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The Administration Thread


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23 minutes ago, Flying Fokker said:

Leicester City emerged out of admin.  Look at them.. Ahem.  Now there’s a story.  

Leicester went into admin 3 times and if i recall they did not pay any creditors anything, the first time they did not receive any points deductions, they used the system 3 times to off load debt, the worst example that can be used as a good club.

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53 minutes ago, Alty_Ram said:

This isn't about trying to duck debt to gain unfair advantage, it's about trying to survive. 

That’s our perception of the situation, but not how the majority of clubs see it.

They don’t see it as ‘our owner who’s gone has broken the rules’, they see it as DCFC have cheated, and it’s the majority of the clubs that the EFL want to appease to keep their cushy little cartel in power.

Edited by curb
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46 minutes ago, Alty_Ram said:

Well quite.. We have several times seen statements from the EFL about wanting to preserve the long term future of the club while at the same time threatening to apply sanctions that fundamentally undermine the value of the club to any potential saviour.

I genuinely believe that the EFL don't wish us to cease to exist but I just don't think that our situation was what they had in mind when these rules were written up. We have no stadium and an utterly threadbare squad on short contracts due to a seemingly endless embargo and then administration on top. There is just very little residual value, that's the fact of it.

They can brandish their rulebook and stamp their feet all they like and demand that certain creditors are paid but if a series of incoming owners say that the club is worth nowhere near enough to do that then they can just apply their rules and be damned and send us under or they can look at the discretionary element and say OK, well lets be pragmatic here and find a way through this and perhaps afterwards we can sit down and review the rules we've made as to whether they work in all situations. This isn't about trying to duck debt to gain unfair advantage, it's about trying to survive. Even if we achieve that, the DCFC entity is in a seriously distressed state in need of an extensive rebuild on and off the pitch. Regardless of what some delusional fans of other teams think, we have absolutely not got away with anything, far from it, we've taken an absolute mauling that could take years to turn around even with new owners prepared to invest. Don't make this any harder than it already is.

There's a fair bit of difficulty in that the punishment is coming so much later than the crime and the combination of issues.

Had we had our 2016 squad rather than our 21 squad whilst being punished for FFP, had we only been dealing with insolvency etc etc.

The unfortunate timing of everything falling apart leading to multiple punishments piling up on top of each other was probably not the intention of the rules when written.


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1 hour ago, BobdeBilder said:

With an English accent you can tell them anything and they will believe you. Where I worked a woman used to call the office just to hear me talk. I love them bits though, so much so I became one in 2010. I have two nice shiny passports now. I love pissing off TSA and customs both sides of the Atlantic. I was once asked at Manchester airport how long I would be in the states for. As long as I want, I said. No you won't, you can only stay (3 months I think it was) he said. Nope pretty sure I can stay longer, I replied. Now he was getting annoyed. As a British citizen you cannot stay as long as you want. Ok then, I got my US passport out, put it on the counter and told him I would travel on this one then. Cue red face and muttering about smart arse wasting his time. Childish I know, but anything for a laugh.

I remember the person immediately in front of me having a heated exchange with a (female) official at the security checkpoint at Dublin airport 20 years ago. It was just after 9/11 and security was extremely tight, and people were anxious and agitated, the security staff included. The queue was being held up, but this chap was continuing his objection to I know not what. Shoes protocol, laptop, liquids - haven't a clue, but he ended up shouting and swearing - up until the time when two large security chaps came to escort him away.

When it was my turn to put my stuff through the x-ray machine, I turned to the (female) official who was by now extremely agitated and flustered, and said something along the lines of "Never argue with a security lady who is wearing rubber gloves".

Never been so relieved to see somebody laugh.

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6 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

There's a fair bit of difficulty in that the punishment is coming so much later than the crime and the combination of issues.

Had we had our 2016 squad rather than our 21 squad whilst being punished for FFP, had we only been dealing with insolvency etc etc.

The unfortunate timing of everything falling apart leading to multiple punishments piling up on top of each other was probably not the intention of the rules when written.


But EFL does have discretion.. and the ability to change rules, as they have done against us but never in our favour. 

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1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

But EFL does have discretion.. and the ability to change rules, as they have done against us but never in our favour. 

