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The Administration Thread


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8 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Which is always caveated as such, subject to being properly tested in a court of law. 

You don't play legal advice top trumps and assume one sides advice is correct over anothers. Until proven otherwise ALL advice is correct! 

Think you're being harsh on Q. The usual behaviour pattern surely, would be to assume that if parties were genuinely aggrieved and thought their case sound, they would be pressing for payment. 

The 2 Gibson's acts are more like a begging letter. 

I don't doubt Boro/Wycombe's intentions.  But you have to tackle what is in front of you.  However full of bull it is, it exists and the EFL haven't dismissed it, so it's just plain ignorant to think it will just go away.  


I have said previously, the EFL will look to take anything they can to bury the club, it's bleedin' obvious. i'm not backing them in any way shape or form.  But feels to me that Q have been incredibly naive.  


I act on considering worst case possible, then act accordingly.  I think that should have been Q's approach.  It feels like they've aimed for best possible outcome from day one and then worked backwards, and it's been costly. (well not to them, it's been profitable).

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1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

Q has to get the best offer they can. None of those offers will accept liability for Boro/Wycombe claims. So they have to compress the claims. They thought EFL would agree but they haven't. So if EFL are the only barrier then they have to force the EFL to do what they are required to do.  

That's the point I am making.


They 'thought' the EFL would agree.  Bonkers mentality and it should have been a theory that was tested, much, much sooner, allowing for more proactive action in the knowledge it wouldn't be the case. 


EFL are of course doing what they can to make it difficult, they should have been aware of that and acted accordingly.


Q have not been fit for purpose themselves. 

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1 hour ago, Rammy03 said:

Completely fobbed off - went exactly as I said it would this morning ?

When you put people in a room with little to no background knowledge they will ask the questions they have been sent to ask in good faith but will have no context to challenge or further question the guff that the EFL peddle.

They then just come away with their tails between their legs & repeat back what we have already known, shrugging their shoulders saying 'well we did out best' , 'what more could we do?'

We need to keep up the pressure & not let this go away build the noise until it reaches a crescendo where the EFL have answer their case in front of a real heavyweight - can we do a crowd funding exercise and get Nick De Marco on the case?

If we could do a pay per view live stream of him hauling Parry & Gibson over the coals then the revenues would probably keep the club afloat for another 18 months alone - I'd pay serious money to see him make those little curly haired scrotes squirm  ?

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1 hour ago, SBW said:

My feeling is some pressure needs to be put on the Admins.  Q look to me to have handled this whole situation appallingly. 

All any of us can do is read between the lines, we're hearing two very different sides to a story, one from Q and one from the EFL.  


I know it's not what people wanted to happen, cos people ultimately hope for the best scenario.  But I think stronger action should have been taken earlier.  I think if Q showed more willing to cut costs, pay debts and show that they are moving heaven and earth to solve the issues, the EFL may have been more lenient.  


It feels a lot more like they've tried to bluff everyone, us included, into making the situation look better than it was to try and convince a buyer to purchase sooner.  All the time accruing several million pounds that they'll be taking home with them when they do leave - even if the worst happened, they get their money.


I think they should have to answer some hard questions, personally.  The club, as a business, has been ran very poorly for a number of years, as things stand it looks like they've just continued that to me.  Frustrating.  

Now is not the time for this SBW. Q Is answerable to the court and no one else. They realise their plan is off the rails and there is no doubt they are now doing all they can to fix it. 

We should leave them to it. And frankly we don’t want the MPs and councillors bothering them either. We want those guys aimed at the EFl and Gibson 

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Can I just add that lots of people seem to be making major assumptions that the MPs, business leaders, etc aren't Derby fans, have no idea about what's really going on, are clueless about what the EFL are up to.

I have no idea about all of them but I know for a fact that some, including the Leader of Derby City Council and MD of Marketing Derby are season ticket holders and well into their football. As are many of the businesses tweeting their support.

As I said, they will be balancing their personal feelings with the best approach to get a resolution which will be to be measured, non-reactive and calm. The EFL and Quantuma will respond far better to this approach than an all guns blazing rant!

It might have no effect, it might resolve the issue, but we shouldn't be expecting a detailed interrogation and resolution from one meeting!

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7 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Now is not the time for this SBW. Q Is answerable to the court and no one else. They realise their plan is off the rails and there is no doubt they are now doing all they can to fix it. 

We should leave them to it. And frankly we don’t want the MPs and councillors bothering them either. We want those guys aimed at the EFl and Gibson 

Of course they're answerable to the court.  


But much like a manager is answerable to the Chairman/Owner.  They are still answerable to stakeholders.

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Guys I've just emailed the band "Rage against the machine" asking them to re-record Killing in the name to incorporate the words "duck the efl I won't do what you tell me" and come play a free the  Derby county concert at Pride Park. Now I did have to lie a little and say Derby county were peaceful prisoners being held by an evil regime so if anyone asks just go along with it. ?

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44 minutes ago, angieram said:

Some MPs are meeting with the administrators tomorrow so they will hear their side of the argument then.

I'd personally like to see the administrators and EFL being questioned at the same time so that they could challenge each other's spin. 

I have suggested this to RT, who have suddenly now been asked to meet with the EFL again.

The MPs won't know everything about the case but they are raising awareness and getting things moving.


This would be the perfect opportunity for the administrators to enlighten those M.P’s with the Boro/Wycombe situation. If as reports now coming from the BBC , they are considering a legal challenge by way of injunction, they need to spell out to the M.P’s why it’s necessary.

