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Mick Brolly

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Posts posted by Mick Brolly

  1. 1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

    Couldn’t agree more and something I can’t get my head round. I was in London Wednesday and mask wearing was >95% in fact on the tube I didn’t see anyone (bar the odd child) who wasn’t wearing one, every shop I go in it’s >95%. However even with this high adherence the cases are going through the roof? I’d love the forum scientists to explain it. 

    Just imagine the figures if no one wore them

  2. On 20/12/2021 at 10:29, Anon said:

    I'm bored of Klopp now. I didn't realise "heavy metal football" involved squealing like a stuck pig every time you don't get your own way. I don't know if he's always been like this or whether it's the perpetual victim mentality rubbing off on him.

    It's not just klopp his assistant is moaning that the poor souls have to play twice in 4 days and the massive bore Henderson says nobody cares about their welfare etc etc football and footballers will soon disappear up their own arses. 

  3. Had my booster yesterday aching a bit ,kids school has closed for the year due to lack of teachers, at work tomorrow with people from all over the country some of which have had no jabs and some that possibly have covid but keep quiet because they work through the agency and don't want to lose money at this time of year,I'm trying my best to stop this thing from spreading but if everyone's not joining the party I can't see a end any time soon ?

  4. 6 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    Well, what can we say?

    • The vaccine certainly seems to prevent serious illness from the Alpha-Delta variants. Worth getting for that alone.
    • The vaccine seems to be of limited benefit against Omicron, but we can be optimistic that it's a milder form that perhaps isn't causing as many serious illnesses as the previous versions. Maybe we won't need to vaccinate against it but it's early days to be 100% sure.
    • 25k-75k deaths from Omicron wouldn't be far from the vicinity of annual deaths from flu, and it's thankfully a long way from the 150k+ we've got from the first waves.
    • The Government are happy to preach one rule but do their own thing, showing their failure to actually lead by example.
    • Vaccine passports aren't a good thing. 
    • Lockdowns aren't fun, nobody wants them. But most people don't want a virus spreading unrestricted through the population.
    • There's been a failure to convince certain sections of the population that the vaccine is safe.
    • Medical professionals preferring to lose their jobs than take the vaccine is tragic but utterly avoidable (I mean, it's been rolled out to millions, how much more testing do you need?). It's not like the profession doesn't already mandate some vaccination already. How many doctors are refusing to get vaccinated?
    • Most people probably are prepared to do whatever they can - masks, vaccines and social distancing are a small price in the grand scheme - to maintain open shops and a semblance of normal life.
    • The vocal posters in this thread probably are a minority. Most people are quietly just dealing with it and not arguing, aren't happy but are putting up with the disruption and pain.


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