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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. I have my doubts that he is suddenly going to turn his career around now. 

    This is his very last chance. He'll be playing in a very good league. Much better than Mexico or Holland or wherever he's been. This is a great opportunity for him. If Rooney can't get him playing, I don't think anyone will. This is it. 

    From what I've seen he looks a good player. I don't know how to describe it, but he's got that thing that many footballers don't. That flair on the ball, that intelligence. From only 2 games I can see it in him.

    If he can just sort himself out and we can get him on the pitch, we'll have a top player in this league no doubt about it.

    I'm willing to give him a chance. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:


    'none of my players are leaving this football club' Rooney said

    They won't be able to afford him anyway surely. It would be a huge mistake from Derby if they were to let him go. Can't see it happening myself. 

  3. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Some people laughed at this. But last season he played what,  less than a third of the season,  and was arguably the reason we stayed up.

    Yeah, it's no coincidence that we picked up all those points while he was in the side and then started losing again when he was injured. You could see the impact he had just by the way the team played. We looked a decent outfit for a time. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    Hello all,  

    for the Salford game I’ve been charged twice by ramstv. Is there anyway to get the money back. Been looking for the contact bit but can’t find any.

    Email website@dcfc.co.uk 

    You'll probably have to include your name, date of birth, postcode and FanID as well.

  5. 3 minutes ago, ramit said:

    If the party you voted for and defended runs your country into the ground, you are partly responsible.  If you trust someone who lets you down, you are responsible for that decision.  To say hindsight is a wonderful thing is just another way of saying i refuse to learn from mistakes.  Unforeseen incidents occur, especially when you cannot afford them. 

    Football fans are the untouchable bunch according to many here, but i think they protest too much.  To reiterate, folks get the leaders they deserve.

    That applies to Mel too

  6. 1 minute ago, JfR said:

    Jordan Brown would probably be the first option for an academy CB, seeing as he's had a couple of appearances in the league and cup so is "of professional standing" anyway, but I don't think he's played any of the preseason games, so he might be injured. If he was fit, I'm pretty sure it would be him and Fozzy at CB if we can't get anyone else in.

    Unbelievable that we're even contemplating this. What have you done to our football club Mel.

  7. 2 hours ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Guess it all depends if he is 1 of the ones Rooney has spoken to and is happy to wait to join us once we can make permanent signings

    Well I'm sure he'd rather play in the championship than in League one. It's just a question of whether we are actually allowed to get it done. If we can, then we'll get him. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    I think a team so lacking in creativity and goals can’t afford not to play one of it’s most creative young players. I was hoping under Wazza’s new style and game plan we would be more offensive and play just the one holding midfielder….certainly hope that will happen when Bielik is back playing ?

    I think he will. Shinnie isn't a holding midfielder, he is a box to box player. When he has played in that role, we have seen the best of him. He likes to win the ball and then drive forward. He doesn't have the passing range or physical dominance to be that holding midfielder, it just doesn't suit him.

  9. 57 minutes ago, Jayram said:

    How old are you - you sound like a petulant 13 year old. The ultimate blame lies with a man who took over ownership of a debt free football club full of talented players and coaching staff and proceeded to hire and fire managers at will, splash out ludicrous amounts of cash on bang average players based on advice from a recruitment team that included his stepson and go for ‘Hollywood’ managerial appointments instead of someone who had solid experience of managing at this level. 
    As for Mel running out of money believe me he’ll be ok - the £300 million plus still in his bank account should help keep the wolves from the door. On the other hand our football club is up to its eyeballs in debt because of him.

    I along with thousands of others have been putting my hand in my pocket for the best part of 40 years supporting this football club while trying to bring up a family and pay a mortgage. If I had Mel’s money I’d have spent it a damn sight more sensibly than he has so I’m not taking a lecture from the likes of you about it.

    The state Mel Morris has left this football club in is a disgrace. Not one single Derby County fan owes him anything other our contempt for the way he has wrecked our club. 


    Brilliant post. Couldn't agree more

  10. 2 minutes ago, sage said:

    If the title was change to 'maybe we should take some share of the blame' and the read again, it's not as 'out there' as some are suggesting. 

    However....ultimate has to be Mel   

    Yes there is an argument in that we should be careful what we wish for. But is is what football fans do. They demand flashy signings, they want the glory. This is just what happens. It happens at every single club. Mel took on the club and was in a position of responsibility. He made the decisions he made. If it works out, he gets the praise. If it doesn't, he takes the blame. The way he has run the club has put us where we are now. We are in financial ruin, have no centre backs, up to our ears in EFL charges and embargos and heading for League one. The club is just a complete mess.

  11. 1 minute ago, jcidaho said:

    I doubt Morris was hands on with signings like BJ, Butterfield and Anya. At some point you have to delegate and trust the people serving you. 

    This is a valid point. Recruitment hasn't been good enough. But the man at the top always takes responsibility. Why were they employed to do the job in the first place? Why has nothing changed? Where is the leadership? 

  12. 1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:


    Firstly, there is always hope so, never protest DURING the game and secondly, a protest so serious that the game has to be called off would inevitably lead to another fine for the club and possibly next game behind closed doors.

    Protest in a way that gets noticed but doesn't get the game called off

  13. At the end of the day, we're just not very good. 

    I don't know how many times we have to debate it but we just don't have good enough players. It's as simple as that.

    Blame Rooney all you want but he's got nothing to work with. We're a mish mash of players who are past it, kids and free agents nobody else wants. The man to blame is Mel Morris. Until he is out of this club, nothing will change. 

    Rooney has tried to change the playing style but they're incapable of doing it. He plays defensive football and people still complain. He can't win.

    The only hope this season is that our better players step up to a level that can carry the rest of the shambles. Our other hope is that Rooney can bring some good loan players in. But that's also impossible due to the embargo.

    The owner of the club is to blame, he is the reason why we are here. 

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