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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 27 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

    Klopp has changed, used to like him as he didn't blame anyone and his interviews were refreshing. Now he blames VAR week after week, the world is against him and his team, didn't take long for him to become a "victim".

    I see what you're saying but he's always been a sore loser. The reason why his interviews were refreshing is because they've won almost every game for the last 2 years

  2. 20 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    Wayne himself. The Rowett season aside, we've generally tried to place "nice" football which is pleasing to the eye for pretty much the last 8 years(whether that's actually happened or not is another matter).

    It's good to see us take an aggressive, energetic approach with players like CKR more than happy to bully the poo out of anybody he comes up against. We've been on the wrong side of teams like that for too long, so it's good to see that's the way Rooney seemingly wants us to play instead.

    Rooney is the middle ground. We can play but we can also dig in. I have to say I'm enjoying it, the team are aggressive and horrible to play against. The mentality is spot on

  3. 15 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

    bit harsh...? have you seen that he has thrown over 200 million at it and are below Villa and West Ham.! 

    still needed longer. lost a few games and all of a sudden he's gone. ruthless 

  4. I think it's harsh, it's his first bad run. They never give managers time these days especially at that club. Disgusting really. That being said, he did probably go there too soon. Maybe he lost the dressing room. What next for Frank?

  5. 3 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    Remember when they lost to villa and Koop was all smiles like ‘sometimes weird things like this happen in football, nothing really to worry about.’

    They've not looked the same side for a year now. I could see this coming

  6. 40 minutes ago, DC-1975 said:

    If we appoint McClaren, I think those calling for Rooney to be dropped will be disappointed. I’d guess that Rooney will be his ‘controller’, as he likes to call it. Eric Steele talks highly of Rooney and I’d suspect McClaren feels the same.

    I would also guess that the people calling for JHI or Stretton will also be disappointed as he’ll play Waghorn until January and probably buy/loan an experienced No.9 (Glenn Murray maybe as he’s hardly getting a game at Watford)

    He’ll play Lawrence when fit also.

    I don't care who plays anymore as long as we start winning. Mac has to step in and takeover from this shambles of a management committee 

  7. 37 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    And yet, these Bamfords won't take any responsibility for this. They've driven demand for VAR, the laws have been changed to suit VAR and none of them will say, 'You know what, I was wrong. It was better when the referee was allowed to use his judgement, even if I didn't agree with it.'

    Current and ex-players have lobbied for this by using their position to continue to grind an axe about referees. They ought to be ashamed of themselves but, conversely, it just gives them even more attention. Bamfords 

    That's true but the problem in the first place was that referees were making blatant inexcusable errors which also ruined games. I remember Cardiff lost to Chelsea as a result of 2 clear offside goals scored by Chelsea. This is why everyone wanted VAR so we would always get the correct decision. But it's almost as if we've gone to the complete extreme. Now linesman aren't even allowed to put their flag up. They have to wait for VAR to draw out lines over the video footage to see who's left toe is in front of the defender. It's a total joke. There is absolutely no common sense in any of these rules, or in the use of VAR.

  8. Just now, AndyinLiverpool said:

    I felt a bit sorry for the ref. He has no choice there. Unlike previously, when all he had to do was to decide if it's deliberate or not. No reasonable person looking at that can say for certain that it was deliberate handball.

    Where's the common sense? We're trying to make football sterilised and perfect. It's not a perfect game, never has been, never will be. And that's why we like it. But it's these farcical rules that urgently need to be changed. It's spoiling games. If that's handball, then there's no point of the players turning up. They should go on strike.

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