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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 20 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    Former 40 games plus per season merchant who grew out of it and just goes whenever the lads fancy a day on the booze now. Will continue that fine tradition for the forseeable no matter the division. 

    Find it feels more special when I go now than when it was just part of a routine and the same faces every week.

    Probably knock that on the head if I ever have a son to indoctrinate from the safety of the North Stand. 

    Never listen to the commentary any more though and rarely watch if we're on TV.

    Can't see myself getting a season ticket until I'm a pensioner.

    Half fan at best.

    I think I'm very similar to yourself. Have broke the addiction to it. I recall panicking about getting tickets for away games for years. Now I'm not fussed. I no longer live in Derby(shire), and don't know when I'll next attend Pride Park. It became robotic when I was a Season Ticket holder and I attended out of habit more than desire.  I actually resent myself for pumping so much of my money into being a Derby supporter. I would love that money in my bank right now!

  2. 21 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Peter Shilton was a class above Colin Boulton and a fair bit better than Mart Poom

    over a career maybe, but not in a Derby shirt. In my conscious years as a football fan, Poom was far and away the best Goalkeeper to play for Derby. He's not far off being the best player Derby have had during my life time.

    Shilton is a legend, but his better and best years were behind him by the time he came to Derby. Bizarre the England didn't have decent keepers to challenge him. Gary Bailey's injuries ruined him. Woods played in a pub league so struggled against decent opposition. Seaman wasn't yet at his peak, and the only other noted English keepers around that time were Beasant, Pressman, Lukic, Spink and Sealey

  3. 1 minute ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Think you need two more categories: (1) Goes to most away games; (2) Goes to literally ever single game regardless.

    Pretty sure Mick Derby has gone to pretty much every single game, home and away, for decades. That's a level above your average season ticket holder and those that go to most away games.

    I could have but attending away games doesn't really make the club money and counts as the opponent's attendance. This was triggered by my thinking GSE had to invest more money by comparison to MM due to 6k difference in attendance. So away attendance, whilst mentally supporting the club, wasn't relevant to what I was asking.

  4. Just thinking back to the changes from GSE to Morris and how the change in management and style, and ultimately results, saw a sharp increase in attendances. I think we went from an average of 23k in 2012/13 to 29k two season later. A nice jump of 6k doesn't sound much, but it's over 25%.

    From Derby fans I actually know, there was a mixture of fans who stayed away cos of GSE, stayed away cos of Clough, stayed away cos of the football/results, and some that weren't really that committed and did other things instead.

    So leading into next season, and sorry B4, it appears we are going to be relegated, do we think the league we are in will see a further drop in attendance?

  5. Nerdle had me on the ropes today!!

    nerdlegame 85 6/6


    Was so close to using a G instead of a C ?

    Wordle 299 4/6


    Daily Quordle 80
    ? ?
    ?? ?
    ?? ??
    ????? ???

    ? ??

    ???? ??
    ????? ??

  6. Without posting anything defamatory, where do you stand on Stephen Pearce's future at Derby County.

    My own feeling is that he is an accomplice to the destruction of the good times at Derby, either by joint venture, or by being too weak to guide MM away from Danger.

    I personally think he should walk away.

  7. 2 hours ago, Poynton ram said:

    Am seeing Ride in Camden later this month. Saw them in Edinburgh when at uni over 30 years ago and they are still going strong. Vapour Trail has to be one of the best songs ever

    isn't one of them in Liam Gallagher's band nowadays? Having been in Oasis?

  8. 5 minutes ago, NimonicRam said:

    I don't think this is good news at all.  If our new chairman is loaded why don't we just pay 25p in the pound and be done with it.  35p in the pound over 3 years sounds like kicking the can down the road.  There is only one reason (as I see it you would do that).... you don't have the money.  People will come back and say this may allow CK to invest in the squad earlier on..... 

    will probably work out the same or cheaper but front loading means paying HMRC more and quicker!

  9. 4 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    I hope you mean it sorts out the balloons and not the kids......

    I shouldn't laugh, I've very strong feelings about knife crime, knowing at least 5 people killed by stabbings in last 25yrs.

    I shouldn't have even cracked the flick knife joke to be fair.

    A funny stabbing story though, there was an annoying lad in our art/tech design class at school in the 90s. He kept tapping my mate on the arm near the elbow joint as he was speaking, my mate getting annoyed, in plain sight, picked up one of those old fashioned compass things with the spiky point (for drawing circles), and right in front of everyone, threaded it into his elbow crease. Everyone was paying attention, except Colin, the annoying lad of once more slapped my mate on the elbow, only to stab his own palm. It was a thing of beauty, a bit like an Idiakez free-kick, it took about 2 seconds for Colin to scream. No blood was drawn and no lasting damage.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    I'm all over it!

    Not sure that layout could house the amount of people who would be there? But totally concur with the sentiment.

    Most grounds are pretty concrete-y, miserable,  draughty, drab places ....there must be a reason they mostly are, but it would be great it wasn't that way.

    I guess it's cos they started life as a sheltered walkway and toilet area. They then accommodated food, drink and bookies, but were never redesigned for them.

  11. I thought there was a Documentaries thread, but I cannot find it.

    Watched the Netflix Jimmy Savile documentary last night. It's inconceivable to me that he got away with what he did. The current term "Red Flag" fits in quite appropriately with his behaviour. Its an astounding documentary, albeit angering, frustrating and emotive.

    Well worth a watch. Amazing how many times he alludes to "my case is Next Thursday!".

    Look out for Absolute DJ Richie Firth making a cameo.

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