They also have litigious Mr Gibson with his axe to grind.

The "we're going to make an example of Derby" narrative has played it's part, only we've been spoiling it by staying up last year and doing our best this year.

You still see comments floating around the internet to the effect of if we're not relegated we've not been punished.

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4 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

They also have litigious Mr Gibson with his axe to grind.

The "we're going to make an example of Derby" narrative has played it's part, only we've been spoiling it by staying up last year and doing our best this year.

You still see comments floating around the internet to the effect of if we're not relegated we've not been punished.

Just checked .  



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2 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

We better be careful, To many stories of holidays and we'll be told off.

Done Niagara Falls to death, Just a shyte load of water going over a cliff, The noise and the mist can pi$$ you off, And no I didn't do the Maid of the Mist, Or CN Tower in Toronto as I'm sh it scared of heights☹️

I take it you were on the US side, there’s only the state park there. Whereas the Canadian side is a full on middle class blackpool!

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30 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I remember the person immediately in front of me having a heated exchange with a (female) official at the security checkpoint at Dublin airport 20 years ago. It was just after 9/11 and security was extremely tight, and people were anxious and agitated, the security staff included. The queue was being held up, but this chap was continuing his objection to I know not what. Shoes protocol, laptop, liquids - haven't a clue, but he ended up shouting and swearing - up until the time when two large security chaps came to escort him away.

When it was my turn to put my stuff through the x-ray machine, I turned to the (female) official who was by now extremely agitated and flustered, and said something along the lines of "Never argue with a security lady who is wearing rubber gloves".

Never been so relieved to see somebody laugh.

Yep, you have to pick your moments. The US customs people have their sense of humour removed at birth ?



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5 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

I take it you were on the US side, there’s only the state park there. Whereas the Canadian side is a full on middle class blackpool!

No Canada side, I did the Casino, Had a picture of myself in a barrel going over the falls in a newspaper...very cheesy ?, Went further down by car to see the hydro power facility, Agreed with the Blackpool analogy, Full of tourists like myself just wandering round taking pictures, 1st couple of times I enjoyed it, But you can enjoy Blackpool the 1st couple of times, I like to see the real places not the tourist places, More often than not I'm out early and just catch a bus/train and see where I go from there.  

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39 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I remember the person immediately in front of me having a heated exchange with a (female) official at the security checkpoint at Dublin airport 20 years ago. It was just after 9/11 and security was extremely tight, and people were anxious and agitated, the security staff included. The queue was being held up, but this chap was continuing his objection to I know not what. Shoes protocol, laptop, liquids - haven't a clue, but he ended up shouting and swearing - up until the time when two large security chaps came to escort him away.

When it was my turn to put my stuff through the x-ray machine, I turned to the (female) official who was by now extremely agitated and flustered, and said something along the lines of "Never argue with a security lady who is wearing rubber gloves".

Never been so relieved to see somebody laugh.

We were at Toronto Airport the January after 9-11, It was manic, USA customs were in Canada and not the states, 2.30 hours waiting to be checked through, 20mins to our flight, I asked an American customs fella our situation, He rushed us to a desk, We had to fill a form out, Then get it stamped and attached to our passport and told DO NOT LOSE THIS, Through the ex ray machine and shown to our departure all done in 10mins, He wished us a good journey and we thanked him for his help, Getting out of Orlando airport was gobsmacking, No customs or checks as we'd been through it in Toronto, Got our bags and picked up the car.

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33 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

I presume the story is Nixon, now behind a 'paywall'?


It's pathetic - one of the most senior sports "journalists" in the country, and he feels the need to start a private Patreon service to feed even more gossip to sportsfans who are stupid enough to pay him for the privilege. Stuff he hasn't the balls to say in public, but will happily get paid to foist it on morons

I hope this backfires on him spectacularly and he gets sued for breaking an NDA somewhere

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2 minutes ago, Betty Swollocks said:

This guy is always downbeat about DCFC. He seems to revel in looking on the bleak side just so he can say "I told you so"

I would imagine if you have 2 million quid riding on it, you pay a hundred quid to get it expatiated.  As a full international should be about 10 minutes.  As this deal took about 5 weeks to be finalised with his injury, this fellas talking poo I reckon.

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