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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Fair points Bris, so why do you think cases are still going through the roof when mask wearing is being adhered to as it is? 

Probably just because of how much more infectious Omicron is.

I read yesterday that it infects the nose passages much easier than Delta but isn’t as good at infecting the lung cells - which is why a hell of a lot more people are getting bad cold symptoms but thankfully only a few get the lung damage and breathing difficulties. 

So on balance it’s still good news. Future mutations are likely to be milder still. 

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5 hours ago, Norman said:

Two-thirds of patients in hospital with the Omicron strain are not there with Covid as a primary reason

31 percent of patients with Covid in hospital right now caught it in hospital. 

Underlying health conditions play a huge part in the numbers. 

Would be interesting to know as a proportion of hospital admissions what covid admissions are.

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2 hours ago, Andicis said:

I am not sure if it's the most, as with my intial comment one of certainly. Insulin with the amount of people requiring it regularly becomes very expensive. And then combined with the other treatments required and it works out as a lot. 

Should people with auto immune diseases be rejected medical treatment because they didn't get the jab? What about those who can't get it on religious grounds? As @BrudeRAMsaid in his excellent post above, healthcare in this country is not conditional, it's a right.

Oh, I see yes I think a lot of people have diabetes , if that's what you mean by expensive because of the numbers affected. A lot of people have asthma, hayfever etc. as well, that must be quite expensive too. 

But yes I agree that the NHS should treat everyone, smokers , obsese people , drinkers, drug addicts  etc....  and the unvaccinated. The moral issue though is surely people can avoid a lot of hospitalisations by getting the jab. Its an easy fix, and I dont actually think there are  many religions that say "Thou shalt not have the COVID jab"    




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2 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

But yes I agree that the NHS should treat everyone, smokers , obsese people , drinkers, drug addicts  etc....  and the unvaccinated. The moral issue though is surely people can avoid a lot of hospitalisations by getting the jab. Its an easy fix, and I dont actually think there are  many religions that say "Thou shalt not have the COVID jab"

But the point is I never debated whether you should or shouldn't have the jab, and described people not having it as a bit silly. The point was always refuting the ''you shouldn't treat people who refuse the jab'' comment. 

That last comment is a bit silly. I doubt any religion says ''thou shalt not have blood transfusions'' yet some religions outlaw those. 

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17 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

Oh, I see yes I think a lot of people have diabetes , if that's what you mean by expensive because of the numbers affected. A lot of people have asthma, hayfever etc. as well, that must be quite expensive too. 

But yes I agree that the NHS should treat everyone, smokers , obsese people , drinkers, drug addicts  etc....  and the unvaccinated. The moral issue though is surely people can avoid a lot of hospitalisations by getting the jab. Its an easy fix, and I dont actually think there are  many religions that say "Thou shalt not have the COVID jab"    




It’s an easy fix for you and that’s great , where you / we fall down is it’s not an easy fix for some , we are all different, different drives , different fears , different cultures ,

It’s like me turning up to remove a loose tile from somebody’s gutter and saying it’s an easy fix mate , just jump up the ladder and bring it down , yet to lots of people there’s no way on earth they will go up one rung on the ladder ,

why have we lost the ability to not to judge others ??‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Because I have lived out and about in the real world since this started , seen how FACE COVERING mandates work in reality ,on off ,in out of pockets , I’ll fitting , often dirty , worn half on ,half off , worn to the table ,taken off to sup or eat , it’s just pure theatre ,to the point that people claiming that this farce is cutting infection by 53 % is BIZZARE and as I stated earlier and not been answered ,how anyone who feels it’s ok for them to visit pubs and sit drinking maskless but moralise to others about wearing masks even when not mandated in other indoor settings is just plain hypocrisy 

Don’t get me wrong, people have been slacking in terms of face masks. Some people can’t even wear them properly, while some people flip them on and off when it suits.

But in crowded areas, science suggests they do work. They will never be 100% effective for the reasons you mention. 

We still mandate masks in supermarkets and indoor places. Cases are really low here that it’s barely spoken about. I believe that is largely due to Mexico being such an outdoor country it’s more difficult to pass on the virus outdoors, whereas indoors we still take precautionary measures such as distancing, masks, hand sanitizers etc.

You have a point about the silliness of pubs and closed restaurants regarding mask removal. But it’s possible in those situations it’s where it’s more easily spread as the precautions go out the window.

If masks were never introduced, it’s almost certain cases would be so much higher especially during indoor socializing and at the supermarkets etc.

And just to add, I hate mask wearing. Wish I didn’t have to. But until this virus becomes as weak as an ordinary cold/flu, I’ll continue to follow science.


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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Fair points Bris, so why do you think cases are still going through the roof when mask wearing is being adhered to as it is? 

Omicron seems to spread far easier. The indoor culture (due to the weather) doesn’t help and people slacking off (largely through idiotic government orders) I’d guess.


