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v Barrow (H) Match Thread


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3 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

Phew,as long as everyone else is as poo as we were today we are saved!

(Book the bus!!)

Gives our result a bit of context doesn't it.

If every championship club simply swatted aside their opponents with ease in crushing 3, 4, or 5-0 victories it might make the panic and utter dross that's been posted before, during and after our game look sensible.

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4 minutes ago, KBB said:

Gives our result a bit of context doesn't it.

If every championship club simply swatted aside their opponents with ease in crushing 3, 4, or 5-0 victories it might make the panic and utter dross that's been posted before, during and after our game look sensible.

Sort of but my concern is that we have looked toothless and without urgency for a long time.  We have just carried on from the final game v Leeds.  Not convinced what will  changed this unless we recruit something amazing which given our history is unlikely

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1 hour ago, chewbacca said:

Not read through the thread, chewies thoughts...


Better when went 4 at the back

Very simular to last season slow and predictable at times

Te Wierik has a nice passing range

Buchanan looked good, Whittaker showed great touches when came on

Need to up the tempo and make the nessecary attacking aquisitions...we could live on without Bogle and Lowe if reports are to be believed


Cocu knows the issues. During his post match interview I was delighted to hear him use the words power and creativity in the final 3rd.when staying what we need. Obvious to anyone but always reassuring that the boss sees it the same.  Of course we will worry if he can get his targets in, but with big cash coming in from bogle and lowe it looks more likely.  I'm excited to see his kind of player.

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7 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:


I’m gonna say Martin. But he’s gone now. Just thought Sibley and Knight needed that kind of player today, they looked a little lost 

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I'll start with the positives. Buchanan looked lively, Bird as composed as ever & did nothing wrong as a 19 year old captain. Roos was excellent, not just the penalties but his early save & general distribution. Also thought Whittaker has gained some strength, held off a couple of their defenders during his cameo which surprised me. Oh & we won.

In general though, a very ordinary day. I think like last season, Cocu was clearly using the League Cup to experiment as can't believe he felt we needed 3 centre halves v Barrow. Consequently we often had centre halves in midfield looked to force the play (Clarke in particular) & it looked very laboured. There was some movement...Marriott was often pointing in behind the back 4 but very little attempt to break the lines. The passing was safe, slow, insipid & easy to defend against. 

Also felt Sibley's impact was neutered by his position...he needs to be deeper than that as is a player to come onto the ball, not get it with his back to goal. Bit disappointed Whittaker didnt get a start & no place in the squad for Hector-Ingram...can only assume the latter is going out on loan.

Would be remiss not to congratulate Barrow. Looked a good side, comfortable on the ball, very disciplined shape & fully deserved the draw. Wish them well in their first season back in the League, sure they'll be very competitive in League Two.

In summary, I expect the return of Rooney, Waghorn and 4-2-3-1 next week. Hopefully a winger in the bag too...keep the faith

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1 hour ago, Coconut said:


It is going to be a tough old season alright, mainly on this forum!

Bear in mind that some of the above may be a little tongue in cheek and written with an intentional sense of heightened reality...

You & others are going to moan about it every single step of the way, unable to make a post about anything at all without feeling the need to tell us that the football's dull & you don't approve of the manager, his tactics, subs, interviews, whatever.

You'll make absolutely no attempt to look for the positives (unless they can be used to criticise the manager), make no allowances for anything other than your viewpoint and hold the attitude that whenever anything goes against us it's the manager's fault, and that if only he'd done that thing you'd have done (whatever it is) things would automatically have been worked out for the better.

I don't know some people on here are wasting their time with their day jobs when they'd be better off making millions leading Chorley FC to Champions League glory making no missteps along the way and playing wonderful, free flowing attacking football at all times, even if you don't have the players for it.

I'll wait and see how it looks when/if we actually have some decent attacking players who aren't below the age of 19. If it's still really poo I'll hold my hands up.

So what are the positives then Coconut? What do you see that makes you confident that this club is heading the right direction? Because all I see is a manager who is trying to fit square pegs into round holes to make his footballing philosophy work and as a result producing some of the most tedious toothless football I’ve ever seen. Regardless of the various issues at the club a good manager should be setting out to play entertaining football and getting the best out of what he has to hand. In that regard Cocu is failing miserably and as a result is attracting criticism. 

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5 minutes ago, Jayram said:

So what are the positives then Coconut? What do you see that makes you confident that this club is heading the right direction? Because all I see is a manager who is trying to fit square pegs into round holes to make his footballing philosophy work and as a result producing some of the most tedious toothless football I’ve ever seen. Regardless of the various issues at the club a good manager should be setting out to play entertaining football and getting the best out of what he has to hand. In that regard Cocu is failing miserably and as a result is attracting criticism. 

The personnel has a lot to do with that though. Looks likely there will be a couple of new faces in over next week or so...if we still look this toothless with them, Rooney, Lawrence & Waghorn available, then its fair criticism.

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