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The Administration Thread


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6 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

Why do people buy football clubs? I can understand in Ashley’s case it will help promote his Sports Direct brand but surely there is no money in it…

Ashley made a fortune out of Newcastle.

Sold the club for a massive profit and hived off land that he is now developing.

That will be his plan for DCFC but he needs to buy it at the right price to make it worth his while.

The state MM has left the club in has made it virtually un-saleable. The debt massively outweighs its value, it has no assets and the cost to buy it out of administration is likely to be too much for a business opportunity.

This I believe is why the Binnies have walked. They cant see a return on more than £30m. The immediate investment required on top of the purchase cost is huge, and the eventual division, and how long the club may be in that division, have a massive impact on payback and ongoing investment.

Dont forget how long the club  was for sale before administration. MM has dug a massive hole and left the club to rot.

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3 minutes ago, SBW said:

I'm just waiting for Morris to lead a new company with a bid to buy the club.  Something fishy is going on at the club and i'm convinced his dirty fingers are very much still in the pie.  

Based on what exactly?

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4 minutes ago, SBW said:

I'm just waiting for Morris to lead a new company with a bid to buy the club.  Something fishy is going on at the club and i'm convinced his dirty fingers are very much still in the pie.  

Any port in a storm

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2 hours ago, IslandExile said:

The Binnies pulled out, the Administrators did not reject them; they asked them to increase their bid which they refused to do and pulled out.

Yes, of course, we want to avoid liquidation. I just hope we have that choice.

Rooney's press conference answers did not fill me with the same level of confidence that you appear to have.

That’s not how I read it.  The article says "We made many attempts and had worked incredibly hard to buy the club. The administrators gave us a response that they no longer wished to speak to us unless we increase our offer.".  I take this as they have higher bids and said ‘unless you get close to £x, thanks but no thanks’.

The admin have always said they have offers.  The update from the supporters meeting yesterday said they were going through details with bidders.

How Binnies seriously expected to get the club and stadium for an extra £2M is beyond me.  And if they’ve been trying since June, they couldn’t have been trying very hard.

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10 minutes ago, SBW said:

I'm just waiting for Morris to lead a new company with a bid to buy the club.  Something fishy is going on at the club and i'm convinced his dirty fingers are very much still in the pie.  

It seems fairly obvious to me that Morris’s original plan was to buy the club, splash a bit of cash to get us promoted and then sell us on for a profit. With maybe a bit of pride in owning his local football club etc etc. Obviously that didn’t happen, things have spiralled out of control and he’s tried to cut his losses. (That’s not a defence or anything, just a statement of the facts.)

So with that in mind, what’s the incentive for Morris to want the club back? Getting the club back to the stage where it can be sold for a profit is probably a long and expensive job. It makes zero sense for a Morris to want/expect anything other than getting enough for the stadium to cover his remaining liabilities.

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26 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

How Binnies seriously expected to get the club and stadium for an extra £2M is beyond me.  And if they’ve been trying since June, they couldn’t have been trying very hard.

Are you taking the mickey, all of the buyers who allegedly are interested in us are only be prepared to offer bottom dollar so why single the Binnies out in particular.

Quantuma has set a figure of what £50 million for an acceptable bid, dream on. 

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