minute ago, Topram said:

I don’t think it’s negative for worrying it won’t happen? It’s been 2 years now since the talk of the first take over, we’ve had deadlines after deadlines missed, depressing stories in every paper, talk of Derby County no longer being a football club, of course people are going to get annoyed some have had enough of these false deadlines, I’m not surprised, the Sheikhs excuses were bank holidays so no surprise people are finding it frustrating that CK is now saying it’s because of bank holidays, we all want it to happen but some are more cautious because of what’s happened of the last 2 years. I for one hope it goes through desperately.  So not everyone’s negative for being cautious, Derby’s just made us like this over the last 2 years!! We all want a club to support next year and for years to come.

It's best in this case to try and pick out the positives of what is being said and done.

It's not the same as the Fake Sheik and Eric. There aren't the same same warning flags but there are positive signs. Yesterday when someone on Twitter posted about there being searches on PP for instance. No nasty comments from the EFL. No panicking from the 'proper' media. There hasn't been any sign from politicos/Team Derby either that there's problems.

These things take time, more time than was thought. #COYR

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57 minutes ago, Ramitupper said:

Cash is paid to the lawyer or conveyancer’s client account after exchange of contracts, and transferred from there to the seller on completion date. Has always been the case in England. 

Yes, the balance is paid to the buyers solicitor after exchange of contracts but not immediately unless completion is expected fairly imminently. If completion is expected to be a few weeks after exchange, then it is generally paid shortly before completion. 

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15 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I just find anyone who engages in hostility and likes to argue on social media, a bit of a nob.

He's not arguing, he simply blocked the guy as you and I probably would. Before calling him a nob again maybe consider the guy's current workload and the degree of pressure he must be experiencing, only to get called out and name-called on social media. The issue here is people's unreasonable expectations not his handling of them. For the record, I'd pay a pound to a pinch of poo he's handling things better than you or I would! 

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9 minutes ago, Curtains said:

Good post .

Its entirely possible though mate that CK will lease PP off DC 

Haven't I said as much in the post you quoted? Frankly, that scenario just adds complexity rather then removing it. More moving parts, not fewer.

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13 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Let's look at just a handful of the required actions before ownership can be formally confirmed and consider that all required completion in the handful of days since Ck signed contracts:

1) Transfer of funds - business to business transfers are not instant. Larger transactions are subject to anti money laundering checks undertaken by both issuing and receiving banks and banks move at their own pace, not those of interested parties.

2) The signing of numerous contracts and leases - these days this can be done remotely, even when signatories and witnesses are required, using services such as Docusign. That said, is every party involved moving heaven and earth to get this done? Might it be that some of those parties with no real vested interest in getting this deal over the line might not be sat around waiting into the early evening or night to expedite these processes? Might any individual be on leave or even abroad this week? Might one of the 25 lawyers be on his boat with his mobile off and no intention of accessing emails?

3) It seems it is not CK who is buying PP - has the 'partner' completed all the required paperwork and have the MSD charges been removed AND reported as such to the satisfaction of the EFL? 

4) Have the EFL had sufficient time to review all of the documentation and proofs to allow them to formally acknowledge and approve transfer of ownership, thereby formally agreeing CK's ownership and DCFC's membership?

5) Have the Land Registry and Companies House had sufficient time to update relevant records in accordance with the above steps and are any such amendments reflected in real-time or subject to roll-out delays?

6) Have the various legal teams acknowledged receipt of funds to concerned parties and did they do so prior to close of play yesterday.

7) If they have, have they also made the transfer of funds to the ultimate recipients and have their respective banks and those of the multiple recipients performed all required checks and balances including the anti money laundering checks mentioned in point 1?

Honestly, I could draft pages and pages of likely steps required to get this over the line that could only have been begun once the CK - Quantuma deal was agreed. I've no doubt that most parties are moving heaven and earth to get all the required i's dotted and t's crossed but equally, I think it's highly unlikely that ALL parties are making the same effort. As long as they are getting paid, do such parties really care whether this deal closes this week or next? Even relatively simple transactions such as buying a house can become a nightmarish exercise with any number of delays and hitches, after all. The fact is that the various parties are not working to deadlines per se, they are simply trying to get expedite what is a hideously complex deal with a wild excess of 'moving parts'. Perhaps then folk need to stop assuming that it is CK holding things up, or Quantuma for that matter, stop fretting and chucking shade and show a little patience and understanding for a guy who is trying to save the club we love. More to the point, the pubs open shortly, it's a long weekend, the sun is out and we'll be signing players by this time next week. Let's focus then on the positives, and stop stressing over imaginary issues as in this instance more than most, the devil really is in the detail.


And yet Chelsea was sorted within a few weeks.

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3 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Haven't I said as much in the post you quoted? Frankly, that scenario just adds complexity rather then removing it. More moving parts, not fewer.

Oh I must learn to read I thought you had said the opposite.

His intention is to eventually buy PP I believe.


So even better post by you.  

Edited by Curtains
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4 minutes ago, dajstrawb said:

Wish CK would limit who can reply on his Twitter posts. It’s literally a cringe-fest

I was just about to post this, some of the replies are just making me crawl up my own backside. The state of some of our fanbase is embarrassing. 
One replied to him with a photo of Forest fans at Wembley saying CK “has to understand this passion or not bother” is ???

Think I’m logging off socials for the long weekend. Remember to look after your own mental health all, constant refreshing or doom-scrolling takes its toll, cheers all ?

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1 minute ago, Curtains said:

Oh I must learn to read I thought you had said the opposite.

I did yesterday mate as I was hoping the land registry bumpf might be an indicator that CK was taking the stadium too, which may be what's caused the confusion. Not the case, it seems, so just my wishful thinking!

Right, I'm gonna practice what I've preached, s***, shower and shave and drag the GF to a suitably picturesque gastro pub for food and plenty of ale. Enjoy your weekend folks and do try to be kind to yourselves and CK. This will all be done by this time next week and we'll finally have our club back. 

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22 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

The problem is soon we’ll see players leave, and I think that’ll start sooner than you expect

Most of the players appear to be on their second or third holidays so they'll only be going to Dubai or the Canary Islands.

They will be well briefed on the contract situation. If they're going to go, they're going to go, they're entitled to go. A few more days before a formal announcement won't make much difference.

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