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1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

Don’t get me wrong, people have been slacking in terms of face masks. Some people can’t even wear them properly, while some people flip them on and off when it suits.

But in crowded areas, science suggests they do work. They will never be 100% effective for the reasons you mention. 

We still mandate masks in supermarkets and indoor places. Cases are really low here that it’s barely spoken about. I believe that is largely due to Mexico being such an outdoor country it’s more difficult to pass on the virus outdoors, whereas indoors we still take precautionary measures such as distancing, masks, hand sanitizers etc.

You have a point about the silliness of pubs and closed restaurants regarding mask removal. But it’s possible in those situations it’s where it’s more easily spread as the precautions go out the window.

If masks were never introduced, it’s almost certain cases would be so much higher especially during indoor socializing and at the supermarkets etc.

And just to add, I hate mask wearing. Wish I didn’t have to. But until this virus becomes as weak as an ordinary cold/flu, I’ll continue to follow science.


I think they probably do give a small and I mean small benefit in certain situations but like everything from day one of covid there’s a lot of baalocks talked ,theatre , virtue signaling, hypocrisy and threats ,

I know Eddie cops it because he’s unaware enough to tell us he goes to the pub but then demonises anyone not wearing a mask indoors even when not mandated but truly it’s not just Eddie I see it all around me , I am clearly very anti most of the senseless draconian measures used since the start of this but have followed the rules a hell of a lot more than many people around me who champion and call for these measures but bend them to suit themselves while vilifying anyone who disagrees with them ,

we can go round in circles for ever more about the last two years but the truth is it needs to stop now and get back to normal life ,if you want to wear a mask wear one , if you want jab upon jab going forward then great have them but ffs leave people to make they’re own choices 

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3 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

Oh, I see yes I think a lot of people have diabetes , if that's what you mean by expensive because of the numbers affected. A lot of people have asthma, hayfever etc. as well, that must be quite expensive too. 

But yes I agree that the NHS should treat everyone, smokers , obsese people , drinkers, drug addicts  etc....  and the unvaccinated. The moral issue though is surely people can avoid a lot of hospitalisations by getting the jab. Its an easy fix, and I dont actually think there are  many religions that say "Thou shalt not have the COVID jab"    




If covid mutates to a more deadly strain and the NHS are unable to cope in the ICU wards they will have no choice but to treat patients on a the basis of who has the best chance of surviving, anyone who has been fully vaccinated will get preferential treatment because they will have a better chance of recovery.
I sincerely hope people who have not been vaccinated understand this scenario, hopefully it will never get to this stage. 
Why people who are not vaccinated are prepared to risk lying on a trolley gasping for breath in corridor of a hospital ward where the ICU wards are full is completely beyond any comprehension in my opinion.

Also it would be not be  fair to put overstretched front line medical staff in this position to decide who should live or die.

This is not aimed at anyone on this forum but these are the words that I have spoken to my own children who are reluctant to take the covid jab.



Edited by cstand
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1 hour ago, cstand said:

If covid mutates to a more deadly strain and the NHS are unable to cope in the ICU wards they will have no choice but to treat patients on a the basis of who has the best chance of surviving, anyone who has been fully vaccinated will get preferential treatment because they will have a better chance of recovery.
I sincerely hope people who have not been vaccinated understand this scenario, hopefully it will never get to this stage. 
Why people who are not vaccinated are prepared to risk lying on a trolley gasping for breath in corridor of a hospital ward where the ICU wards are full is completely beyond any comprehension in my opinion.

Also it would be not be  fair to put overstretched front line medical staff in this position to decide who should live or die.

This is not aimed at anyone on this forum but these are the words that I have spoken to my own children who are reluctant to take the covid jab.




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25 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I want to wish happy Christmas to everybody in this thread, but especially @Archied @G STAR RAM @TexasRam @Andicis @PistoldPete - just because.

And no, I haven't been drinking.


And to you and your family Sir.

Despite a difference of views and conversations sometimes getting heated and a bit personal, I hold no anymosity towards and poster and would gladly buy any of you a beer (as long as in a pub with social distancing and mandated masks).

I also do respect alternative opinions as it always gives us something else to think about.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

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42 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I want to wish happy Christmas to everybody in this thread, but especially @Archied @G STAR RAM @TexasRam @Andicis @PistoldPete - just because.

And no, I haven't been drinking.


The same to you and your family ?, also the same goes to everyone on here whether I agree or disagree with their opinions on anything ,disagreeing on how we get the best for everyone doesn’t mean we don’t want the best for everyone,

shall we come out the trenches for a bit and kick a ball around?

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4 hours ago, Gladys' Handbag said:


What time does the football start?

Not sure which side of the argument wear the pointy hats!

I was reading about the ceasefire at Christmas. It didn't go down well at all with the men at the top. They threatened court martial for treason. 

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