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Hopefully the Daily Mail are just regurgitating what John Percy tweeted last week.

Can't understand how we've gone from not accepting 9 points and either coming to a compromise or fighting it to just rolling over and accepting it. 

Surely we haven't? 

9 points would make us 7 off relegation. Almost need mid table form to get out of that, which we dont have the squad depth for really.

Still, we'd only be 3 points behind them tossers from up the 52.

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3 hours ago, I know nuffin said:

Could be they are trying to convince Boro , PNE and the rest of the EFL that they tried as hard as they could and have not wasted their money. Playing to the crowd springs to mind

Exactly. The EFL is itself in a difficult position. If it does not drive a hard line, the right wingers in the Championship will be on their backs. If they force us into another legal dispute, the rest of the clubs will be complaining about the costs, whether or not they win. Hopefully that dynamic will lead to a deal before too long - it ought to 

Edited by kevinhectoring
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If (and it's a very big if) the rumours of a 9 points plus 3 more suspended are true, then it makes no sense. "Negotiating" such a high punishment means the EFL know they're on dodgy ground and cannot simply impose it. Why should we ever accept such a thing when we contend we have done nothing wrong?

The only reason I can think of, is that the decision is from Mel's potential buyers, who want a line drawn and the thing over and done with. Maybe they think, come January, they can buy their way out of trouble. But if that is the case, Mel needs to be a hell of a lot more confident in his buyers than the recent Sheik or Spanish boxer fiascos. And I'm not currently sufficiently confident in Mel that he's done sufficient (or any) due diligence.

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3 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

If (and it's a very big if) the rumours of a 9 points plus 3 more suspended are true, then it makes no sense. "Negotiating" such a high punishment means the EFL know they're on dodgy ground and cannot simply impose it. Why should we ever accept such a thing when we contend we have done nothing wrong?

The only reason I can think of, is that the decision is from Mel's potential buyers, who want a line drawn and the thing over and done with. Maybe they think, come January, they can buy their way out of trouble. But if that is the case, Mel needs to be a hell of a lot more confident in his buyers than the recent Sheik or Spanish boxer fiascos. And I'm not currently sufficiently confident in Mel that he's done sufficient (or any) due diligence.

Mel won't personally be doing the DD that will be his financial advisors

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