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Hans Datdo-Dishes

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Posts posted by Hans Datdo-Dishes

  1. 25 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    I was given this print a few a years back, (Birthday pressie from a work colleague).
    I have it on the wall facing me, in my office (This pic is off t'internet, but I think it's the same print).

    Anyway, by pure coincidence (the colleague had no idea where I sit) it's about as identical a view as my real one, from about half way up the upper tier, NE corner.  Aisle seat...



    If I remember, I'll take an actual pic from my seat tomorrow, and come back and bore you some more.  ?




    In fact, I'll come back a third time on Monday, and post a pic of the print on my office wall, almost like a "view from my office chair" type thing, then you will all have seen the full set.
    I know, right!  ?

    Looks like the view a newborn baby would have when born at Pride Park.

  2. 1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    As for the fight, I'm struggling to call it to be honest. To me it's a fight that could go either way. If Wood is still to standing after 4 then I might be tempted to have a nibble. It's certainly an interesting one and I'll be sat with a beer in hand on the night, but at 4/11, I doubt I'll be wading in on the favourite.

    Carry On Mood GIF

  3. One of my all-time favourites. Was great to see him bring it out of defence to start an attack. Proper team man too. Remember him running half the length of the pitch to get sent off vs Norwich after one of their players (Trevor Putney?) 'assaulted' Tin Man. Daft, but he got the back of his mate!

  4. 4 hours ago, B4ev6is said:


    Could start some kind of chant something

    Derby no stopping us

    Black and white army just like lads

    No stopping us now

    Anyone got any other ideas

    Plus family friendly chant.

    Not sure about the last two lines, B4.

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