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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 2 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    Im hearing 5 at the back, no Gralish, Foden or Mount. ?

    Why do we have to set up to match up other teams? This is what frustrates me. Why don't they change for us? There's no reason why we can't beat Germany playing 4 at the back. Get more creative players on the pitch. Instead we're playing 7 at the back. 5 defenders, 2 holding midfielders. It's a complete joke. We're actually overestimating Germany and underestimating ourselves.

  2. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Well perhaps. But when the going gets tough ie knock out rounds then we see how fine that is.

    I agree, Germany will be the real test to see exactly where this England team is at

  3. 2 hours ago, DCFClks said:

    Yes but if we're saying Southgate is doing a "great job" then that would mean beating Croatia. It was the first big test of the tournament and we lost. 

    Isn't the whole point of international football performing when it matters on the big occasion? I agree with getting a feel for how well we're doing, but we've had the second fewest shots of any team at the EUROs and couldn't even score against Scotland, how is that a good feeling.

    My biggest worry is there were a lot of people arounds saying Eriksson was "doing fine" and then we failed tournament after tournament with all those amazing players.  

    Let's see how we get on against Germany. That will be a big test. We've proven we can beat top sides in the nations League, but can we do it in a tournament? I really hope so

  4. 40 minutes ago, DCFClks said:

    So you agree we did well at the World Cup because of the draw, not Southgate's tactics? We also failed to beat Belgium twice. Croatia and drew against Colombia, despite having a better squad than both Croatia and Colombia. 

    If everything was played on paper, what would be the point in watching? That Croatia side was very good, had many experienced top level players. I think it's extremely unfair to say 'we should have beaten them.'

    You can't assess how well a manager is doing based on tournament football in my opinion. It's knockout, one game, anything can happen.

    You have to judge it over a long period of time. In the end you get a feel for how well we're doing and whether it should be better. At the moment, Gareth is doing fine. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Being too cautious is a reason we can’t win it. Give Germany due respect yeah, but give them plenty to think about an’ all. I believe England could beat Germany with a positive but disciplined approach to the game but any shilly shallying will give them the impetus.

    Yes you don't want sides like Germany to get a foothold and start dictating things as they'll get you in the end. We need to go at them from the off and let them worry about us. I don't want us to get knocked out and then have that feeling of 'what if?' 

  6. 5 hours ago, David said:

    I just wish he would let the shackles off, go for it more, we topped the group could have made it more dominating, really putting us out there as a team to fear.

    I don’t see the German’s fearing us one bit from what we’ve seen, funny thing is this is a game where 2 DM’s does make more sense.

    I agree but I see why we should fear the Germans either? Tough game of course but no reason why we can't win it. 

  7. Wasn't the 100k fine for amortisation a result of the EFL's appeal, against the original case where we were cleared of all charges? If so, how can they again appeal the punishment? Or am I missing something?

  8. 9 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    If anyone followed how the efl put macclesfield out of business the pattern is very similar. It's just an onslaught of appeals and punishments. They even relegated them on ppg in a very dodgy way (applying the points deduction before growthing up the points...).

    They appeal everything from the DC to the LAP every time which invariably goes their way. Not fit for purpose. 

    They want blood and us out of business, and frankly we're on the ropes right now. It makes it sound like every club and fan wants us gone. 

    If we are relegated to league 1 and then get a ffp penalty I honestly think as a business and a club we are gone. Admin then liquidation. 

    Make no mistake this must go our way and every avenue must be looked at because the very existence of the club is at stake here. Mel can't bankroll us forever.

    Exactly right. It's disgusting really what happened to Macclesfield:  https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/53744939

    Unfortunately the EFL seem to get what they want in the end. The evidence is there. They are not fit for purpose, claim to protect clubs but really they destroy them. And this is not just about Derby, once they're finished with us it'll be someone else. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I don't think their potential appeal is against our to be re-submitted accounts I think its against the £100k fine. In other words they could appeal today if they wanted.

    Derby should take the fine and move on. But the EFL definitely want us relegated. And unfortunately it's been shown that when they want something, they find someway to get it. Bunch of corrupt bar stewards 

  10. 1 minute ago, JfR said:


    Love this from the club. I've read many club statements over the last few years but this has got to be up there with the best. It just exposes the EFL for what it is, an incompetent organisation who really don't have a leg to stand on. 

  11. 18 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

    Is there a precedent here for a retrospective relegation?  All I can recall is teams getting points deductions either in the season they're actually playing, or deferred to the start of the next season.  I don't recall ever getting to the point where a team is ready to kick-off the next season and then get retrospectively relegated. 

    I've said this before in that we've clearly played the game to try and get to the PL, as many team who don't get parachute payments do.  Constrained financially by restrictive rules.  But this whole episode smacks of a witch hunt by the EFL.   We've suffered so much already, with barely a team to start the season with.  And now this.  Will they ever let it go?  Absolutely doing my head in. 

    There isn't a precedent because it's bloody ridiculous. We're only a few weeks away from kicking off, players will be returning soon. It's farcical that we could be relegated in pre season. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    What a mess to get in. The club has only its self to blame.

    But does it though? The accounts were signed off. There was no problem. If there was, I am sure there are many of things the club wouldn't have done. You cannot say it's fine and then a year later say actually no it's not. As much as I question the way the club has been run, this is EFL incompetence.

  13. 4 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    One point that everyone appears to be overlooking is....

    This is unfair on Wycombe. How can they prepare for the new season not knowing which League they will be in? Do they go out and find new players so that they're competitive? And, if so, at what standard? Do they need to sell to make ends meet?

    It's bad for both Wycombe and Derby. The EFL are a disgusting organisation who have shown time and time again that they do not protect clubs.

    Haven't we had enough punishment as it is, our name has been dragged through the mud. This case has been going on for years. It's appalling. And now they want more sanctions because we supposedly gained an unfair advantage with our accounting methods even though we haven't.

    2 full seasons now of absolute chaos and it's still going on. What an absolute shambles. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, JfR said:

    As things stand, no. Personally, I think this is just grandstanding on the EFL's part because they don't want to look like we've "got away with it" with just a points deduction. The EFL have clearly asked for us to be relegated last season, but I'd be shocked if the appeals panel overturned a decision so drastically from a fine to relegation.

    They can't do this. 6 weeks until the first ball is kicked. Not enough time to start overturning decisions surely

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