Then the M.P’s have something tangible to go back at the EFL with, along the lines of your rules are out of date, you are delaying creditors being paid and when this is resolved we might need to look closer at your practices; that might focus the EFL more.

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5 hours ago, LauraH said:



5 hours ago, Cool As Custard said:

This worries me 

The MP's won't really have a clue about the situation & will get fobbed off by Trevor Birch bulls**t

They'll come back and say they tried but we have to let the process play out

You can see it coming a mile off.....


Don't want to claim to be Nostradamus or anything and wish I was wrong but if anybody has faith in our MPs to put the EFL under any pressure don't hold your breath

Strong, decisive legal action is the only thing that will make the EFL ?themselves. I like the idea of the injunction that has been suggested - Gibson, Parry & the numpty from Wycombe will all vanish pronto if we can get any half decent legal representative. Let's crowd fund Nick De Marco if he hasn't been appointed already......  

Edited by Cool As Custard
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My email to Andrew Brigdon

Hello Andrew


1st off i'd like to thank you for your help concerning Derby County FC


It would appear that the EFL are trying to pull the wool over your eyes, Middlesboro and Wycombe have no basis for a claim against Derby County, Middlesboro claiming they lost out on the playoffs in 2019 by 1 point, Why are they claiming now?, Is it because the EFL have had our pants down, They are not creditors, They have neither served us with any goods or services.


Wycombe Wanderers have just jumped on the bandwagon as their owner is a USA lawyer(ambulance chaser)and clinging to the back of Middlesboro in the hope of a payout, They were relegated last season, Their case should be against the EFL not Derby County.


Now the Crux of the matter, There was know way on earth were we able to stave off relegation having 21 points deducted, But by some minor miracle we are making a good fist of it, This would appear to have come to the notice of the EFL, So why have they all of a sudden blocked our preffered bidder, It's because without a bidder in place, We have no funds, If we have no funds we have to sell our players, If we sell our players it weakens our squad, Which has already lost 4 players due to saving wages, If our squad is weakened there is more than a good chance we WILL be relegated, Then the EFL have got there wish, If we can't produce proof of funds by Febuary 1st the closing of the transfer window, The EFL will look to withdrawing our membership of the Football League which could lead to liquidation.


There is no doubt in Derby County Fans minds that the EFL are being vindictive, If we were not making a good go of it, A preffered bidder would have been in place.


We've been puished by losing 21ppoints, We didn't complain, We took it on the chin, Now as I said the EFL want more than a pound of flesh, They want a carcus.


Thank you


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1 hour ago, SBW said:

So, they haven't got a preferred bidder, and they aren't solving the issues.

Imagine if back when they were initially appointed they tackled these issues head on, which they were aware of and were obviously entirely dismissive of (they allegedly told the EFL they've spoken to lawyers and were told not to worry about it, which obviously wouldn't stand up with the EFL) instead of sitting with their thumbs up their arses?  It might have already been resolved.  Then the alleged preferred bidder waiting in the wings would be free to swoop in and save the day.


They haven't sought to cut costs that can make an impact, or locate funds to see the season on (other than get a short term loan which will have outrageous interest) they've not located a bonafide preferred bidder and they've arrogantly ignored an issue which needs resolving cos they thought it wouldn't be an issue.  


They've been dire.  They've just kicked the can down the road, thinking it would just fall into place.  How wrong they were, and now here we are.  Shambolic. 

And who appointed them, Mel Morris, now there’s a thing!

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2 minutes ago, Cool As Custard said:


Don't want to claim to be Nostradamus or anything and wish I was wrong but if anybody has faith in our MPs to put the EFL under any pressure don't hold your breath

Strong, decisive legal action is the only thing that will make the EFL ?themselves. I like the idea of the injunction that has been suggested - Gibson, Parry & the numpty from Wycombe will if we can get any half decent legal representative. Let's crowd fund Nick De Marco if he hasn't been appointed already......  

Wasn't it Gibson's threat to take action against the EFL that prompted their action against us in the first place?

Maybe the threat of legal action could be their soft underbelly.

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10 minutes ago, TomBustler1884 said:

Can I just add that lots of people seem to be making major assumptions that the MPs, business leaders, etc aren't Derby fans, have no idea about what's really going on, are clueless about what the EFL are up to.

I have no idea about all of them but I know for a fact that some, including the Leader of Derby City Council and MD of Marketing Derby are season ticket holders and well into their football. As are many of the businesses tweeting their support.

As I said, they will be balancing their personal feelings with the best approach to get a resolution which will be to be measured, non-reactive and calm. The EFL and Quantuma will respond far better to this approach than an all guns blazing rant!

It might have no effect, it might resolve the issue, but we shouldn't be expecting a detailed interrogation and resolution from one meeting!

On a side issue, would you consider doing a Bustler market on a match day, perhaps using the abandoned fanzone?

You could put some of the profits raised towards the campaign.

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3 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Can a journalist/mp/council/other interested party ask Boro to give a breakdown of their £45m claim. Why are they allowed to sit there silently unchallenged with a figure plucked out of nowhere. 

It wasn’t plucked out of thin air, Gibbo spent 10 minutes accessing historical betting odds on the internet and made some calculations on the back of the Wycombe Chairman’s business card.

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55 minutes ago, SBW said:

If you're looking to find a buyer, and there are two clubs seeking to take action against you, making it abundantly clear that they will do so.  It is naive at the least, more so ignorant and even arrogant to dismiss it.  

If its so abundantly clear they will take action against us, why haven't they already done so?

At the point they were not included on the creditors list, it should have been abundantly clear to them that the administrators were not making any provision for their claims, yet 8 weeks later they've still not taken any action...I wonder why that is?


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