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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 45 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    There's a discussion somewhere on Youtube where Ferdinand, Lampard and Gerard discuss how they didn't want to do certain things for England in case it gave away club secrets. So they were half arsed because each of the other players might work out how to play against them. And these bankers were lauded as world class.

    Disgraceful isn't it. But that so called 'golden generation' never gelled on or off the pitch. They never used to speak to players from other clubs, there would be a man United table, a Chelsea table etc. This England team are all good friends off the pitch, the spirit is there, it's just we don't play effectively as a unit. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Is Rice a good player? I barely know anything about him. What does he do? 

    I've only seen him for England and he's done nothing. As far as I can tell he's less stupid than Eric Dier but he looks like he's just happy to get a nice pass % and not mess anything up. 

    Surely England can let Phillips do all that work and stick a slightly more responsible player in there? 

    Just seems a waste of a shirt. Boring player?


    Rice has been great for West ham this season. All the England players are better for their clubs. That's the difference. When they join up with the national team, they don't do what they do for their clubs. We play safe, backwards and sideways football.

  3. 2 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    We may get out of the group but we are boring to watch. I think our players are over-hyped.

    They're not overhyped, they do it week in week out in the premier League for some of the best teams in the world. We're just not playing well enough as a unit. We're not brave enough, we pass it around predictably. We need someone to just run at Scotland and get their defenders turning. The gaps will soon open up.

  4. 1 hour ago, Terry Hennessy said:

    Yeah, I'm really disappointed as he's a gifted player on his day. That said Frank Lampard bought him and hardly played him, Philip Cocu never played him, Wayne Rooney sent him on loan inferring he was lazy and finally he spent 13 games on loan at the Wendies, didn't score - and went AWOL during his spell there. Something just isn't right with the guy....but undoubtably he'll score against us though....

    What I want to know is what happened to that Marriott who looked so good in October and November of Lampards season. We were flying at the time but then we dropped off a bit and Marriott couldn't get a regular game. Scored that goal at Norwich, scored against Southampton and then scored in the playoffs. But why was he never in the side in that second part of the season? 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Italy very strong. But in this tournament the home advantage seems extremely pronounced. 

    The point was made that while Italy have been in Rome, Switzerland had to travel out to Baku and back. 

    That's a far bigger difference in travel than is normal in tournaments. 

    The Swiss now have to go back to Baku. Seems very unfair. 

    There is definitely more travel involved for some teams as usually the tournament is just hosted in one country. 

    But there's always a team with home advantage. It's the team that is hosting the tournament. This time there are multiple host nations. 

    It's not the be all and end all. Russia were playing at home and lost 3-0. Same for Hungary. 

    Italy are a top team and so it's not out of the ordinary that they've won 3-0. I wouldn't say it's unfair.

  6. 6 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

    We will be fine, have to say the only team that has impressed me so far (apart from England) is Italy. 

    I'd be confident if we come up against Germany at some point. I think we are better than them, Germany have been on the decline for a few years. I also think we'd give Portugal a good game.

  7. 26 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    That's cases, if there's limited hospitalisation and deaths so what?

    Exactly. And now the restrictions have been extended for another 4 weeks? Why? Look at how many people we have vaccinated. The old and vulnerable have had both jabs. What is the problem now? It's got to the point where the effects of lockdown and these restrictions are greater than covid. 

  8. 1 minute ago, oomarkwright said:

    Not really. He let the scorer out on 2 v 1. Stood back. 

    Also just gave a sloppy pass away and had a shot just over. 

    I get we are focusing on Jozwiak, but he's a forward player. The goalkeeper and the defender were responsible for that goal.

    He's been alright so far. It seems like we expect him to be perfect. Gets a lot of unfair criticism. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    How have the press seemingly got hold of the team before it's been officially announced? A leaky camp hardly seems a recipe for a strong team spirit.

    Also, Grealish is a good player but he is far far from 'must start' level.


    They got it wrong with the squad announcement. They've probably got it wrong again

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