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Louie Sibley - joined Oxford

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Played 175 games and scored 20 goals.

Thats more than some of the guys we bought in on huge fees so the lad has done okay for our club.

Some pro footballers would have loved to have played that many matches in their careers.

Always want the academy lads to do well as they feel like one of us

Hopefully he can  go on to have a good career in either the championship or league one and make himself a tidy living from it.

Never heard derogatory things about him off the pitch so that should help him get a good deal at a new club and best of Derbyshire luck to him.

But it's fair to say that if promotion is the goal within the next few seasons (which really it should be) then it's a stretch to see Sibley playing a huge part in that process as he has a talent ceiling that probably isn't much higher than mid table and that is more to do with consistency.

Frees up  wage bill space for the manager to help finance more incomings which is a bonus. 

All the best Sibbo lad .



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Hope he does really well wherever he ends up ,, the lad is a ram and I’ve really enjoyed watching him , knowing every goal he scored for us was special to him as he is derby through and through, played his part in getting us back to the champ and fighting through the terrible mess our/ his club got into ,

an ex ram who I will always look out for how he is doing , 

thanks and best of luck sibs ,

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2 hours ago, StarterForTen said:

Good riddance to bad rubbish. 




(I don’t actually mean that, but just to add balance during election campaigning season!! A full list of midfield candidates is available in our website.)

So a list of people all just as useless as the next ?

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