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Hans Datdo-Dishes

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Posts posted by Hans Datdo-Dishes

  1. 6 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Plenty of pickets on occasion at our local power station, trying to stop coal lorries and trains.

    I used to have to sneak in the back way. I didn't work there - I used to play snooker for them and the tables were absolutely top-notch slate beds. It was going to take more than a bunch of flying pickets to keep me off the green baize in those days.

    You just had to negotiate the pocket line to play then, Eddie?

  2. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    Were they any good ? Trying to remember once old heavy leather ones vanished. Removable studs were a thing but I bet you just have multiple pairs with varying lengths, Nephew had blade shaped studs a while back and I remember seeing the documentary about predators at the end of the 70’s early eighties ? … with the contact patch on the upper surface.
    Need a new topic !

    What are the RR of footy boots today ? I wonder if we have reached the stage where there’s nothing new under the sun (I am old ! ?

    Right .. off to Google to explore

    Didn't the ex Liverpool Aussie, Craig Johnston, invent the Predator boot?

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