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Posts posted by rynny

  1. 1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

    My campaign to have the word “so” eradicated from the English language clearly isn’t working. Just watching an athlete being interviewed on BBC and every question was met with an answer beginning with “so”.

    Q When did you first feel the symptoms? A  So, it was a year ago. 

    Q and has your family been a big help?  A  So, they have been full of support 

    Q and will you continue to compete?      A So, there’s the World Championships next week


    Aaaagh!   and so the hell of “so” as a meaningless word to start a sentence, usually a reply, goes on, and on…..?


    So you aren't a fan?

  2. 9 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Forest fans are going to be ripped off big time this season

    I spoke to a couple of forest fans on Saturday night who had just got into Derby from Newcastle, left home at 6am (it was 11pm), spent around £300 each, they couldn't remember a single thing about the game, the ground, Newcastle itself. I just don't get the point of doing that ??‍♂️

  3. 47 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Just a little legality-based tip for anyone who travels to the continent in their own car... as do we...

    As we all know, those fancy new UK/Union Flag stickers to replace/cover the old GB/Euro section on the left of your Reg plates are fine and dandy.

    eg here:





    Got mine earlier this year (Just the UK stickers, not new full plates), and had them on when we went to Normandy/Brittany in June.  All perfectly legal.  All held well, and remain in place.

    Obviously was expecting the same approach for next month, when we return, this time to the South West of France, so leave all as is...


    However, as we're gonna be close by (c. an hour drive) we also plan for a day trip over the border into Spain, and I've literally just found out my UK plates alone will not suffice in Spain, Cyprus, or Malta.

    Regardless of what your reg plate shows, one of those ugly in-yer-face Oval UK Stickers are required for those countries!.  

    eg here:



    Now, I've never liked the look of them, so never had them before.
    I have also always hated (with a vengeance) car window stickers... HATE, I say!  GRRRRR! ? (See what I mean!)

    My first choice would therefore be a magnetic one... lob it on the tailgate for the day in Spain, whip it off again when done (not required in France, as my reg plate suffices).  Simple enough, surely...

    But wait...
    It also needs to be clearly visible from a vehicle behind (obvs!)... and we'd normally have our bikes hanging on the tow bar, covering the complete bottom half of the tailgate (See below pic), leaving just (parts of) the rear window visible... and magnets don't tend to work on glass!

    For reference, this is our set up (And on the rare occasion we go anywhere in the car, we usually leave bikes and box on, as we'll often just abandon the car and go for a pootle on the bikes... as we were planning, for the day in Spain!):



    So, do I go for an ugly... and nigh on permanent... window sticker, top left, or leave the bikes at the campsite for the day, and use the preferred magnetic oval, lower on the tailgate (unhindered by bike carrier)?

    Does anyone know anything about "Cling Stickers"?  (Never heard of them until just now... I'll do some research later!)  Are they for inside windows?  Are they better and/or less permanent and/or less messy (once removed) than adhesive window stickers?  


    So sorry, I've ended up waffling... but at least the main tip for UK drivers abroad still stands, so my job here is done!  Bon Voyage, etc... 




    Just realised... DOH!... I suspect an internal window sticker won't be particularly visible through tinted glass anyway, so possibly still not legal!  #twatme
    Think it may have to be a magnet, and do without the bikes for the day!  ?



    Could you stick it to your box?

    Carry On Mood GIF

  4. Just now, Magicman said:

    exactly ... nothing to do with DCFC.?

    Again, in the ex-Ram section of the forum. He is an ex-Ram. There are plenty of threads on the forum that has nothing to do with Derby. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Magicman said:

    Whats the relevance of this thread ? He played well for us but chose to go to play at a higher level  ... end of. 

    What's the relevance of your post if you don't wish to read, or post, about him, simply avoid the thread. Others do want to and this is the place to do it, it is the ex-Ram section of the forum talking about an ex-Ram ??‍♂️

  6. 8 hours ago, rammieib said:

    If you’re going to get a ST now I hate to say this but wait until Saturday morning. I’m sure there will be 1-2k seats come free in very good locations.

    Haven't they put back the date that ST seats will be held for, due to the DD option not yet being available? 

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