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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. 49 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    At my Grandfather's house the privvy was at the bottom of the garden. To avoid a wasted journey he would stand in the doorway of the kitchen and holler, "Is there anybody on?". There was no flush mechanism on the toilet so you had to take a bucket of water with you. There was a little picture of a ruin on the back of the bowl with the words 'The Parthenon'  inscribed underneath.

    With my prostate I'd probably die of hyperthermia before I got through one winter if that's all I had. 

    Well 'ard that generation. 

  2. 52 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved Jacob's Ladder. A group of us who'd watched it adjourned to the pub after and sat there in silence we were so shell-shocked. Angel Heart great too.

    Mrs Sagan always goes on about how she'd love to see Alien at the cinema after a memory wipe, so not knowing what happens. 

    I'll turn it around and say some films improve on multiple showings when you're aware of the overall story but looking for the pointers that you might have missed first time around. I think Inception and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind make more sense on second-plus viewing.

    Agreed on that.

    I wasn't arsed about The Shining when I first saw it and now I think it's a masterpiece. 

    I also like films where you need to see every part of it to get it.

    I had a friend who thought The Blair Witch Project was crap, but then I found out he'd got in just after the start.

    Well it would be crap then because the call back at the end would be meaningless without seeing the beginning.

  3. How often over the last couple of years have we been drooling over the prospects of players like Knight, Sibley, Bird and Byrne?

    I know I really rate(d) them all.

    Has all the upheaval stifled that talent?

    Or have the players just not flourished because they weren't as good as we thought and/or poor management?

    I'd not have taken £10m for Sibley (presuming we didn't need the money) after that Millwall game, but now I bet he could go for £2m or less.

    And now we have Festy and others looking promising.

    I'm nervous about their development now and genuinely confused by all this.

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