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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 9 hours ago, Rev said:


    Who wants to go in early, queue up for  amazingly disappointing beverage/food, served by someone who either doesn't care or hasn't had training? 

    Heres an idea, especially if we do end up with PP under council ownership.

    They also own the velodrome next door, which I presume is empty on Weekend matchdays? 

    Open it on matchdays as the fan park, whack a big screen in there showing the days early kick off, get @TomBustler1884 or someone else with experience involved in the food and drink offering, loads of independent food and drink offerings, the odd live band or DJ, before cutting to the RamsTV build up when appropriate. 

    Lay on free buses from the City centre for the first few weeks, to get everyone on board, then stick with with it. 

    We did something similar a few years back with the free buses, but without a reason to spend in the ground it soon fizzled out, give people a compelling reason to get there early and it may work.

    Rev, seriously, someone needs to put this proposal forward. I think the council should lease the venue out to someone adventurous. 

  2. I had a right wobble on Wordle today. Nailed Nerdle and surprised by a couple of un-PC words on Quordle ?

    nerdlegame 82 3/6


    Daily Quordle 77

    ? ?
    ? ??

    ? ?
    ? ???
    ? ?????

    Wordle 296 6/6


  3. nerdlegame 81 3/6


    Wordle 295 3/6


    Daily Quordle 76
    ? ???
    ? ?
    ? ?????

    ?? ?
    ?? ??
    ? ?????


  4. 3 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Been brilliant right from the get-go. Kano is annoyingly talented. Season 5 is confirmed and will be the final chapter. Should be a belter.


    2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Yeh Kano is really charismatic too. There's talk of Idris Elba being in the 5th series.

    I want to know what happened to some of the kids from Summerhouse seasons! 

  5. I always think in quordle, if I’ve not got many letters after my initial two words, there are doubles NN/LL/ZZ in the word. 

    nerdlegame 80 4/6


    Wordle 294 3/6


    Daily Quordle 75
    ? ?

    ??? ??
    ????? ??

    ? ??
    ?? ?
    ?? ?????

  6. it shouldn't matter if CK has wealth or not. We should be aiming to be a club that could be owned and stewarded by fans/community, which would require the club to be self-sustaining. For all MM's faults, his vision for the academy, and how it would fund the club going forward, if executed properly, could and would've worked.

    I said under GSE, and to Mel Morris' face at breakfast-gate, I don't want owners pumping millions into the club, I want sensible management and excellent coaching to be the driving force to success. Throwing money at it only papers over ever-growing cracks.

    If CK comes in, doesn't spend a dime, but doesn't put the club in further debt and maintains or improves our standing in footballing terms, that's fine by me.

  7. 1 hour ago, hintonsboots said:

    A question for the collective. A few posters have attempted to estimate CK’s wealth and we don’t know if he is backed by other investors. If he is at a reasonable wealth level, I think somebody said similar to Mel ( although that’s unknown) why not buy the stadium? 

    cos he's going to build a new stadium on Markeaton Park. Deal done with the council.

  8. Bizarrely i dislike Nerdle more than Quordle and Wordle but find it much easier

    nerdlegame 78 3/6


    Wordle 292 4/6


    Daily Quordle 73
    ?? ?
    ??? ?
    ??? ?

    ? ?
    ??? ??
    ??? ??
    ????? ?


  9. 26 minutes ago, Alty_Ram said:

    I think something like this'd be great rather than what you normally get in stadiums which is mass produced generic fast food from a big industrial estate near Carlisle. Help build on the closer bond there has been lately with community and club. They'd need a decent production capacity to meet match day demand and keep prices reasonably competitive of course, but still..

    Who knows, a council owned stadium in particular might fancy that idea.

    sadly unworkable for mass gatherings. You'd struggle to make the volume of fresh food required, to not leave customers going hungry or risk waste

  10. 2 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    I've been meaning to ask for quite a while now... but I'm easily distracted!  

    Serious question... If Q are the "joint administrators", as they keep being referred as, who are the others?  Who are they "jointed" with?

    What's that all about?  ?‍♂️

    Q aren't the joint administrators.

    The blokes doing the 'work' are the administrators, Quantuma is their group business, but I believe people are named administrators, not companies.

    Joint as there are more than one of them. 

  11. Panicked

    Daily Quordle 72
    ? ?
    ? ?????


    ? ?
    ????? ??

    Wordle 291 3/6


    nerdlegame 77 3/6


  12. 27 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    You brought my Grandchildren into a post...not clever

    Okay. Fair enough, I’ll explain and I’ll apologise as it’s offended you and that was not my intention. My point was/is; if you hear your children/grandchildren repeating offensive lyrics, or singing along, how do you react.? If you don’t immediately reprimand them for their disgusting behaviour, you’re a hypocrite. 

  13. Just now, Unlucky Alf said:

    There's no faux outrage from myself so no need for me to get a grip, You can post you're angst no big deal, No need to bring my Grandchildren into this.

    I could get pretty curt with you, But then again I'd be warned of my bad behaviour, So I'll say this be careful what you post about my family.

    You clearly miss the point, you have no grasp of context and you are a hypocrite. 

    my comments are aimed at your hypocrisy and not your family. Try reading it again. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    So this is the best that he can or his spokesperson can do...there's no apology in the story.

    "In a statement provided to BBC Radio Derby, a spokesperson for Kirchner is quoted as saying: "The tweets took place nearly 10 years ago... He was quoting song lyrics and movie quotes. It is not his personal opinion. He recognises that the tweets are not suitable content. Which is why they have been deleted."

    Jesus wept. 

    why have you put him in a firing line? Why should he apologise for your faux outrage? Get a grip. 

    go and make sure your caucasian grandkids aren’t singing along to gangster rap or grime music as there’s a load of N this and B that. 

    you’ll have to get the birch strap out! 

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