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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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Sith Happens

Weather forecasts, in the past few days I've read we will have a washout rest of summer and now read we will have a fantastic rest of summer lasting until October.

Why do they bother with long term forecasts? As far as I can tell they can only really predict with a degree of accuracy about 48 hours in advance.

People must be getting paid a fortune for coming out with garbage.

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Social Media trends becoming news....and by that I mean seeing clickbait headlines that something "is going viral" and the extent of the story is that it's something that lots of people have recently clicked on. Is that what we're down to now?. Clickbait about clickbait?

Even 5Live does it now. Find some proper news, people!

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4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Weather forecasts, in the past few days I've read we will have a washout rest of summer and now read we will have a fantastic rest of summer lasting until October.

Why do they bother with long term forecasts? As far as I can tell they can only really predict with a degree of accuracy about 48 hours in advance.

People must be getting paid a fortune for coming out with garbage.

We'd miss the "Heatwave / Arctic Blasts" Daily Express headlines though. No?

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On 7/14/2017 at 12:39, StivePesley said:

I know its a legal requirement and all that, and I know why it has to be there, but the massive paper pamphlet in EVERY packet of paracetomol or ibuprofen.

Makes me so irrationally cross when I'm trying to get the blister pack back in the packet and the big fat bit of folded paper is all in the way and everything. I can't be the only one right?

Just keep one in the cupboard and throw all the others away - they are all the same anyway, even for different medicines.

Possible side effects - Headaches, nausea, constipation, diarrhea. And that's just for stuff that's supposed to stop those things !

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People around Pride Park during rush hour on the way home who go in the right hand lane indicating right, blasting by standstill traffic as if they're heading towards Wyvern/PPS but then just merge into the lane going towards town. Impatient helmets.

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On 27/07/2017 at 12:43, JoetheRam said:

The amount of paper/cardboard/tissue paper/clips/hooks/plastic that you get when you buy a formal shirt.

They aren't stopping it from needing an iron and a wash pre-use anyway, so are just totally unnecessary packaging.

Bin fillers and planet killers.

I remember the days when there was a mass of pins in formal shirt packaging.

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