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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. 52 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    Yeah I would also like to “thank Mel” but genuinely not sarcastically….. for funding the clubs deficit in income for the last 7 years to the tune of about 200 million when no one else has stepped forward with the cash. So genuinely thanks Mr Morris. 


    Sooooo easy to slag off the Derby supporter who has poured tens of millions and his heart into the club.

    Having said that, if some Derby supporters were capable of hating Sam Longson and then Lionel Pickering, then this is a walk in the park.


  2. 1 hour ago, maxjam said:




    Of course they are outlying cases - but they are also not the only ones.  According to the second (BBC) article;

    'The clots are considered extremely rare - there have been 417 reported cases and 72 deaths - after 24.8 million first doses and 23.9 million second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK.'

    We are now vaccinating 16-17 year olds and now considering 12-15 year olds.  Age groups in which you are highly unlikely to die from covid or suffer from long covid for more than a couple of months.  In the short term, can we be 100% sure the vaccine won't kill any children?  Or as many children as covid would?  And thats not to mention any potential long term issues that may arise.

    I'm aware people will die as with every other vaccine and almost, if not all, every other medication.

    Statistically it's meaningless.

    As for vaccinating kids, I'm really not sure. I'll let the scientists decide as to whether it's a good idea and then to inform parents.

  3. 3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    O.M.G. (part 1)

    Look at that left wing BBC stirring up the anti-vaxxers again!!!


    O.M.G. (part 2)

    I cannot believe that some people out of hundreds of millions of doses have actually died.

    Next they'll be saying somebody once died after taking aspirin, or (guffaw, guffaw) eating a peanut.

    The worlds gone mad.

    Mad I yell ya!

  4. 13 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I just think its bad trying to force it on people, especially the younger generation.

    Is anybody trying to do that?

    Telling people you cannot come into my pub, club or venue unless you're vaccinated is not forcing you to get vaccinated any more than saying you cannot drive that car without wearing is seat belt is forcing you to walk around in a seat belt.

    Or, telling you you cannot be a nurse without having a hepatitis jab is saying you cannot work without one.

  5. 13 hours ago, maxjam said:

    If the covid vaccines were traditional vaccines I don't think I would hesitant in vaccinating my children.

    The MRNA vaccines however are new technology.  Given the risks from covid under 18s face, there is very little benefit from jabbing them now - waiting 5-10 years imho would be prudent.

    Go and do some actual research, from actual science sites and you will see they have been working on this for longer than. the 5-10 years you think is prudent.

    This actual vaccine and the method of delivery is new, the technology, or rather knowledge around RNA, isn't.

  6. 18 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    99.9% where are you getting this figure from?

    Some people have decided that they dont need the vaccine to keep them safe and do not want to risk injecting themselves with something for which the long term data is a complete unknown. 

    It doesn't matter whether the experts believe it is safe long term or not, they do not know.

    I've posted this before, but ya know, maybe, just maybe, it's worth posting again.

    There is no case in history of a vaccine causing long-term problems that weren't caught in the first 6-weeks after it was launched.

    You are technically tight that they don't know.

    But I don't know this post will make zero difference to you, but I'm fairly sure it won't. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I'll base my opinion on what my eyes saw and not what is said, I gather you're sat in the West Stand a good 100 yards from the incident at a guess, The replay shows it as a stamp... there's no over balance or trying to extracate himself from the player...my opinion only.

    Yes the ball should have been cleared before a shot was taken, But a shot was taken, Roos gets a hand on it but parries into the goal, Once he did the hard part by getting a hand on it then it should have been saved...my opinion only.

    "Slo-mo" is there for the viewer, It doesn't make a goal or a stamp worse or better, It shows what if any could or should have been given.

    Totally agree, it was a stamp imho too. 

    Not sure how you can come to any other conclusion. 

    Similarly, it was a flagrant handball by Worrall.

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